// This file has stuff related to Ext JS (as apposed to Touch) // Because of Netzke's double-underscore notation, Ext.TabPanel should have a different id-delimiter (yes, this should be in netzke-core) Ext.TabPanel.prototype.idDelimiter = "___"; // Enable quick tips Ext.QuickTips.init(); // Checking Ext JS version: both major and minor versions must be the same (function(){ var requiredVersionMajor = 5, requiredVersionMinor = 1, extVersion = Ext.getVersion('extjs'), currentVersionMajor = extVersion.getMajor(), currentVersionMinor = extVersion.getMinor(), requiredString = "" + requiredVersionMajor + "." + requiredVersionMinor + ".x"; if (requiredVersionMajor != currentVersionMajor || requiredVersionMinor != currentVersionMinor) { Netzke.warning("Ext JS " + requiredString + " required (you have " + extVersion.toString() + ")."); } })(); // FeedbackGhost is a little class that displays unified feedback from Netzke components. Ext.define('Netzke.FeedbackGhost', { showFeedback: function(msg, options){ options = options || {}; options.delay = options.delay || Netzke.core.FeedbackDelay; if (Ext.isObject(msg)) { this.msg(msg.level.camelize(), msg.msg, options.delay); } else if (Ext.isArray(msg)) { Ext.each(msg, function(m) { this.showFeedback(m); }, this); } else { this.msg(null, msg, options.delay); // no header for now } }, msg: function(title, format, delay){ if(!this.msgCt){ this.msgCt = Ext.core.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {id:'msg-div'}, true); } var s = Ext.String.format.apply(String, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); var m = Ext.core.DomHelper.append(this.msgCt, this.createBox(title, s), true); m.hide(); m.slideIn('t').ghost("t", { delay: delay, remove: true}); }, createBox: function(t, s){ if (t) { return '

' + t + '

' + s + '

'; } else { return '

' + s + '

