require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" module Simply describe HTMLBuilder do before(:each) do @builder = end it "should create a self-closing hr tag" do @builder.to_s.should == "
" end it "should create a self closing hr tag" do @builder.to_s.should == "
" end it "should create two self-closing tags" do @builder.to_s.should == "

" end it "should output text directly with the text method" do @builder.text "foo" @builder.to_s.should == "foo" end it "should have a paragraph tag" do @builder.p "foo" @builder.to_s.should == "


" end it "should contain the text inside the paragraph tags" do @builder.p "bar baz" @builder.to_s.should == "

bar baz

" end it "should take options with a string given" do @builder.p "bar baz", :class => :something @builder.to_s.should == "

bar baz

" end it "should have a paragraph tag which takes a block" do @builder.p do text "foo" end @builder.to_s.should == "


" end Simply::HTMLBuilder::SELF_CLOSING_TAGS.each do |tag| it "should have the tag #{tag}" do @builder.send(tag) @builder.to_s.should == "<#{tag} />" end end it "should set options given to a self-closing tag" do @builder.img :src => "foo" @builder.to_s.should == "" end it "should set two options to a self-closing tag" do @builder.img :src => "foo", :alt => :some_text out = @builder.to_s out.should =~ // out.should =~ // end it "should set options on a non-self closing tag (like a p)" do @builder.p :class => :foo, :name => :something do text "foo" end @builder.to_s.should == '


' end Simply::HTMLBuilder::BLOCK_TAGS.each do |tag| it "should have the #{tag} tag" do @builder.send(tag, "foo") @builder.to_s.should == "<#{tag}>foo" end it "should contain the text inside the #{tag} tags" do @builder.send(tag, "bar baz") @builder.to_s.should == "<#{tag}>bar baz" end it "should take options with a string given" do @builder.send(tag, "bar baz", :class => :something) @builder.to_s.should == "<#{tag} class=\"something\">bar baz" end it "should have a paragraph tag which takes a block" do @builder.send(tag) do text "foo" end @builder.to_s.should == "<#{tag}>foo" end end it "should raise an argument error when calling a closing tag with no options" do lambda { @builder.p }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should escape special html values" do @builder.h1 'Apples & Oranges' @builder.to_s.should == "

Apples & Oranges

" end it "should be able to generate the xhtml-transitional dtd declaration" do @builder.xhtml_transitional @builder.to_s.should include('') @builder.to_s.should include('') end it "should be able to generate the xhtml strict declaration" do @builder.xhtml_strict @builder.to_s.should include('') @builder.to_s.should include('') end it "should be able to generate the xhtml frameset" do @builder.xhtml_frameset @builder.to_s.should include('') @builder.to_s.should include('') end end end