== 1.0.8 2010-12-21 * 1 enhancements: * changed require 'activerecord' to 'active_record'. == 1.0.7 2010-09-09 * 2 enhancements: * Modified to death master file load to stream the data from the website to be more jruby friendly. * Made a small change to the ssn high group loader to handle ssa.gov url naming inconsistencies. == 1.0.6 2010-09-03 * correct gemspec == 1.0.5 2010-09-03 * 1 minor enhancement: * Changed the method to load the rake tasks from import to load to be jruby friendly. * 1 bug fix: * Fixed an infinite loop that can happen if the current month's file is not yet posted on the ssa.gov web site on the update_data rake task == 1.0.4 2010-02-05 * 1 bug fixes: * The ssa website changed it's process for the most recent month. Modified the rake task to determine the most recent month loaded and bring it up to date. == 1.0.3 2009-04-24 * 2 minor enhancement: * Added method #death_master_file_record to SsnValidator::Ssn to return the actual dmf record if the SSN exists * Changed the method #death_master_file_hit? to simply return true or false. == 1.0.2 2009-04-24 * 1 minor enhancement: * Using jeweler gem to create gemspec and rdoc files == 1.0.1 2009-04-23 * 2 bug fixes: * Fixed dmf mysql load error when single quote is in a data file record. * Fixed ssn_validator:update_data rake task that broke on the last build. == 1.0.0 2009-04-22 * 1 major enhancement: * Added the death master file to determine if the ssn belongs to the deceased. * 1 bug fix: * Fixed bug where an error was thrown if the ssn area has not been assigned yet. == 0.1.2 2009-04-15 * 2 minor enhancements: * Added rdoc files * Updated documentation == 0.1.0 2009-04-14 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release