'; } } }); Ext.define('Netzke.classes.NetzkeRemotingProvider', { extend: 'Ext.direct.RemotingProvider', getPayload: function(t){ return { path: t.action, endpoint: t.method, data: t.data, tid: t.id, type: 'rpc' } }, addEndpointsForComponent: function(componentPath, componentId, endpoints) { var cls = this.namespace[componentId] || (this.namespace[componentId] = {}); Ext.Array.each(endpoints, function(ep) { var methodName = ep.camelize(true), method = Ext.create('Ext.direct.RemotingMethod', {name: methodName, len: 1}); cls[methodName] = this.createHandler(componentPath, method); }, this); } }); Netzke.directProvider = new Netzke.classes.NetzkeRemotingProvider({ type: "remoting", // create a Ext.direct.RemotingProvider url: Netzke.ControllerUrl + "direct/", // url to connect to the Ext.Direct server-side router. namespace: "Netzke.providers", // Netzke.providers will have a key per Netzke component, each mapped to a hash with a RemotingMethod per endpoint actions: {}, maxRetries: Netzke.core.directMaxRetries, enableBuffer: true, // buffer/batch requests within 10ms timeframe timeout: 30000 // 30s timeout per request }); Ext.Direct.addProvider(Netzke.directProvider); // Override Ext.Component's constructor to enable Netzke features Ext.define(null, { override: 'Ext.Component', constructor: function(config) { if (this.isNetzke) { // component loading index this.netzkeLoadingIndex = 0; this.netzkeComponents = config.netzkeComponents; this.passedConfig = config; // process and get rid of endpoints config this.netzkeProcessEndpoints(config); // process and get rid of plugins config this.netzkeProcessPlugins(config); this.netzkeNormalizeActions(config); this.netzkeNormalizeConfig(config); this.netzkeNormalizeTools(config); // This is where the references to different callback functions will be stored this.callbackHash = {}; // This is where we store the information about components that are currently being loaded with this.loadComponent() this.componentsBeingLoaded = {}; } this.callOverridden([config]); } }); // Methods/properties that each and every Netzke component will have Ext.define(null, { override: 'Netzke.classes.Core.Mixin', feedbackGhost: Ext.create("Netzke.FeedbackGhost"), /* Mask shown during loading of a component. Set to false to not mask. Pass config for Ext.LoadMask for configuring msg/cls, etc. Set msg to null if mask without any msg is desirable. */ netzkeLoadMask: false, // TODO: reenable /** * Runs through initial config options and does the following: * * * detects component placeholders and replaces them with full component config found in netzkeComponents * * detects action placeholders and replaces them with instances of Ext actions found in this.actions * @private */ netzkeNormalizeConfig: function(config) { for (key in config) { if (Ext.isArray(config[key])) this.netzkeNormalizeConfigArray(config[key]); } }, /** * Dynamically creates methods for endpoints, so that we could later call them like: this.myEndpointMethod() * @private */ netzkeProcessEndpoints: function(config){ var endpoints = config.endpoints || []; endpoints.push('deliver_component'); // all Netzke components get this endpoint Netzke.directProvider.addEndpointsForComponent(config.path, config.id, endpoints); var that = this; Ext.each(endpoints, function(ep){ var methodName = ep.camelize(true); /* add endpoint method to `this` */ this[methodName] = function(args, callback, scope) { Netzke.runningRequests++; scope = scope || that; var cfgs = this.buildParentClientConfigs(); var remotingArgs = {args: args, configs: cfgs}; // Calling Ext.Direct's function Netzke.providers[config.id][methodName].call(scope, remotingArgs, function(result, e) { var callbackParam = e; if (Ext.getClass(e) == Ext.direct.RemotingEvent) { // means we didn't get an exception that.netzkeBulkExecute(result); // invoke the endpoint result on the calling component callbackParam = that.latestResult; } if (typeof callback == "function" && !scope.netzkeSessionIsExpired) { callback.call(scope, callbackParam); // invoke the callback on the provided scope, or on the calling component if no scope set. Pass latestResult to callback in case of success, or the Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent otherwise } Netzke.runningRequests--; }); } }, this); delete config.endpoints; }, /** * Array of client configs for each parent down the tree * @private */ buildParentClientConfigs: function() { if (!this._parentClientConfig) { this._parentClientConfig = []; var parent = this; while (parent) { var cfg = parent.clientConfig || {}; cfg.id = parent.id; this._parentClientConfig.unshift(cfg); parent = parent.netzkeGetParentComponent(); } } return this._parentClientConfig; }, /** * @private * Handles endpoint exceptions. Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent gets passed as parameter. Override to handle server side exceptions. */ onDirectException: function(e) { Netzke.warning("Server error. Override onDirectException to handle this."); }, /** * @private */ netzkeNormalizeTools: function(config) { if (config.tools) { var normTools = []; Ext.each(config.tools, function(tool){ var handler = Ext.Function.bind(this.netzkeToolHandler, this, [tool]); normTools.push({type : tool, handler : handler, scope : this}); }, this); this.tools = normTools; delete config.tools; } }, /** * Replaces actions configs with Ext.Action instances, assigning default handler to them * @private */ netzkeNormalizeActions : function(config){ var normActions = {}; for (var name in config.actions) { // Configure the action var actionConfig = Ext.apply({}, config.actions[name]); // do not modify original this.actions actionConfig.customHandler = actionConfig.handler; actionConfig.handler = Ext.Function.bind(this.netzkeActionHandler, this); // handler common for all actions actionConfig.name = name; normActions[name] = new Ext.Action(actionConfig); } this.actions = normActions; delete(config.actions); }, /** * Dynamically loads a Netzke component. * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config Can contain the following keys: * 'container' - if specified, the instance (or id) of a panel with the 'fit' layout where the loaded component will be added to; the previously existing component will be destroyed * 'append' - if set to +true+, do not clear the container before adding the loaded component * 'clone' - if set to +true+, allows loading multiple instances of the same child component * 'callback' - function that gets called after the component is loaded; it receives the component's instance as parameter * 'configOnly' - if set to +true+, do not instantiate the component, instead pass its config to the callback function * 'params' - object passed to the endpoint, may be useful for extra configuration * 'scope' - scope for the callback * * Examples: * * this.netzkeLoadComponent('info'); * * loads 'info' and adds it to +this+ container, removing anything from it first. * * this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', {container: win, callback: