require 'rubygems' require 'thread' # This program demonstrates that the curses getch call blocks all Ruby # threads. # # The code comes from a 2009 blog post by William Morgan. # # # # Morgan is the original developer of Sup, a ruby curse email client ( # and he works for tweeter now. # # Here is the original code from the post. =begin require 'ncurses' Ncurses.initscr Ncurses.noecho Ncurses.cbreak Ncurses.curs_set 0 do sleep 0.1 Ncurses.stdscr.mvaddstr 0, 0, "library is GOOD." end begin Ncurses.stdscr.mvaddstr 0, 0, "library is BAD." Ncurses.getch ensure Ncurses.curs_set 1 Ncurses.endwin puts "bye" end =end # Here is the port. require 'curses' do sleep 0.1 Curses.stdscr.setpos(0, 0) Curses.stdscr.addstr('library is GOOD') end Curses.init_screen Curses.raw Curses.clear Curses.curs_set(0) Curses.noecho Curses.cbreak Curses.start_color Curses.stdscr.setpos(0, 0) Curses.stdscr.addstr('library is BAD') Curses.stdscr.getch Curses.close_screen