require 'parallel_specs' begin require 'rspec/core/formatters/progress_formatter' base = RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProgressFormatter rescue LoadError require 'spec/runner/formatter/progress_bar_formatter' base = Spec::Runner::Formatter::BaseTextFormatter end ParallelSpecs::SpecRuntimeLoggerBase = base class ParallelSpecs::SpecRuntimeLogger < ParallelSpecs::SpecRuntimeLoggerBase def initialize(options, output=nil) output ||= options # rspec 2 has output as first argument if String === output FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(output)),'w'){|f| f.write ''} # clean the file @output =, 'a+') #append so that multiple processes can write at once else @output = output end @example_times = @failed_examples = [] # only needed for rspec 2 end def example_started(*args) @time = end def example_passed(example) file = example.location.split(':').first @example_times[file] += - @time end def start_dump(*args) return unless ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] #only record when running in parallel # TODO: Figure out why sometimes time can be less than 0 lock_output do @output.puts { |file, time| "#{file}:#{time > 0 ? time : 0}" } end @output.flush end # stubs so that rspec doe not crash def example_pending(*args) end def dump_summary(*args) end def dump_pending(*args) end def dump_failure(*args) end #stolen from Rspec def close @output.close if (IO === @output) & (@output != $stdout) end # do not let multiple processes get in each others way def lock_output if File === @output begin @output.flock File::LOCK_EX yield ensure @output.flock File::LOCK_UN end else yield end end end