function(instance){}, scope: this}); * * loads 'info' and adds it to +win+ container, envoking a callback in +this+ scope, passing it an instance of 'info'. * * this.netzkeLoadComponent('info', {configOnly: true, callback: function(config){}, scope: this}); * * loads configuration for the 'info' component, envoking a callback in +this+ scope, passing it the loaded config for 'info'. */ netzkeLoadComponent: function(){ var params; // support 2 different signatures if (Ext.isString(arguments[0])) { params = arguments[1] || {}; params.name = arguments[0]; } else { params = arguments[0]; } if (params.container == undefined) params.container = this; params.name = params.name.underscore(); /* params that will be provided for the server API call (deliver_component); all what's passed in params.params is * merged in. This way we exclude from sending along such things as :scope and :callback */ var serverParams = params.params || {}; serverParams["name"] = params.name; serverParams["client_config"] = params.clientConfig; // by which the loaded component will be referred in +netzkeComponentDelivered+ var itemId = params.name; // multi-instance loading if (params.clone) { serverParams["index"] = this.netzkeLoadingIndex; itemId += this.netzkeLoadingIndex; // << index this.netzkeLoadingIndex++; } // coma-separated list of xtypes of already loaded classes serverParams["cache"] = Netzke.cache.join(); var storedConfig = this.componentsBeingLoaded[itemId] = params; // Remember where the loaded component should be inserted into var containerCmp = params.container && Ext.isString(params.container) ? Ext.getCmp(params.container) : params.container; storedConfig.container = containerCmp; // Show loading mask if possible var containerEl = (containerCmp || this).getEl(); if (this.netzkeLoadMask && containerEl){ storedConfig.loadMaskCmp = new Ext.LoadMask(containerEl, this.netzkeLoadMask); storedConfig.loadMaskCmp.show(); } // Call the endpoint this.deliverComponent(serverParams, function(e) { if (Ext.getClass(e) == Ext.direct.ExceptionEvent) { this.netzkeUndoLoadingComponent(params.name); } }, this); }, /** * Called by the server after we ask him to load a component * @private */ netzkeComponentDelivered: function(config){ var storedConfig = this.netzkeUndoLoadingComponent(config.itemId), callbackParam; config.netzkeParent = this; if (storedConfig.configOnly) { callbackParam = Ext.apply(config, storedConfig); } else { var currentCmp = Ext.ComponentManager.get(config.id); if (currentCmp) currentCmp.destroy(); var componentInstance = Ext.ComponentManager.create(config); // there's no sense in adding a window-type components if (storedConfig.container && !componentInstance.isFloating()) { var containerCmp = storedConfig.container; if (!storedConfig.append) containerCmp.removeAll(); containerCmp.add(componentInstance); if (containerCmp.isVisible()) { containerCmp.doLayout(); } else { // if loaded into a hidden container, we need a little trick containerCmp.on('show', function(cmp){ cmp.doLayout(); }, {single: true}); } } callbackParam = componentInstance; } if (storedConfig.callback) { storedConfig.callback.call(storedConfig.scope || this, callbackParam, storedConfig); } }, /** * Destroys the loading mask and removes the component from componentsBeingLoaded * @private */ netzkeUndoLoadingComponent: function(itemId) { var storedConfig = this.componentsBeingLoaded[itemId] || {}; delete this.componentsBeingLoaded[itemId]; if (storedConfig.loadMaskCmp) { storedConfig.loadMaskCmp.hide(); storedConfig.loadMaskCmp.destroy(); } return storedConfig; }, /** * @private */ netzkeComponentDeliveryFailed: function(params) { var storedConfig = this.componentsBeingLoaded[params.itemId] || {}; delete this.componentsBeingLoaded[params.itemId]; if (storedConfig.loadMaskCmp) { storedConfig.loadMaskCmp.hide(); storedConfig.loadMaskCmp.destroy(); } this.netzkeFeedback({msg: params.msg, level: "Error"}); }, /** * Returns parent Netzke component */ netzkeGetParentComponent: function(){ return this.netzkeParent; }, /** * Reloads itself by instructing the parent to call `netzkeLoadComponent`. * Note: in order for this to work, the component must be nested in a container with the 'fit' layout. */ netzkeReload: function(){ var parent = this.netzkeGetParentComponent(); if (parent) { var name = this.netzkeLocalId(parent); parent.netzkeLoadComponent(name, {container: this.getRefOwner().id}); } else { window.location.reload(); } }, /** * Instantiates and returns a Netzke component by its name. * @private */ netzkeInstantiateComponent: function(name) { name = name.camelize(true); var cfg = this.netzkeComponents[name]; return Ext.createByAlias(this.netzkeComponents[name].alias, cfg) }, /** * Returns *instantiated* child component by its relative id, which may contain the 'parent' part to walk _up_ the hierarchy * @private */ netzkeGetComponent: function(id){ if (id === "") {return this}; id = id.underscore(); var split = id.split("__"), res; if (split[0] === 'parent') { split.shift(); var childInParentScope = split.join("__"); res = this.netzkeGetParentComponent().netzkeGetComponent(childInParentScope); } else { res = Ext.getCmp(this.id+"__"+id); } return res; }, /** * Provides a visual feedback. TODO: refactor * msg can be a string, an array of strings, an object in form {msg: 'Message'}, or an array of such objects. */ netzkeFeedback: function(msg, options){ if (this.initialConfig && this.initialConfig.quiet) return false; options = options || {}; if (typeof msg == 'string'){ msg = [msg]; } var feedback = ""; Ext.each(msg, function(m){ feedback += (m.msg || m) + "
" }); if (feedback != "") { this.feedbackGhost.showFeedback(feedback, {delay: options.delay}); } }, /** * Common handler for all netzke's actions. comp is the Component that triggered the action (e.g. button or menu item) * @private */ netzkeActionHandler: function(comp){ var actionName = comp.name; // If firing corresponding event doesn't return false, call the handler if (this.fireEvent(actionName+'click', comp)) { var action = this.actions[actionName]; var customHandler = action.initialConfig.customHandler; var methodName = (customHandler && customHandler.camelize(true)) || "on" + actionName.camelize(); if (!this[methodName]) {throw "Netzke: handler '" + methodName + "' is undefined in '" + this.id + "'";} // call the handler passing it the triggering component this[methodName](comp); } }, /** * Common handler for tools * @private */ netzkeToolHandler: function(tool){ // If firing corresponding event doesn't return false, call the handler if (this.fireEvent(tool.id+'click')) { var methodName = "on"+tool.camelize(); if (!this[methodName]) {throw "Netzke: handler for tool '"+tool+"' is undefined"} this[methodName](); } }, /** * @private */ netzkeProcessPlugins: function(config) { if (config.netzkePlugins) { if (!this.plugins) this.plugins = []; Ext.each(config.netzkePlugins, function(p){ this.plugins.push(this.netzkeInstantiateComponent(p)); }, this); delete config.netzkePlugins; } } });