i.d. got taken away once again. i won't be going clubbing for a while haha :( how bouts i wait until i am of age *sigh
awww maan! watt an awesome day! i met 4 of my high school friends in pavilioon! woooot! misssh youuu guysss! :(
:( i'm up.
really hate the new youtube setup :(
aww man :-( so ur gonna tweet the night away
sorry! :( that's no fun...
i finally get home and everybody leaves twitter?! sucks :(
omg i just battled a mosquito right now with my foot and now idk where it went and i'm scared it's going to attack me when i'm asleep :(
lmfao, now im sad..... :(
didn't get my ticket in time. and had bills to pay. :(
i love my gramss! but i hate when she talks about dying :(
hahahaha celebrated too early.....oh well.... :( #jgf
whats wrong? :(
awwww! i miss you! :(
well thanx! :) i did see that-amazing! i really liked him :( i'm off to bed, but we need to talk more soon! it's been 2 long!
lol please do! i can jerk, but no reject : ( lol
cheese is not safe long out if i recall correctly :(
my old habit might kick back in... :( oh no....
someone load film in this camera for me because apparently i can't do it now :(
i can't :( e recorded it on hi gl1 so he needs to run it off on the tapedeck on monday.
belom kak. . :( udh liat yg sndri" lom? gondrong eeerrgghh~ mrk bnr" kudu ngcut rmbt.ny.
nope...i don't take medicine :(
dear sony, we saying good-bye to linux on playstation 3, u think nice things like making supercomputer with ps3s will happen again? :(
bumbed my notebook is in the car :(
:( oh yeah lol
lauren is so mean to me. :( she hurt my arm. :( i hope she's happy. and an indian burn. :(
no ones talking to me. i have n friends. :(
scavenger hunt walmart w/ amazing ppl was sooo much fun! umm if only wal-mart had fish nets :(
i'm missing out on you spinning horizon. i am not feeling good and can't even get out of bed. :(
that's not good :( maybe it's from the weather changing so much
i wouldn't ignore you :(
i can't watch my iphone doesn't support that video :( oh well just wanted to say hi!
still haven't gotten it yet :(
so no apple ipad tonight. :(
i think im going to give up on getting a dm from . i dont think ill ever get one. :(
ah fuck my legs are so tireddd :(
lmao aye , stfu ! ^_^ lol i'm not scared or nothing . i just wanna know so i can see it cus it's lame as hell so far , #noaction :(
all dressed up wit nowhere to go :-(
i missed my opportunity to get a shiny puchu because i was too busy and didnt notice the deadline :(
ahhh! its cold, burr! :(
:( nott my week.
:( what's the point of coming home after being apart and still not seeing each other #notsosubliminaltweet *sigh*
:( i love malfoy ! he's so effin hot
bummed u guys arent coming to chicago! :(
y do thy always spew the word "freedom" or use it in their monikers....stupid damned sound bite sheeple :(
yes, i want to but like he was calling me earlier today crying i was like awwwwwwwwwwwww :(
northerners are hella loud :(
i know you be fluking me :-(
ih spesies bekantan ud hampir extinct loh :( save my brothers and sisters dong ! hahaha !
awakeee! coughing badly :(
i've had it for like 3 months and i'm on 340 -.-
u have like 1000 help meee :(
pweeeez :)
i'm done trying :( goodnight.
no :( thats the only one i applied to in the city. the rest are like normal colleges. i just wanted to be in the city :(
i need someone to txt.. :( #lonelytweet #smh <---ikno how yyu feelinq riqht now
argh! i became fat already! omg! i need to exercise asap! :(
don't ask :( [ask
i was posta for my grandma bday, but its my otha grandma bday aqui n mami was like hell no u aint goin :(
imyy :( << imy2!
