/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2013-2016 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #include "myDateTime.h" #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/btrDate.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <algorithm> #include <bzs/env/crosscompile.h> namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #pragma warn -8056 #ifdef _WIN32 const wchar_t wtime_format_ms[] = L"%02d:%02d:%02d.%0*u"; const wchar_t wtime_format[] = L"%02d:%02d:%02d"; const wchar_t wdatetime_format_ms[] = L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%0*u"; const wchar_t wdatetime_format[] = L"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"; #endif const char time_format_ms[] = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%0*u"; const char time_format[] = "%02d:%02d:%02d"; const char datetime_format_ms[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%0*u"; const char datetime_format[] = "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"; //------------------------------------------------------------- void myDate::setValue(int v, bool btrDate_i) { if (btrDate_i) { btrDate btrd; btrd.i = v; yy = btrd.yy; mm = btrd.mm; dd = btrd.dd; tmp = 0; } else i = v; } int myDate::getValue(bool btrDate_i) { if (btrDate_i) { btrDate btrd; btrd.yy = yy; btrd.mm = mm; btrd.dd = dd; return btrd.i; } return i; } char* myDate::toString(char* p, size_t size, bool w3_format) { if (w3_format) sprintf_s(p, size, "%04d/%02d/%02d", yy, mm, dd); else sprintf_s(p, size, "%04d-%02d-%02d", yy, mm, dd); return p; } myDate& myDate::operator=(const char* p) { size_t len = strlen(p); i = 0; if (len > 3) { yy = atol(p); if (len > 6) { mm = atol(p + 5); if (len > 9) dd = atol(p + 8); } } return *this; } #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t* myDate::toString(wchar_t* p, size_t size, bool w3_format) { if (w3_format) swprintf_s(p, size, L"%04d/%02d/%02d", yy, mm, dd); else swprintf_s(p, size, L"%04d-%02d-%02d", yy, mm, dd); return p; } myDate& myDate::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { size_t len = wcslen(p); i = 0; if (len > 3) { yy = _wtol(p); if (len > 6) { mm = _wtol(p + 5); if (len > 9) dd = _wtol(p + 8); } } return *this; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- void myTime::setValue(__int64 v, bool btrTime_i) { i64 = 0; if (btrTime_i) { btrTime btrt; btrt.i = (int)v; hh = btrt.hh; nn = btrt.nn; ss = btrt.ss; ms = btrt.uu * 10000; return; } if (m_bigendian) { char* p = (char*)&i64; char* src = (char*)&v; if (m_dec) { p[0] = src[5]; p[1] = src[4]; p[2] = src[3]; ms = ms >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; ms /= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); } p[3] = src[2]; p[4] = src[1]; p[5] = src[0]; sign = 0; }else {//DD�~24�~3600 + HH�~3600 + MM�~60 + SS hh = v / 10000; nn = (v % 10000) / 100; ss = v % 100; } } __int64 myTime::getValue(bool btrTime_i) { if (btrTime_i) { btrTime btrt; btrt.hh = hh; btrt.nn = nn; btrt.ss = ss; btrt.uu = (char)(ms / 100000); return btrt.i; } __int64 v = 0; sign = 1; if (m_bigendian) { char* src = (char*)&i64; char* p = (char*)&v; p[2] = src[3]; p[1] = src[4]; p[0] = src[5]; if (m_dec) { ms = ms << (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; ms *= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); p[3] = src[2]; p[4] = src[1]; p[5] = src[0]; } }else v = (hh * 10000LL) + (nn * 100LL) + ss; sign = 0; return v; } char* myTime::toString(char* p, size_t size) { if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, time_format_ms, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else sprintf_s(p, size, time_format, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } myTime& myTime::operator=(const char* p) { i64 = 0; size_t len = strlen(p); if (len > 1) { hh = atol(p); if (len > 4) { nn = atol(p + 3); if (len > 7) { ss = atol(p + 6); if (m_dec && len > 9) { char tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; strncpy(tmp, p + 9, (size_t)m_dec); ms = atol(tmp); } } } } return *this; } #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t* myTime::toString(wchar_t* p, size_t