// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Graphics utility functions and factory methods. * @author arv@google.com (Erik Arvidsson) */ goog.provide('goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics'); goog.require('goog.dom'); goog.require('goog.graphics.Path'); goog.require('goog.math.Coordinate'); goog.require('goog.math.Size'); goog.require('goog.style'); goog.require('goog.ui.Component'); /** * Base class for the different graphics. You should never construct objects * of this class. Instead us goog.graphics.createGraphics * @param {number|string} width The width in pixels or percent. * @param {number|string} height The height in pixels or percent. * @param {?number=} opt_coordWidth Optional coordinate system width - if * omitted or null, defaults to same as width. * @param {?number=} opt_coordHeight Optional coordinate system height - if * omitted or null, defaults to same as height. * @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper The DOM helper object for the * document we want to render in. * @constructor * @extends {goog.ui.Component} */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics = function(width, height, opt_coordWidth, opt_coordHeight, opt_domHelper) { goog.ui.Component.call(this, opt_domHelper); /** * Width of graphics in pixels or percentage points. * @type {number|string} * @protected */ this.width = width; /** * Height of graphics in pixels or precentage points. * @type {number|string} * @protected */ this.height = height; /** * Width of coordinate system in units. * @type {?number} * @protected */ this.coordWidth = opt_coordWidth || null; /** * Height of coordinate system in units. * @type {?number} * @protected */ this.coordHeight = opt_coordHeight || null; }; goog.inherits(goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics, goog.ui.Component); /** * The root level group element. * @type {goog.graphics.GroupElement?} * @protected */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.canvasElement = null; /** * Left coordinate of the view box * @type {number} * @protected */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.coordLeft = 0; /** * Top coordinate of the view box * @type {number} * @protected */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.coordTop = 0; /** * @return {goog.graphics.GroupElement} The root level canvas element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getCanvasElement = function() { return this.canvasElement; }; /** * Changes the coordinate size. * @param {number} coordWidth The coordinate width. * @param {number} coordHeight The coordinate height. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setCoordSize = function(coordWidth, coordHeight) { this.coordWidth = coordWidth; this.coordHeight = coordHeight; }; /** * @return {goog.math.Size} The coordinate size. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getCoordSize = function() { if (this.coordWidth) { return new goog.math.Size(this.coordWidth, /** @type {number} */ (this.coordHeight)); } else { return this.getPixelSize(); } }; /** * Changes the coordinate system position. * @param {number} left The coordinate system left bound. * @param {number} top The coordinate system top bound. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setCoordOrigin = goog.abstractMethod; /** * @return {goog.math.Coordinate} The coordinate system position. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getCoordOrigin = function() { return new goog.math.Coordinate(this.coordLeft, this.coordTop); }; /** * Change the size of the canvas. * @param {number} pixelWidth The width in pixels. * @param {number} pixelHeight The height in pixels. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setSize = goog.abstractMethod; /** * @return {goog.math.Size} The size of canvas. * @deprecated Use getPixelSize. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.getPixelSize(); }; /** * @return {goog.math.Size?} Returns the number of pixels spanned by the * surface, or null if the size could not be computed due to the size being * specified in percentage points and the component not being in the * document. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getPixelSize = function() { if (this.isInDocument()) { return goog.style.getSize(this.getElement()); } if (goog.isNumber(this.width) && goog.isNumber(this.height)) { return new goog.math.Size(this.width, this.height); } return null; }; /** * @return {number} Returns the number of pixels per unit in the x direction. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getPixelScaleX = function() { var pixelSize = this.getPixelSize(); return pixelSize ? pixelSize.width / this.getCoordSize().width : 0; }; /** * @return {number} Returns the number of pixels per unit in the y direction. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getPixelScaleY = function() { var pixelSize = this.getPixelSize(); return pixelSize ? pixelSize.height / this.getCoordSize().height : 0; }; /** * Remove all drawing elements from the graphics. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.clear = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Remove a single drawing element from the surface. The default implementation * assumes a DOM based drawing surface. * @param {goog.graphics.Element} element The element to remove. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.removeElement = function(element) { goog.dom.removeNode(element.getElement()); }; /** * Sets the fill for the given element. * @param {goog.graphics.StrokeAndFillElement} element The element wrapper. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill The fill object. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setElementFill = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Sets the stroke for the given element. * @param {goog.graphics.StrokeAndFillElement} element The element wrapper. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke The stroke object. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setElementStroke = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Set the transformation of an element. * @param {goog.graphics.Element} element The element wrapper. * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the translation transform. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the translation transform. * @param {number} angle The angle of the rotation transform. * @param {number} centerX The horizontal center of the rotation transform. * @param {number} centerY The vertical center of the rotation transform. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.setElementTransform = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Draw a circle * * @param {number} cx Center X coordinate. * @param {number} cy Center Y coordinate. * @param {number} r Radius length. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.EllipseElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawCircle = function( cx, cy, r, stroke, fill, opt_group) { return this.drawEllipse(cx, cy, r, r, stroke, fill, opt_group); }; /** * Draw an ellipse * * @param {number} cx Center X coordinate. * @param {number} cy Center Y coordinate. * @param {number} rx Radius length for the x-axis. * @param {number} ry Radius length for the y-axis. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.EllipseElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawEllipse = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Draw a rectangle * * @param {number} x X coordinate (left). * @param {number} y Y coordinate (top). * @param {number} width Width of rectangle. * @param {number} height Height of rectangle. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.RectElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawRect = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Draw a text string within a rectangle (drawing is horizontal) * * @param {string} text The text to draw. * @param {number} x X coordinate (left). * @param {number} y Y coordinate (top). * @param {number} width Width of rectangle. * @param {number} height Height of rectangle. * @param {string} align Horizontal alignment: left (default), center, right. * @param {string} vAlign Vertical alignment: top (default), center, bottom. * @param {goog.graphics.Font} font Font describing the font properties. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.TextElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawText = function( text, x, y, width, height, align, vAlign, font, stroke, fill, opt_group) { var baseline = font.size / 2; // Baseline is middle of line var textY; if (vAlign == 'bottom') { textY = y + height - baseline; } else if (vAlign == 'center') { textY = y + height / 2; } else { textY = y + baseline; } return this.drawTextOnLine(text, x, textY, x + width, textY, align, font, stroke, fill, opt_group); }; /** * Draw a text string vertically centered on a given line. * * @param {string} text The text to draw. * @param {number} x1 X coordinate of start of line. * @param {number} y1 Y coordinate of start of line. * @param {number} x2 X coordinate of end of line. * @param {number} y2 Y coordinate of end of line. * @param {string} align Horizontal alingnment: left (default), center, right. * @param {goog.graphics.Font} font Font describing the font properties. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.TextElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawTextOnLine = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Draw a path. * * @param {!goog.graphics.Path} path The path object to draw. * @param {goog.graphics.Stroke?} stroke Stroke object describing the * stroke. * @param {goog.graphics.Fill?} fill Fill object describing the fill. * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.PathElement} The newly created element. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.drawPath = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Create an empty group of drawing elements. * * @param {goog.graphics.GroupElement=} opt_group The group wrapper element to * append to. If not specified, appends to the main canvas. * * @return {goog.graphics.GroupElement} The newly created group. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.createGroup = goog.abstractMethod; /** * Create an empty path. * * @return {goog.graphics.Path} The path. * @deprecated Use {@code new goog.graphics.Path()}. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.createPath = function() { return new goog.graphics.Path(); }; /** * Measure and return the width (in pixels) of a given text string. * Text measurement is needed to make sure a text can fit in the allocated * area. The way text length is measured is by writing it into a div that is * after the visible area, measure the div width, and immediatly erase the * written value. * * @param {string} text The text string to measure. * @param {goog.graphics.Font} font The font object describing the font style. * * @return {number} The width in pixels of the text strings. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.getTextWidth = goog.abstractMethod; /** * @return {boolean} Whether the underlying element can be cloned resulting in * an accurate reproduction of the graphics contents. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.isDomClonable = function() { return false; }; /** * Start preventing redraws - useful for chaining large numbers of changes * together. Not guaranteed to do anything - i.e. only use this for * optimization of a single code path. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.suspend = function() { }; /** * Stop preventing redraws. If any redraws had been prevented, a redraw will * be done now. */ goog.graphics.AbstractGraphics.prototype.resume = function() { };