module Trepan module ThreadFunctions # :nodoc: def display_context(c, show_top_frame=true) c_flag = c.thread == Thread.current ? '+' : ' ' c_flag = '$' if c.suspended? d_flag = c.ignored? ? '!' : ' ' print "%s%s", c_flag, d_flag print "%d ", c.thnum print "%s\t", c.thread.inspect if c.stack_size > 0 and show_top_frame print "%s:%d", c.frame_file(0), c.frame_line(0) end print "\n" end def parse_thread_num(subcmd, arg) if '' == arg errmsg "'%s' needs a thread number\n" % subcmd nil else thread_num = get_int(arg, "thread #{subcmd}", 1) return nil unless thread_num get_context(thread_num) end end def parse_thread_num_for_cmd(subcmd, arg) c = parse_thread_num(subcmd, arg) return nil unless c case when nil == c errmsg "No such thread.\n" when @state.context == c errmsg "It's the current thread.\n" when c.ignored? errmsg "Can't #{subcmd} to the debugger thread #{arg}.\n" else # Everything is okay return c end return nil end end class ThreadListCommand < OldCommand # :nodoc: self.allow_in_control = true def regexp /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+l(?:ist)?\s*$/ end def execute threads = Debugger.contexts.sort_by{|c| c.thnum}.each do |c| display_context(c) end end class << self def help_command 'thread' end def help(cmd) %{ th[read] l[ist]\t\t\tlist all threads } end end end class ThreadStopCommand < OldCommand # :nodoc: self.allow_in_control = true self.allow_in_post_mortem = false self.need_context = true def regexp /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+stop\s*(\S*)\s*$/ end def execute c = parse_thread_num_for_cmd("thread stop", @match[1]) return unless c c.suspend display_context(c) end class << self def help_command 'thread' end def help(cmd) %{ th[read] stop \t\tstop thread nnn } end end end class ThreadResumeCommand < OldCommand # :nodoc: self.allow_in_post_mortem = false self.allow_in_control = true self.need_context = true def regexp /^\s*th(?:read)?\s+resume\s*(\S*)\s*$/ end def execute c = parse_thread_num_for_cmd("thread resume", @match[1]) return unless c if !c.thread.stop? print "Already running." return end c.resume display_context(c) end class << self def help_command 'thread' end def help(cmd) %{ th[read] resume \t\tresume thread nnn } end end end # Thread switch Must come after "Thread resume" because "switch" is # optional class ThreadSwitchCommand < OldCommand # :nodoc: self.allow_in_control = true self.allow_in_post_mortem = false self.need_context = true def regexp /^\s*th(?:read)?\s*(?:sw(?:itch)?)?\s+(\S+)\s*$/ end def execute c = parse_thread_num_for_cmd("thread switch", @match[1]) return unless c display_context(c) c.stop_next = 1 @state.proceed end class << self def help_command 'thread' end def help(cmd) %{ th[read] [sw[itch]] \tswitch thread context to nnn } end end end class ThreadCurrentCommand < OldCommand # :nodoc: self.need_context = true def regexp /^\s*th(?:read)?\s*(?:cur(?:rent)?)?\s*$/ end def execute display_context(@state.context) end class << self def help_command 'thread' end def help(cmd) %{ th[read] [cur[rent]]\t\tshow current thread } end end end end