require 'rake/testtask' desc 'Test the will_paginate plugin.' do |t| t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = true t.libs << 'test' end # I want to specify environment variables at call time class EnvTestTask < Rake::TestTask attr_accessor :env def ruby(*args) env.each { |key, value| ENV[key] = value } if env super env.keys.each { |key| ENV.delete key } if env end end for configuration in %w( sqlite3 mysql postgres )"test_#{configuration}") do |t| t.pattern = 'test/finder_test.rb' t.verbose = true t.env = { 'DB' => configuration } t.libs << 'test' end end task :test_databases => %w(test_mysql test_sqlite3 test_postgres) desc %{Test everything on SQLite3, MySQL and PostgreSQL} task :test_full => %w(test test_mysql test_postgres) desc %{Test everything with Rails 1.2.x and 2.0.x gems} task :test_all do all = Rake::Task['test_full'] ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] = '~>1.2.6' all.invoke # reset the invoked flag %w( test_full test test_mysql test_postgres ).each do |name| Rake::Task[name].instance_variable_set '@already_invoked', false end # do it again ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] = '~>2.0.2' all.invoke end task :rcov do excludes = %w( lib/will_paginate/named_scope* lib/will_paginate/core_ext.rb lib/will_paginate.rb rails* ) system %[rcov -Itest:lib test/*.rb -x #{excludes.join(',')}] end