require 'rexml/xpath' module Dryml # DrymlDoc provides the facility to parse a directory tree of DRYML taglibs, building a collection of objects that provide metadata module DrymlDoc def self.load_taglibs(directory, taglib_class=DrymlDoc::Taglib) dryml_files = Dir["#{directory}/**/*.dryml"] { |f|, f) } end CommentMethods = classy_module do def comment_intro comment && comment =~ /(.*?)^#/m ? $1 : comment end def comment_rest comment && comment[comment_intro.length..-1] end %w(comment comment_intro comment_rest).each do |m| class_eval "def #{m}_html;{m}).to_html.gsub(/&/, '&'); end" end end class Taglib def initialize(home, filename, name=nil) @name = name || filename.sub(/.dryml$/, '')[home.length+1..-1] @doc =, filename) parse_tag_defs end attr_reader :name, :doc, :tag_defs def comment first_node = doc[0][0] doc.restore_erb_scriptlets(first_node.to_s.strip) if first_node.is_a?(REXML::Comment) end include CommentMethods private def tagdef_class self.class.parent.const_get('TagDef') end def parse_tag_defs @tag_defs = [] REXML::XPath.match(doc, '/*/*[@tag]').each { |node| @tag_defs <<, node) } end end class TagDef def initialize(taglib, node) @taglib = taglib @node = node end attr_reader :taglib, :node delegate :doc, :to => :taglib def name node.attributes['tag'] end def source doc.restore_erb_scriptlets(node.to_s).strip end # The contents of the XML comment, if any, immediately above the tag definition def comment @comment ||= begin space = node.previous_sibling and space.to_s.blank? && space.to_s.count("\n") == 1 and comment_node = space.previous_sibling if comment_node.is_a?(REXML::Comment) doc.restore_erb_scriptlets(comment_node.to_s.strip) end end end include CommentMethods def no_doc? comment =~ /^nodoc\b/ end # An array of the arrtibute names defined by this tag def attributes (node.attributes['attrs'] || "").split(/\s*,\s*/).where_not.blank? end # Returns a recursive array srtucture, where each item in the array is a pair: [parameter_name, sub_parameters] # (sub-parameters is the same kind of structure) def parameters(element=node) result = [] element.elements.each do |e| if (p = e.attributes['param']) param_name = p == "&true" ? : p result << [param_name, parameters(e)] else result.concat(parameters(e)) end end result end # Is this the base definition of a polymorphic tag def polymorphic? node.attributes['polymorphic'].present? end # Is this an ? def extension? == "extend" end # The definition's 'for' attribute def for_type node.attributes['for'] end # The name of the tag, if any, that this definition merges its parameters into # That is, the tag with 'merge' or 'merge-params' declared def merge_params REXML::XPath.first(node, ".//*[@merge|@merge-params]")._?.name end # The name of the tag, if any, that this definition merges its attributes into # That is, the tag with 'merge' or 'merge-attrs' declared def merge_attrs REXML::XPath.first(node, ".//*[@merge|@merge-attrs]")._?.name end end end end