sugarcube ========= Some sugar for your cocoa, or your tea. About ----- CocoaTouch/iOS is a *verbose* framework. These extensions hope to make development in rubymotion more enjoyable by tacking "UI" methods onto the base classes (String, Fixnum, Float). With sugarcube, you can create a color from an integer or symbol, or create a UIFont or UIImage from a string. Some UI classes are opened up as well, like adding the '<<' operator to a UIView instance, instead of view.addSubview(subview), you can use the more idiomatic: view << subview. examples ======== Fixnum -------- ```ruby # create a UIColor from a hex value 0xffffff.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:1.0) 0xffffff.uicolor(0.5) # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:0.5) # create a percentage 100.percent # => 1.00 55.percent # => 0.55 ``` Float ------- ```ruby # create a percentage 100.0.percent # => 1.00 55.0.percent # => 0.55 ``` String -------- ```ruby # UIImage from name "my_image".uiimage # => UIImage.imageNamed("my_image") # (if you have an image named "blue", use "blue".uiimage.uicolor) # UIFont from name "my_font".uifont # => UIFont.fontWithName("my_font", size:UIFont.systemFontSize) "my_font".uifont(20) # => UIFont.fontWithName("my_font", size:20) # UIColor from color name OR image name OR hex code "blue".uicolor == :blue.uicolor # => UIColor.blueColor "#ff00ff".uicolor == :fuchsia.uicolor == 0xff00ff.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:0.0, blue:1.0, alpha:1.0) "#f0f".uicolor(0.5) == :fuchsia.uicolor(0.5) == 0xff00ff.uicolor(0.5) # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:0.5) # note: 0xf0f.uicolor == 0x00f0f.uicolor. There's no way to tell the difference # at run time between those two Fixnum literals. "my_image".uicolor == "my_image".uiimage.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithPatternImage(UIImage.imageNamed("my_image")) # NSLocalizedString from string "hello".localized # => NSBundle.mainBundle.localizedStringForKey("hello", value:nil, table:nil) "hello".localized('Hello!', 'hello_table') # => ...("hello", value:'Hello!', table:'hello_table') ``` Symbol -------- This is the "big daddy". Lots of sugar here... ```ruby :center.uialignment # => UITextAlignmentCenter :upside_down.uiorientation # => UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown :rounded.uibuttontype # => UIButtonTypeRoundedRect :highlighted.uicontrolstate # => UIControlStateHighlighted :touch.uicontrolevent # => UIControlEventTouchUpInside :all.uicontrolevent # => UIControlEventAllEvents :blue.uicolor # UIColor.blueColor # all CSS colors are supported, and alpha # (no "grey"s, only "gray"s, consistent with UIKit, which only provides "grayColor") :firebrick.uicolor(0.25) # => 0xb22222.uicolor(0.25) :bold.uifont # UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(UIFont.systemFontSize) :bold.uifont(10) # UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(10) :small.uifontsize # => UIFont.smallSystemFontSize :small.uifont # => UIFont.systemFontOfSize(:small.uifontsize) :bold.uifont(:small) # UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(:small.uifontsize) ``` UIImage --------- ```ruby image = "my_image".uiimage image.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithPatternImage(image) ``` UIView -------- ```ruby self.view << subview # => self.view.addSubview(subview) ``` UIControl ----------- Inspired by BubbleWrap's `when` method, but I prefer jQuery-style verbs and sugarcube symbols. ```ruby button = UIButton.alloc.initWithFrame([0, 0, 10, 10]) button.on(:touch) { my_code } button.on(:touchupoutside, :touchcancel) { |event| puts event.inspect # my_code... } # remove handlers, :touchupoutside, :touchcancel) ``` You can only remove handlers by "type", not by the action. e.g. If you bind three `:touch` events, calling `` will remove all three.