:( packing cos we're going back to bakersfield tomorrow.
not looking too good :(
i'm sorry :( seems like no one had a good day today...wishes for a butter tomorrow<3
:( apple sauce or pickle juice can temporarily relieve it
aww man that sucks. poor audi :(
thank you but you haven't :(
ya but i dont have a imax near me :(
even with a good 2mbps bandwidth link, the #tedxmumbai live stream keeping getting into caching loop! :(
yea :( like. lol idk i'm just frustrated ig
this if you miss justin's flirty tweets. :(
#shoutouts to all the random groups that follow me then unfollow me...smdh..(even though they can't see this) :( womp womp)
omg u went 2 da club n did not take me :(
i feel like the only person on deviantart whose llama does not have a cape. not surprised though. i apparently don't exist on that site :(
me & dad are going back to sg tomorrow afternoon. mum will be coming back after my cca on next tuesday for some personal reasons :(
aww... just checked the weather in vegas and there's gonna b rain in all of them :( that sucks
my stomach hurts... :(
omg i dont wanna come over if these rudee bitches are gonna screen shot me :(
i really wantt ari tooo sleeepoverrr :(
do you only reply those people who have your name in their name? :( please reply. i love your top in the mv for iot. :)
all the articles ive written are on music, plus they aint on no website just on my pc :(
i had minor surgery on my lower back on wednesday :(
soooo many dishes to do :(
i wish somebody would take me to the movies :(
my internet stopped for a sec. i think myy mom pulled it out since she wants me to sleep noww :(
bloody tears :"( shinee's hello baby will end at 12th episode :( #kpopfacts
awww i'm sorry u still be down :( i hope u be ok <3
lucky! my best friend is in texas this weekend and my other friends are at 21+ places. :( i'm lame.
omg i love the truth but it cant be the second singe nooooo :( it has to be awm
almost home. i hae a rumbly in my tummy. all i've eaten today is a scone. :( — at oxnard metrolink/amtrak
wonderful! i knowwwww right! :( your makeup is lookin fierce as usual :)
i hope you feel better!!! :(
nooooooooooo not the blonde :(
eh don't unfollow your fans especially that's not nice to treat ure fans :(
"on april 13th 12:10 a.m. all broadcasts of "shinee's hello baby" will be terminated." why!!?!?!??!? what happened? :(
yeah i won't b able to go :( gotta work
tippppssssyy!!!! twins was nice still too bad i can't stay smh exit---- > :(
i cant handle the life i live. i kno life isnt fair..but y does everything go wrong me i didnt ask for n e of this :(
aww no love :( i'll follow you
so sorry to hear you're leaving batwoman :( good luck with your other projects, though! :)
but this heartburn sucks! lol :(
:( grooveshark is down. this is unacceptable.
your neveer going to following me =/ its like impossible! i ask you everyday too im just invisible to you :(
daaaaang i hat when people unfollow me ;/ anyone wanna help me get more? :(
aww :(
omggg i love marble slab!!! i finished my pint size in 3 days :(
i love you, but you never answer me! dm me please :( or send a reply.. :/
anyways they dont come...acc to them we r far away frm city :(
i can't find samy gurl :( i need to laugh like right now
i still hate the fact that there's no memories in sims 3 :(
i thought i was gonna be alone tonite :( lol
#nowplaying the nightwatchman maximum firepower ive seen twice n both times he didnt do this song : (
well dont be dissapointedd :(
haha next time give him to me, i've never had a pet :(
awww i miss my jamician smh :-(
ughhhh but i wanted it!! so its tooo late to back down now!! awwwww imma miss candy :(
:-( my site's done. i tried the alternatives of resetting my css, and choosing a different theme. neither worked.
missing my midnight sonny's date. :(
dont babe me. you called me a tramp. that hurts. :(
the way i'm feelin rite now is why i didn't want to come back...man this suck. :(
so cold! curled under two overthrows with my heater on and i'm still shivering! :(
you lame! lol... on my way home... serious headache! :-(
left my cymbals at home :( i feel like such an idiot.