Last updated <%= Puppetfactory::Helpers.approximate_time_difference(@test_data['timestamp']) %> (Why don't the tests add up?)
<% @test_data.each do |user, userdata| %> <% next if user == 'timestamp' %> <% total, passed, percent = Puppetfactory::Plugins::Dashboard.test_completion(userdata['summary']) %> <% details="/dashboard/details/#{user}/summary" %>
<%= passed %> of <%= total %> tests passing
Overall completion (details)
<% userdata.each do |result, data| %> <% next if result == 'summary' %> <% total, passed, percent = Puppetfactory::Plugins::Dashboard.test_completion(data) %> <% details="/dashboard/details/#{user}/#{result}" %>
<%= passed %> of <%= total %> tests passing
<%= result %> (details)
<% end %>
<% end %>

There are several contexts in which the test scores may not perfectly reflect reality.

Please use your own discretion when interpreting these numbers.