This tool will not open the simulator for you
ant TARGET COMMAND [-D<argument>=<value>]...
You can build and deploy your project to a device or simulator.
blackberry ........ Builds a cod file and deploys to a device or simulator
playbook .......... Builds a bar file and deploys to a device or simulator
help .............. Show this help menu.
ant, ant help
load-device ....... Builds and deploys project to a connected USB device.
ant load-device
load-simulator .... Builds and deploys project to default simulator.
ant load-simulator
build ............. Compiles and packages the project for deployment.
ant build
clean ............. Remove all files from the build/ directory.
ant clean
clean-device ...... Remove this project from the connected USB device.
ant clean-device
clean-simulator ... Remove this project from the simulator (takes a while).
ant clean-simulator
1. Edit
2. <ant <TARGET> load-simulator> to run the project on the simulator
3. Customize your project by editing www/config.xml
4. To run the project on a BlackBerry device, you will need to obtain
code signing keys from RIM. Once you have the key, a project is
installed by connecting a BlackBerry via USB and running
<ant <TARGET> load-device>.