require File.expand_path("../collimator/version", __FILE__) require 'rubygems' require 'colored' module Collimator class TooManyDataPoints < Exception end module Table @horiz = '-' @border = '|' @corner = '+' @columns = [] @rows = [] @headers = [] @footers = [] @column_names = [] @use_column_headings = false @auto_clear = true @separators = [] @live_update = false @table_string = [] @use_capture_string = false @use_capture_html = false @last_header_color = '#EEEEEE' def self.live_update=(live_upate) @live_update = live_upate end def self.live_update @live_update end def self.set_auto_clear(auto_clear = true) @auto_clear = auto_clear end def self.set_corner(corner_character) @corner = corner_character end def self.set_border(border_character) @border = border_character end def self.set_horizontal(horizontal_character) @horiz = horizontal_character end def self.header(text, opts = {}) width, padding, justification, color = parse_options(opts) @headers << { :text => text, :padding => padding, :justification => justification , :color => color} end def self.footer(text, opts) width, padding, justification = parse_options(opts) @footers << { :text => text, :padding => padding, :justification => justification } end def self.column(heading, opts = {}) width, padding, justification, color = parse_options(opts) @columns << { :width => width, :padding => padding, :justification => justification, :color => color } @use_column_headings = true if heading.length > 0 @column_names << heading end def self.row(row) colored_data_array = [] if row.class.to_s == "Hash" colored_data_array = row[:data].map { |v| {:data => v, :color => row[:color] } } else colored_data_array = row.clone end if @live_update put_line_of_data(colored_data_array) else @rows << colored_data_array end end def self.separator if @live_update put_horizontal_line_with_dividers else @separators << @rows.length end end def self.tabulate put_header put_column_heading_text prep_data put_table put_horizontal_line put_footer clear_all if @auto_clear end def self.tabulate_to_string @use_capture_html = false @use_capture_string = true @auto_clear = false tabulate @table_string.join("\n") end def self.tabulate_to_html @use_capture_string = false @use_capture_html = true @auto_clear = false prep_html_table tabulate complete_html_table @table_string.join("\n") end def self.prep_html_table @table_string = [] @table_string << "" end def self.complete_html_table @table_string << "
" end def self.start_live_update put_header put_column_heading_text end def self.complete_live_update put_horizontal_line put_footer clear_all if @auto_clear end def self.csv lines = [] lines.concat( { |h| h[:text] }) if @headers.count > 0 lines << @column_names.join(',') if @use_column_headings @rows.each { |row| lines << row.join(',') } lines.concat( { |h| h[:text] }) if @headers.count > 0 out = lines.join("\n") clear_all if @auto_clear out end def self.clear_all @columns = [] @rows = [] @headers = [] @footers = [] @column_names = [] @use_column_headings = false @horiz = '-' @border = '|' @corner = '+' @auto_clear = true @separators = [] @live_update = false @table_string = [] @use_capture_string = false @use_capture_html = false end def self.clear_data @rows = [] @separators = [] end private def self.send_line(line) if @use_capture_string || @use_capture_html @table_string << line else puts line end end def self.parse_options(opts) width = opts.has_key?(:width) ? opts[:width] : 10 padding = opts.has_key?(:padding) ? opts[:padding] : 0 justification = opts.has_key?(:justification) ? opts[:justification] : :center col_color = opts.has_key?(:color) ? opts[:color] : nil padding = 0 if justification == :decimal [width, padding, justification, col_color] end def self.put_table put_horizontal_line if @headers.length == 0 and !@use_column_headings row_number = 0 @table_string << "" if @use_capture_html @rows.each do |row| put_horizontal_line_with_dividers if @separators.include?