size) { if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format_ms, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } myTime& myTime::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { i64 = 0; size_t len = wcslen(p); if (len > 1) { hh = _wtol(p); if (len > 4) { nn = _wtol(p + 3); if (len > 7) { ss = _wtol(p + 6); if (m_dec && len > 9) { wchar_t tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; wcsncpy(tmp, p + 9, (size_t)m_dec); ms = _wtol(tmp); } } } } return *this; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- static int digit_logs[7] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}; // digit 0 to 6 #define ZEROPOINT_SEC 3020400ULL void maTime::setValue(__int64 v, bool btrTime_i) { if (m_bigendian && !btrTime_i) { i64 = 0; char* p = (char*)&i64; char* src = (char*)&v; p[0] = src[5]; p[1] = src[4]; p[2] = src[3]; p[3] = src[2]; p[4] = src[1]; p[5] = src[0]; i64 = i64 >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; __int64 v = i64; if (v) v -= (ZEROPOINT_SEC * digit_logs[m_dec]); ms = v % digit_logs[m_dec]; v /= digit_logs[m_dec]; ss = v % 60; v /= 60; nn = v % 60; v /= 60; hh = v % 24; sign = 0; }else myTime::setValue(v, btrTime_i); } __int64 maTime::getValue(bool btrTime_i) { if (!m_bigendian || btrTime_i) return myTime::getValue(btrTime_i); unsigned __int64 i64t = (((hh) * 60ULL + nn) * 60ULL + ss) * digit_logs[m_dec] + ms; if (i64t) i64t += ZEROPOINT_SEC * digit_logs[m_dec]; __int64 v = 0; char* src = (char*)&i64t; char* p = (char*)&v; p[2] = src[3]; p[1] = src[4]; p[0] = src[5]; p[3] = src[2]; p[4] = src[1]; p[5] = src[0]; v = v >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; return v; } maTime& maTime::operator=(const char* p) { myTime::operator=(p); return *this; } #ifdef _WIN32 maTime& maTime::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { myTime::operator=(p); return *this; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- void myDateTime::setValue(__int64 v) { i64 = 0; if (m_bigendian) { char* p = (char*)&i64; char* src = (char*)&v; p[3] = src[4]; p[4] = src[3]; p[5] = src[2]; p[6] = src[1]; p[7] = src[0]; if (i64 && m_dec) { p[0] = src[7]; p[1] = src[6]; p[2] = src[5]; ms = ms >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; ms /= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); } }else { // YYYY�~10000 + MM�~100 + DD HH�~10000 + MM�~100 + SS __int64 yy = v / 10000000000LL; __int64 m = (v / 100000000LL) % 100; yymm = yy*13 + m; dd = (v / 1000000L) % 100; hh = (v / 10000L) % 100; nn = (v / 100L) % 100; ss = v % 100; } sign = 0; } __int64 myDateTime::getValue() { __int64 v = 0; sign = 1; if (m_bigendian) { char* src = (char*)&i64; char* p = (char*)&v; p[4] = src[3]; p[3] = src[4]; p[2] = src[5]; p[1] = src[6]; p[0] = src[7]; if (v && m_dec) { ms = ms << (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; ms *= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); p[5] = src[2]; p[6] = src[1]; p[7] = src[0]; } }else { // YYYY�~10000 + MM�~100 + DD HH�~10000 + MM�~100 + SS __int64 yy = yymm / 13; __int64 m = yymm % 13; v = (yy * 10000000000) + (m * 100000000LL) + (dd * 1000000LL) + (hh * 10000LL) + (nn * 100LL) + ss; } sign = 0; return v; } myDateTime& myDateTime::operator=(const char* p) { size_t len = strlen(p); i64 = 0; if (len > 6) { yymm = atol(p) * 13 + atol(p + 5); if (len > 9) { dd = atol(p + 8); if (len > 12) { hh = atol(p + 11); if (len > 15) { nn = atol(p + 14); if (len > 18) { ss = atol(p + 17); if (m_dec && len > 20) { char tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; strncpy(tmp, p + 20, (size_t)m_dec); ms = atol(tmp); } } } } } } return *this; } void myDateTime::setTime(const char* p) { i64 = 0; size_t len = strlen(p); if (len > 1) { hh = atol(p); if (len > 4) { nn = atol(p + 3); if (len > 7) { ss = atol(p + 6); if (m_dec && len > 9) { char tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; strncpy(tmp, p + 9, (size_t)m_dec); ms = atol(tmp); } } } } } char* myDateTime::dateStr(char* p, size_t size) const { sprintf_s(p, size, "%04d-%02d-%02d", (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd); return p; } char* myDateTime::timeStr(char* p, size_t size) const { if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, time_format_ms, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else