.TH TORK\-MASTER 1 2012\-10\-26 19.0.1 .SH NAME .PP tork\-master \- absorbs overhead and runs tests .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCtork-master\fR [\fIOPTION\fP]... .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This program absorbs your Ruby application's test execution overhead once and simply .BR fork (3)s worker processses to run your tests thereafter. As a result, your tests run faster because they no longer spend any time absorbing the test execution overhead: worker processes simply inherit the overhead when forked. .PP This program can be controlled remotely by multiple .BR tork-remote (1) instances. .SS Input .PP This program reads the following commands, which are single\-line JSON arrays, from stdin and performs the actions described respectively. .TP \fB\fC["test",\fR \fItest_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIline_numbers\fP\fB\fC]\fR Forks a worker process to run tests that correspond to the given \fIline_numbers\fP in the given \fItest_file\fP. If \fIline_numbers\fP is empty, then the entire \fItest_file\fP will be run. .TP \fB\fC["stop",\fR \fIsignal\fP\fB\fC]\fR Stops all tests that are currently running by sending the given \fIsignal\fP (optional; defaults to "SIGTERM") to their respective worker processes. .TP \fB\fC["quit"]\fR Stops all tests that are currently running and exits. .SS Output .PP This program prints the following messages, which are single\-line JSON arrays, to stdout. .TP \fB\fC["absorb"]\fR Test execution overhead has been absorbed. We are ready for testing! .TP \fB\fC["test",\fR \fItest_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIline_numbers\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIlog_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIworker_number\fP\fB\fC]\fR Test has begun running. Its output (both stdout and stderr) is being captured into \fIlog_file\fP in real time, so you can watch it with \fB\fCtail -f\fR. .TP \fB\fC["pass",\fR \fItest_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIline_numbers\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIlog_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIworker_number\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIexit_code\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIexit_info\fP\fB\fC]\fR Test has passed. .TP \fB\fC["fail",\fR \fItest_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIline_numbers\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIlog_file\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIworker_number\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIexit_code\fP\fB\fC,\fR \fIexit_info\fP\fB\fC]\fR Test has failed. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC-h\fR, \fB\fC--help\fR Show this help manual. .SH FILES .TP \fI.tork/config.rb\fP Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the driver process on startup. It can read and change the \fB\fCENV['TORK_CONFIGS']\fR environment variable. .TP \fI.tork/master.rb\fP Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the master process on startup. It can read and change the following variables. .PP .RS .TP \fB\fCTork::Master::MAX_CONCURRENT_WORKERS\fR Maximum number of worker processes that are allowed to be running simultaneously at any given time. The default value is either the number of processors detected on your system or 1 if detection failed. .RE .TP \fI.tork/onfork.rb\fP Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside the master process just before a worker process is forked. It can read and change the following variables. .PP .RS .TP \fB\fC$tork_test_file\fR Path of the test file that will be run by the worker process. .TP \fB\fC$tork_line_numbers\fR Array of line numbers in the test file that were requested to be run. .TP \fB\fC$tork_log_file\fR Path of the log file that will hold the output of the worker process. .TP \fB\fC$tork_worker_number\fR Sequence number of the worker process that will be forked shortly. .RE .TP \fI.tork/worker.rb\fP Optional Ruby script that is loaded inside a worker process just after it is forked. It can read and change the following variables. .PP .RS .TP \fB\fC$tork_test_file\fR Path of the test file that will be run by this worker process. .TP \fB\fC$tork_line_numbers\fR Array of line numbers in the test file that were requested to be run. .TP \fB\fC$tork_log_file\fR Path of the log file that will hold the output of this worker process. .TP \fB\fC$tork_worker_number\fR Sequence number of this worker process. .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .PP See .BR tork (1). .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR tork (1), .BR tork-remote (1)