module Envkey::Platform # Normalize the platform OS OS = case os = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].downcase when /linux/ "linux" when /darwin/ "darwin" when /bsd/ "freebsd" when /mingw|mswin/ "windows" else "linux" end # Normalize the platform CPU ARCH = case cpu = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_cpu'].downcase when /amd64|x86_64/ "x86_64" when /i?86|x86|i86pc/ "x86" when /ppc|powerpc/ "powerpc" when /^arm|^aarch/ "arm" else cpu end def self.platform_part case OS when "darwin", "linux", "windows", "freebsd" OS else "linux" end end def self.arch_part if platform_part == "darwin" && ARCH == "arm" "arm64" elsif ARCH == "x86_64" "amd64" else raise "As of 1.3.0, envkey-ruby only supports 64-bit systems. Please use an earlier version for 32-bit support." end end def self.ext platform_part == "windows" ? ".exe" : "" end def self.fetch_env_path File.expand_path("../../ext/#{lib_file_dir}/envkey-fetch#{ext}", File.dirname(__FILE__)) end def self.lib_file_dir ["envkey-fetch", Envkey::ENVKEY_FETCH_VERSION.to_s, platform_part, arch_part].join("_") end end