<project default="help">
       Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
       or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
       distributed with this work for additional information
       regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
       to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
       "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
       with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
       software distributed under the License is distributed on an
       KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
       specific language governing permissions and limitations
       under the License.
    <!-- LOAD PROPERTIES -->
    <property prefix="properties" file="project.properties" />
    <property name="build.dir"    location="build" />
    <property name="widget.dir"   location="${build.dir}/widget" />
    <property name="code.sign"    value="false" />
    <property name="generate.ext"   value="cod" />
    <property name="build.num.file" value="buildId.txt" />
    <!-- BlackBerry WebWorks Packager for Tablets directory is required. -->
    <fail unless="properties.playbook.bbwp.dir" message="Please specify BlackBerry WebWorks Packager directory using 'playbook.bbwp.dir' in your 'project.properties' file." />

    <!-- OS identification -->
    <condition property="isMacOSX" else="false">
            <os family="mac" />
            <os family="unix" />

    <condition property="bbwp" value="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/bbwp" else="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/bbwp.exe">
        <equals arg1="${isMacOSX}" arg2="true" />

    <condition property="blackberry-deploy" value="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/blackberry-tablet-sdk/bin/blackberry-deploy" else="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}/blackberry-tablet-sdk/bin/blackberry-deploy.bat">
        <equals arg1="${isMacOSX}" arg2="true" />

    <!-- LOAD DEVICE -->
    <target name="load-device" depends="package-app">
        <bbwp code-sign="true" />

        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
            <arg value="-installApp" />
            <arg value="-launchApp" />
            <arg value="-device" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
            <arg value="-password" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
            <arg value="-package" />
            <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.bar" />
    <!-- DEBUG-LOAD DEVICE -->
    <target name="debug-device" depends="package-app">
        <bbwp code-sign="true" debug="true" />

        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
            <arg value="-installApp" />
            <arg value="-launchApp" />
            <arg value="-device" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
            <arg value="-password" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
            <arg value="-package" />
            <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.bar" />
    <!-- LOAD SIMULATOR -->
    <target name="load-simulator" depends="build">

        <echo>This tool will not open the simulator for you </echo>

        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
            <arg value="-installApp" />
            <arg value="-launchApp" />
            <arg value="-device" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.ip}" />
            <arg value="-password" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.password}" />
            <arg value="-package" />
            <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.bar" />
    <!-- PACKAGE-APP -->
    <target name="package-app" depends="generate-cod-name, clean">
        <!-- Copy the WebWorks application -->
        <mkdir dir="${widget.dir}" />
        <copy todir="${widget.dir}" overwrite="true">
            <fileset dir="www" >
                <exclude name="ext/**"/>
                <exclude name="ext-air/**"/>
                <exclude name="playbook/**"/>
        <!-- Overwrite the cordova js with the playbook specific cordova js -->
        <copy todir="${widget.dir}" overwrite="true">
            <fileset dir="www/playbook">
                <include name="*.js" />
        <!-- Update WebWorks Packager with the AIR APIs -->
        <copy todir="${properties.playbook.bbwp.dir}\ext" overwrite="true">
            <fileset dir="www/ext-air" excludes="README.md" />
        <!-- Package the WebWorks app by zipping the widget dir. -->
        <mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
        <zip compress="false" destfile="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.zip" basedir="${widget.dir}" excludes="**/build/**,**/.settings/**,**/.project" />
    <!-- BUILD -->

    <target name="build" depends="package-app">
        <bbwp code-sign="${code.sign}" />

    <!-- BBWP MACRO -->

    <macrodef name="bbwp">
        <attribute name="code-sign" default="false" />
        <attribute name="debug" default="false" />
            <!-- check if debug flag was passed in and set an appropriate flag for CLI exec of bbwp -->
                <equals arg1="@{debug}" arg2="true" />
                    <property name="debug.flag" value="-d" />
                    <property name="debug.flag" value="" />
            <buildnumber file="${build.num.file}" />
                <equals arg1="@{code-sign}" arg2="true" />
                    <exec executable="${bbwp}">
                        <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.zip" />
                        <arg value="-gcsk" />
                        <arg value="${properties.playbook.sigtool.csk.password}" />
                        <arg value="-gp12" />
                        <arg value="${properties.playbook.sigtool.p12.password}" />
                        <arg value="-o" />
                        <arg file="${build.dir}" />
                        <arg line="${debug.flag} -buildId" />
                        <arg value="${build.number}" />
                    <exec executable="${bbwp}">
                        <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.zip" />
                        <arg value="-o" />
                        <arg file="${build.dir}" />
                        <arg line="${debug.flag} -buildId" />
                        <arg value="${build.number}" />

    <!-- CLEAN -->
    <target name="clean">
        <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
        <delete dir="${widget.dir}" />
    <!-- CLEAN DEVICE -->
    <target name="clean-device" depends="generate-cod-name">
        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
            <arg value="-uninstallApp" />
            <arg value="-device" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.ip}" />
            <arg value="-password" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.device.password}" />
            <arg value="-package" />
            <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.bar" />
    <!-- CLEAN SIMULATOR -->
    <target name="clean-simulator">
        <exec executable="${blackberry-deploy}" dir="." failonerror="true">
            <arg value="-uninstallApp" />
            <arg value="-device" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.ip}" />
            <arg value="-password" />
            <arg value="${properties.playbook.sim.password}" />
            <arg value="-package" />
            <arg file="${build.dir}/${cod.name}.bar" />
        <!-- HELPER TASKS -->
    <target name="generate-cod-name">
        <xmlproperty file="www/config.xml" prefix="config.xml" />
        <propertyregex property="cod.name"
                       defaultValue="${config.xml.widget.name}" />
        <echo message="Generated name: ${cod.name}.bar" />

    <!-- HELP -->

    <target name="help">

  ant TARGET COMMAND [-D&lt;argument&gt;=&lt;value&gt;]...

  You can build and deploy your project to a device or simulator.
  blackberry ........ Builds a cod file and deploys to a device or simulator
  playbook .......... Builds a bar file and deploys to a device or simulator

  help .............. Show this help menu.
                        ant, ant help

  load-device ....... Builds and deploys project to a connected USB device.
                        ant load-device

  load-simulator .... Builds and deploys project to default simulator.
                        ant load-simulator

  build ............. Compiles and packages the project for deployment.
                        ant build

  clean ............. Remove all files from the build/ directory.
                        ant clean

  clean-device ...... Remove this project from the connected USB device.
                        ant clean-device

  clean-simulator ... Remove this project from the simulator (takes a while).
                        ant clean-simulator

  1. Edit project.properties

  2. &lt;ant &lt;TARGET&gt; load-simulator&gt; to run the project on the simulator

  3. Customize your project by editing www/config.xml

  4. To run the project on a BlackBerry device, you will need to obtain
     code signing keys from RIM. Once you have the key, a project is
     installed by connecting a BlackBerry via USB and running
     &lt;ant &lt;TARGET&gt; load-device&gt;.