sprintf_s(p, size, time_format, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } char* myDateTime::toString(char* p, size_t size) const { if (m_dec) { sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format_ms, (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); } else sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format, (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } #ifdef _WIN32 myDateTime& myDateTime::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { size_t len = wcslen(p); i64 = 0; if (len > 6) { yymm = _wtol(p) * 13 + _wtol(p + 5); if (len > 9) { dd = _wtol(p + 8); if (len > 12) { hh = _wtol(p + 11); if (len > 15) { nn = _wtol(p + 14); if (len > 18) { ss = _wtol(p + 17); if (m_dec && len > 20) { wchar_t tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; wcsncpy(tmp, p + 20, (size_t)m_dec); ms = _wtol(tmp); } } } } } } return *this; } void myDateTime::setTime(const wchar_t* p) { i64 = 0; size_t len = wcslen(p); if (len > 1) { hh = _wtol(p); if (len > 4) { nn = _wtol(p + 3); if (len > 7) { ss = _wtol(p + 6); if (m_dec && len > 9) { wchar_t tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; wcsncpy(tmp, p + 9, (size_t)m_dec); ms = _wtol(tmp); } } } } } wchar_t* myDateTime::dateStr(wchar_t* p, size_t size) const { swprintf_s(p, size, L"%04d-%02d-%02d", (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd); return p; } wchar_t* myDateTime::timeStr(wchar_t* p, size_t size) const { if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format_ms, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } wchar_t* myDateTime::toString(wchar_t* p, size_t size) const { if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format_ms, (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format, (int)(yymm / 13), (int)(yymm % 13), (int)dd, (int)hh, (int)nn, (int)ss); return p; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- void maDateTime::setValue(__int64 v) { if (m_bigendian) { i64 = 0; char* p = (char*)&i64; char* src = (char*)&v; p[3] = src[4]; p[4] = src[3]; p[5] = src[2]; p[6] = src[1]; p[7] = src[0]; p[0] = src[7]; p[1] = src[6]; p[2] = src[5]; i64 = i64 >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; __int64 v = i64; ms = v % digit_logs[m_dec]; v /= digit_logs[m_dec]; ss = v % 60; v /= 60; nn = v % 60; v /= 60; hh = v % 24; v /= 24; dd = v % 32; v /= 32; __int64 mm = v % 13; v /= 13; __int64 yy = v; yymm = yy*13 + mm; }else myDateTime::setValue(v); } __int64 maDateTime::getValue() { if (!m_bigendian) return myDateTime::getValue(); unsigned __int64 i64t = (((((yymm) * 32ULL + dd) * 24ULL + hh) * 60ULL + nn) * 60ULL + ss) * digit_logs[m_dec] + ms; __int64 v; char* src = (char*)&i64t; char* p = (char*)&v; p[4] = src[3]; p[3] = src[4]; p[2] = src[5]; p[1] = src[6]; p[0] = src[7]; p[5] = src[2]; p[6] = src[1]; p[7] = src[0]; v = v >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; return v; } maDateTime& maDateTime::operator=(const char* p) { myDateTime::operator=(p); return *this; } #ifdef _WIN32 maDateTime& maDateTime::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { myDateTime::operator=(p); return *this; } #endif //------------------------------------------------------------- void myTimeStamp::setValue(__int64 v) { i64 = 0; if (m_bigendian) { char* p = (char*)&i64; char* src = (char*)&v; p[3] = src[3]; p[4] = src[2]; p[5] = src[1]; p[6] = src[0]; if (m_dec && datetime) { p[0] = src[6]; p[1] = src[5]; p[2] = src[4]; ms = ms >> (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; if (!m_mariadb) ms /= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); } }else datetime = v; } __int64 myTimeStamp::getValue() { if (m_bigendian) { __int64 v = 0; char* src = (char*)&i64; char* p = (char*)&v; p[3] = src[3]; p[2] = src[4]; p[1] = src[5]; p[0] = src[6]; if (m_dec) { ms = ms << (3 - ((m_dec + 1) / 2)) * 8; if (!m_mariadb) ms *= ((m_dec % 2) ? 