/** * @fileoverview Prevent usage of this.state within setState * @author Rolf Erik Lekang, Jørgen Aaberg */ 'use strict'; const docsUrl = require('../util/docsUrl'); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: 'Reports when this.state is accessed within setState', category: 'Possible Errors', recommended: false, url: docsUrl('no-access-state-in-setstate') } }, create: function(context) { function isSetStateCall(node) { return node.type === 'CallExpression' && node.callee.property && node.callee.property.name === 'setState' && node.callee.object.type === 'ThisExpression'; } function isFirstArgumentInSetStateCall(current, node) { if (!isSetStateCall(current)) { return false; } while (node && node.parent !== current) { node = node.parent; } return current.arguments[0] === node; } // The methods array contains all methods or functions that are using this.state // or that are calling another method or function using this.state const methods = []; // The vars array contains all variables that contains this.state const vars = []; return { CallExpression(node) { // Appends all the methods that are calling another // method containing this.state to the methods array methods.map(method => { if (node.callee.name === method.methodName) { let current = node.parent; while (current.type !== 'Program') { if (current.type === 'MethodDefinition') { methods.push({ methodName: current.key.name, node: method.node }); break; } current = current.parent; } } }); // Finding all CallExpressions that is inside a setState // to further check if they contains this.state let current = node.parent; while (current.type !== 'Program') { if (isFirstArgumentInSetStateCall(current, node)) { const methodName = node.callee.name; methods.map(method => { if (method.methodName === methodName) { context.report( method.node, 'Use callback in setState when referencing the previous state.' ); } }); break; } current = current.parent; } }, MemberExpression(node) { if ( node.property.name === 'state' && node.object.type === 'ThisExpression' ) { let current = node; while (current.type !== 'Program') { // Reporting if this.state is directly within this.setState if (isFirstArgumentInSetStateCall(current, node)) { context.report( node, 'Use callback in setState when referencing the previous state.' ); break; } // Storing all functions and methods that contains this.state if (current.type === 'MethodDefinition') { methods.push({ methodName: current.key.name, node: node }); break; } else if (current.type === 'FunctionExpression' && current.parent.key) { methods.push({ methodName: current.parent.key.name, node: node }); break; } // Storing all variables containg this.state if (current.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { vars.push({ node: node, scope: context.getScope(), variableName: current.id.name }); break; } current = current.parent; } } }, Identifier(node) { // Checks if the identifier is a variable within an object let current = node; while (current.parent.type === 'BinaryExpression') { current = current.parent; } if ( current.parent.value === current || current.parent.object === current ) { while (current.type !== 'Program') { if (isFirstArgumentInSetStateCall(current, node)) { vars .filter(v => v.scope === context.getScope() && v.variableName === node.name) .map(v => context.report( v.node, 'Use callback in setState when referencing the previous state.' )); } current = current.parent; } } }, ObjectPattern(node) { const isDerivedFromThis = node.parent.init && node.parent.init.type === 'ThisExpression'; node.properties.forEach(property => { if (property && property.key && property.key.name === 'state' && isDerivedFromThis) { vars.push({ node: property.key, scope: context.getScope(), variableName: property.key.name }); } }); } }; } };