require "roman-numerals" module IsoDoc::Function module XrefGen @anchors = {} def get_anchors @anchors end def termnote_label(n) @termnote_lbl.gsub(/%/, n.to_s) end def termnote_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//term[termnote]")).each do |t| t.xpath(ns("./termnote")).each_with_index do |n, i| return if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = { label: termnote_label(i + 1), xref: l10n("#{@anchors[t['id']][:xref]}, "\ "#{@note_xref_lbl} #{i + 1}") } end end end def termexample_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//term[termexample]")).each do |t| t.xpath(ns("./termexample")).each_with_index do |n, i| return if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? @anchors[n["id"]] = { label: (i + 1).to_s, xref: l10n("#{@anchors[t['id']][:xref]}, "\ "#{@note_xref_lbl} #{i + 1}") } end end end SECTIONS_XPATH = "//foreword | //introduction | //sections/terms | //annex | "\ "//sections/clause | //bibliography/references | "\ "//bibliography/clause".freeze CHILD_NOTES_XPATH = "./*[not(self::xmlns:clause) and "\ "not(self::xmlns:appendix)]//xmlns:note | ./xmlns:note".freeze def note_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| notes = s.xpath(CHILD_NOTES_XPATH) notes.each_with_index do |n, i| next if @anchors[n["id"]] next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? idx = notes.size == 1 ? "" : " #{i + 1}" @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(idx, s, @note_xref_lbl) end note_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns("./clause | ./appendix"))) end end CHILD_EXAMPLES_XPATH = "./*[not(self::xmlns:clause) and not(self::xmlns:appendix)]//"\ "xmlns:example | ./xmlns:example".freeze def example_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| notes = s.xpath(CHILD_EXAMPLES_XPATH) notes.each_with_index do |n, i| next if @anchors[n["id"]] next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? idx = notes.size == 1 ? "" : " #{i + 1}" @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(idx, s, @example_xref_lbl) end example_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns("./clause | ./appendix"))) end end def list_anchor_names(sections) sections.each do |s| notes = s.xpath(ns(".//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//clause//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//appendix//ol")) - s.xpath(ns(".//ol//ol")) notes.each_with_index do |n, i| next if n["id"].nil? || n["id"].empty? idx = notes.size == 1 ? "" : " #{i + 1}" @anchors[n["id"]] = anchor_struct(idx, s, @list_lbl) list_item_anchor_names(n, @anchors[n["id"]], 1, "", notes.size != 1) end list_anchor_names(s.xpath(ns("./clause | ./appendix"))) end end def listlabel(depth, i) return i.to_s if [2, 7].include? depth return (96 + i).chr.to_s if [1, 6].include? depth return (64 + i).chr.to_s if [4, 9].include? depth return RomanNumerals.to_roman(i).downcase if [3, 8].include? depth return RomanNumerals.to_roman(i).upcase if [5, 10].include? depth return i.to_s end def list_item_anchor_names(list, list_anchor, depth, prev_label, refer_list) list.xpath(ns("./li")).each_with_index do |li, i| label = listlabel(depth, i + 1) label = "#{prev_label}.#{label}" unless prev_label.empty? label = "#{list_anchor[:xref]} #{label}" if refer_list li["id"] && @anchors[li["id"]] = { xref: "#{label})", container: list_anchor[:container] } li.xpath(ns("./ol")).each do |ol| list_item_anchor_names(ol, list_anchor, depth + 1, label, false) end end end # extract names for all anchors, xref and label def anchor_names(docxml) initial_anchor_names(docxml) back_anchor_names(docxml) # preempt clause notes with all other types of note note_anchor_names(docxml.xpath(ns("//table | //example | //formula | "\ "//figure"))) note_anchor_names(docxml.xpath(ns(SECTIONS_XPATH))) example_anchor_names(docxml.xpath(ns(SECTIONS_XPATH))) list_anchor_names(docxml.xpath(ns(SECTIONS_XPATH))) end def sequential_figure_names(clause) i = j = 0 clause.xpath(ns(".//figure")).each do |t| if == "figure" then j += 1 else j = 0 i += 1 end label = i.to_s + ( ? "" : "-#{j}") next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(label, nil, @figure_lbl) end end def anchor_struct_label(lbl, elem) case elem when @appendix_lbl then l10n("#{elem} #{lbl}") else lbl.to_s end end def anchor_struct_xref(lbl, elem) case elem when @formula_lbl then l10n("#{elem} (#{lbl})") else l10n("#{elem} #{lbl}") end end def anchor_struct(lbl, container, elem) ret = {} ret[:label] = anchor_struct_label(lbl, elem) ret[:xref] = anchor_struct_xref(lbl, elem) ret[:xref].gsub!(/ $/, "") ret[:container] = get_clause_id(container) unless container.nil? ret end def sequential_asset_names(clause) clause.xpath(ns(".//table")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, nil, @table_lbl) end sequential_figure_names(clause) clause.xpath(ns(".//formula")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, t, @formula_lbl) end end def hierarchical_figure_names(clause, num) i = j = 0 clause.xpath(ns(".//figure")).each do |t| if == "figure" then j += 1 else j = 0 i += 1 end label = "#{num}.#{i}" + ( ? "" : "-#{j}") next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(label, nil, @figure_lbl) end end def hierarchical_asset_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns(".//table")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}.#{i + 1}", nil, @table_lbl) end hierarchical_figure_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns(".//formula")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}.#{i + 1}", t, @formula_lbl) end end end end