10 : 1); p[4] = src[2]; p[5] = src[1]; p[6] = src[0]; } return v; } return datetime; } char* myTimeStamp::toString(char* p, size_t size) { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format_ms, st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1, st->tm_mday, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format, st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1, st->tm_mday, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec); }else { if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format_ms, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_dec, 0); else sprintf_s(p, size, datetime_format, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return p; } myTimeStamp& myTimeStamp::operator=(const char* p) { size_t len = strlen(p); struct tm st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(tm)); i64 = 0; if (len > 3) { st.tm_year = (int)atol(p) - 1900; if (len > 6) { st.tm_mon = (int)atol(p + 5) - 1; if (len > 9) { st.tm_mday = (int)atol(p + 8); if (len > 12) { st.tm_hour = (int)atol(p + 11); if (len > 15) { st.tm_min = (int)atol(p + 14); if (len > 18) { st.tm_sec = (int)atol(p + 17); if (m_dec && len > 20) { char tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; strncpy(tmp, p + 20, (size_t)m_dec); ms = atol(tmp); } } } } } } } datetime = (__int64)mktime(&st); return *this; } char* myTimeStamp::dateStr(char* p, size_t size) const { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); sprintf_s(p, size, "%04d-%02d-%02d", st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1,st->tm_mday); }else sprintf_s(p, size, "%04d-%02d-%02d", 0, 0, 0); return p; } char* myTimeStamp::timeStr(char* p, size_t size) const { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, time_format_ms, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else sprintf_s(p, size, time_format, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec); }else { if (m_dec) sprintf_s(p, size, time_format_ms, 0, 0, 0, m_dec, 0); else sprintf_s(p, size, time_format, 0, 0, 0); } return p; } #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4477) wchar_t* myTimeStamp::toString(wchar_t* p, size_t size) { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; errno = 0; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); if (st == NULL) { swprintf_s(p, size, L"er:%d %s", errno, _tcserror(errno)); return p; } if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format_ms, st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1, st->tm_mday, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format, st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1, st->tm_mday, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec); }else { if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format_ms, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_dec, 0); else swprintf_s(p, size, wdatetime_format, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return p; } #pragma warning(default : 4477) myTimeStamp& myTimeStamp::operator=(const wchar_t* p) { size_t len = wcslen(p); struct tm st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(tm)); i64 = 0; if (len > 3) { st.tm_year = (int)_wtol(p) - 1900; if (len > 6) { st.tm_mon = (int)_wtol(p + 5) - 1; if (len > 9) { st.tm_mday = (int)_wtol(p + 8); if (len > 12) { st.tm_hour = (int)_wtol(p + 11); if (len > 15) { st.tm_min = (int)_wtol(p + 14); if (len > 18) { st.tm_sec = (int)_wtol(p + 17); if (m_dec && len > 20) { wchar_t tmp[10] = { 0x00 }; wcsncpy(tmp, p + 20, (size_t)m_dec); ms = _wtol(tmp); } } } } } } } datetime = (__int64)mktime(&st); return *this; } wchar_t* myTimeStamp::dateStr(wchar_t* p, size_t size) const { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); swprintf_s(p, size, L"%04d-%02d-%02d", st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1,st->tm_mday); }else swprintf_s(p, size, L"%04d-%02d-%02d", 0, 0, 0); return p; } wchar_t* myTimeStamp::timeStr(wchar_t* p, size_t size) const { if (datetime) { time_t v = (time_t)datetime; struct tm* st = localtime(&v); if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format_ms, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec, m_dec, (unsigned int)ms); else swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec); }else { if (m_dec) swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format_ms, 0, 0, 0, m_dec, 0); else swprintf_s(p, size, wtime_format, 0, 0, 0); } return p; } #endif #pragma warning(default : 4996) #pragma warn .8056 } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs //#endif //MYDATETIME_H