module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: class Base # :nodoc: # Synchronizes the passed in ActiveRecord instances with data # from the database. This is like calling reload on an individual # ActiveRecord instance but it is intended for use on multiple instances. # # This uses one query for all instance updates and then updates existing # instances rather sending one query for each instance # # == Examples # # Synchronizing existing models (ie: models with an id) # posts = Post.find_by_author("Zach") # Post.import [:id, :author], [[, "Zachary"]], :synchronize => posts # # => "Zachary" instead of Zach # # # Synchronizing new/unsaved models by using a unique column to perform the sync # posts = [ => "Zach")] # posts.first.new_record? # => true # # => nil # Post.import posts, :synchronize => posts # posts.first.new_record? # => false # # => 1 # def self.synchronize(instances, keys=[self.primary_key]) return if instances.empty? conditions = {} order = "" key_values = { |key|"#{key}".to_sym) } { |key, values| conditions[key] = values } order ={ |key| "#{key} ASC" }.join(",") klass = instances.first.class fresh_instances = klass.find( :all, :conditions=>conditions, :order=>order ) instances.each do |instance| matched_instance = fresh_instances.detect do |fresh_instance| keys.all?{ |key| fresh_instance.send(key) == instance.send(key) } end if matched_instance instance.clear_aggregation_cache instance.clear_association_cache instance.instance_variable_set '@attributes', matched_instance.attributes end end end # See ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractAdapter.synchronize def synchronize(instances, key=[ActiveRecord::Base.primary_key]) self.class.synchronize(instances, key) end end end