(row_number) put_line_of_data(row) row_number += 1 end @table_string << "" if @use_capture_html end def self.prep_data column = 0 @columns.each do |c| if c[:justification] == :decimal column_width = c[:width] column_center = column_width / 2 values = [] @rows.each do |r| value = r[column].class.to_s == "Hash" ? r[column][:data] : r[column].to_s color = r[column].class.to_s == "Hash" ? r[column][:color] : nil v2 = value decimal_place = v2.index('.') ? v2.index('.') : v2.length v2 = ' '*(column_center -decimal_place) + v2 v2 = v2.ljust(column_width) v2 = {:data => v2, :color => color} if color values << v2 end row = 0 @rows.each do |r| r[column] = values[row] row += 1 end end if c[:color] @rows.each do |r| value = '' color = nil if r[column].class.to_s == "Hash" # don't change the data point color if already set. single data point color overrides column color. color = r[column][:color] value = r[column][:data] else color = c[:color] value = r[column] end r[column] = {:data => value, :color => color} end end column += 1 end end def self.prep_data_orig column = 0 @columns.each do |c| if c[:justification] == :decimal column_width = c[:width] column_center = column_width / 2 values = [] length = 0 decimal_place = 0 @rows.each do |r| value = r[column].class.to_s == "Hash" ? r[column][:data] : r[column].to_s values << value length = value.length if value.length > length end values = { |v| v.ljust(length) } values.each do |value| decimal_place = value.index('.') if (value.index('.') and (value.index('.') > decimal_place)) end values = do |v| place = v.index('.') ? v.index('.') : v.length ' '*(decimal_place - place) + v end row = 0 @rows.each do |r| r[column] = values[row] row += 1 end end if c[:color] @rows.each do |r| value = '' color = nil if r[column].class.to_s == "Hash" # don't change the data point color if already set. single data point color overrides column color. color = r[column][:color] value = r[column][:data] else color = c[:color] value = r[column] end r[column] = {:data => value, :color => color} end end column += 1 end end def self.put_column_heading_text @use_capture_html ? put_column_heading_text_html : put_column_heading_text_string if @use_column_headings end def self.put_column_heading_text_string put_line_of_data(@column_names) put_horizontal_line_with_dividers end def self.style_color(rgb) luminance = get_luminance(rgb) color = luminance < 50 ? '#EEEEEE' : '#222222' color_style = "color: #{color};" end def self.style_header_border(rgb) luminance = get_luminance(rgb) color = luminance < 50 ? '#EEEEEE' : '#222222' color_style = "border-bottom: 1px solid #{color};" end def self.get_luminance(rgb) rgb_temp = rgb.gsub("#", '') luminance = 0 if rgb_temp.length == 6 r = rgb_temp[0..1].hex g = rgb_temp[2..3].hex b = rgb_temp[4..5].hex luminance = (0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b) end luminance end def self.put_column_heading_text_html c = @last_header_color text_color = style_color(c) border_color = style_header_border(c) out = "\n" column = 0 @column_names.each do |cname| padding_style = @columns[column][:padding] ? "STYLE=\"padding-left: #{@columns[column][:padding]}em; padding-right: #{@columns[column][:padding]}em;\"" : "" out += "#{cname}\n" column += 1 end out += "\n" out += "" send_line out end def self.put_header_or_footer(header_or_footer = :header) data = header_or_footer == :footer ? @footers.clone : @headers.clone unless @use_capture_html if header_or_footer == :header and data.length > 0 put_horizontal_line end end return if data.length == 0 @table_string << "" if @use_capture_html if header_or_footer == :header data.each do | header | send_line make_header_line(header) end put_horizontal_line end def self.make_header_line(data) out = @use_capture_html ? make_header_line_html(data) : make_header_line_string(data) out end def self.make_header_line_string(header) header_width = line_width header_line = @border header_line += ' '*header[:padding] if header[:justification] == :left header_line += header[:text].center(header_width - 2) if header[:justification] == :center header_line += header[:text].ljust(header_width - header[:padding] - 2) if header[:justification] == :left header_line += header[:text].rjust(header_width - header[:padding] - 2) if header[:justification] == :right header_line += ' '*header[:padding] if header[:justification] == :right header_line += @border end def self.make_header_line_html(data) @last_header_color = data[:color] || @last_header_color text_color = style_color(@last_header_color) header_line = "" header_line += "#{data[:text]}" header_line += "" header_line end def self.put_footer put_header_or_footer(:footer) unless @use_capture_html end def self.put_header put_header_or_footer(:header) end def self.line_width @columns.length + 1 + @columns.inject(0) { |sum, c| sum + c[:width] + c[:padding] } end def self.format_data(value, width, padding, justification) data_value = value.class.to_s == "Hash" ? value[:data] : value s = '' s = data_value.to_s s = ' '*padding + s.ljust(width) if justification == :left s = s.rjust(width) + ' '*padding if justification == :right s = if justification == :center || justification == :decimal #s = s.send(value[:color].to_s) if value.class.to_s == "Hash" s = s.gsub(data_value.to_s, data_value.to_s.send(value[:color])) if value.class.to_s == "Hash" s end def self.put_row_of_html_data(row_data) column = 0 row_string = "\n" row_data.each do | val | style_info = @columns[column][:padding] ? " STYLE=\"padding-left: #{@columns[column][:padding]}em; padding-right: #{@columns[column][:padding]}em;\"" : '' row_string += "#{val}\n" column += 1 end row_string += "" send_line row_string end def self.put_row_of_string_data(row_data) column = 0 row_string = @border row_data.each do | val | s = format_data(val, @columns[column][:width], @columns[column][:padding], @columns[column][:justification]) row_string = row_string + s + @border column += 1 end send_line row_string end def self.put_line_of_data(row_data) raise TooManyDataPoints if row_data.count > @columns.length row_data << '' while row_data.length < @columns.length if @use_capture_html put_row_of_html_data row_data else put_row_of_string_data row_data end end def self.put_horizontal_line unless @use_capture_html width = line_width send_line @corner + @horiz * (width - 2) + @corner end end def self.put_horizontal_line_with_dividers unless @use_capture_html a = [] @columns.each { | c | a << @horiz*(c[:width] + c[:padding]) } s = @border + a.join(@corner) + @border send_line s end end end module ProgressBar @display_width = 100 @max = 100 @min = 0 @method = :percent @step_size = 5 @current = 0 def self.set_parameters(params) @display_width = params[:display_width] if params.has_key?(:display_width) @max = params[:max] if params.has_key?(:max) @min = params[:min] if params.has_key?(:min) @method = params[:method] if params.has_key?(:method) @step_size = params[:step_size] if params.has_key?(:step_size) end def self.start(params = {}) set_parameters params @current = @min put_current_progress end def self.increment @current += @step_size put_current_progress unless @current > @max end def self.complete clear puts " "*(@display_width + 2) end def self.clear print "\b"*(@display_width + 2) end private def self.put_current_progress clear STDOUT.flush print build_bar_string #puts build_bar_string end def self.build_bar_string units = @max - @min unit_width = @display_width/units percent_complete = @current / (units * 1.0) s = '-'*(percent_complete * @display_width) + ' '*((100-percent_complete) * @display_width) s1 = s[0..(@display_width/2 - 4)] s2 = s[(@display_width/2 + 3)..(@display_width - 1)] formatted_percent = "%0.1f" % (percent_complete * 100) s = '|' + s1 + "#{formatted_percent}%".center(6) + s2 + '|' #s = "#{units} - #{unit_width} - #{percent_complete} - #{@current}" end end module Spinner @spinning = nil @icons = ['-', '\\', '|', '/'] def self.spin @spinning = do |myIcons| i = 0 while true do print myIcons[i] STDOUT.flush if i == myIcons.length - 1 i = 0 else i += 1 end sleep 0.1 print "\b" STDOUT.flush end end end def self.stop @spinning.exit print "\b" STDOUT.flush end end end