require 'helper' describe "Scaffold Generator" do def setup @app_tmp = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/lazy-head-gen-tests/#{}" capture_io { FileUtils.mkdir_p(@app_tmp) } @project_name = "sample_project" @project_dir = "#{@app_tmp}/#{@project_name}" @sub_app = "sub" end def teardown `rm -rf #{Dir.tmpdir}/lazy-head-gen-tests` end describe "when generating a new scaffold" do it "should fail outside of the app root" do out, err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items') } assert_match(/not at the root/, out) end describe "with a project that doesn't have an orm set" do before do capture_io { generate(:project, @project_name, "--root=#{@app_tmp}", '-e=erb', '-t=minitest') } @out, @err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items', "-r=#{@project_dir}") } end it "should fail with a no orm error" do assert_match(/You need an ORM adapter to create this scaffold's model/, @out) end end describe "with a project" do before do create_project(@app_tmp, @project_name) end describe "and using standard app and model directories" do before do @out, @err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items', "title:string", "summary:text", "available:datetime", "instock:boolean", "number:integer", "-r=#{@project_dir}") } end it "should create a model file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/models/demo_item.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/class DemoItem < ActiveRecord::Base/, path) end it "should create a model test file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/models/demo_item_test.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/describe "DemoItem Model" do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/@demo_item =, path) assert_match_in_file(/refute_nil @demo_item/, path) end it "should create a controller file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/app/controllers/demo_items.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/SampleProject.controllers :demo_items do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :index do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :show, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/get :new do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/post :create do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/get :edit, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/put :update, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/delete :destroy, :with => :id do/, path) end it "should create a controller test file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/app/controllers/demo_items_controller_test.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/describe "DemoItemsController" do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET index/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET show/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/GET new/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/POST create/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/GET edit/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/PUT update/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/DELETE destroy/, path) end it "should create a helper file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/app/helpers/demo_items_helper.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/SampleProject.helpers do/, path) end it "should create an index view" do path = "#{@project_dir}/app/views/demo_items/index.erb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/This is the index page/, path) end it "should create a show view" do path = "#{@project_dir}/app/views/demo_items/show.erb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/This is the show page/, path) end it "should create a database migration" do path = "#{@project_dir}/db/migrate/001_create_demo_items.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/class CreateDemoItems < ActiveRecord::Migration/, path) assert_match_in_file(/create_table :demo_items/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.string :title/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.text :summary/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.datetime :available/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.boolean :instock/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.integer :number/, path) assert_match_in_file(/t.timestamps/, path) assert_match_in_file(/drop_table :demo_items/, path) end it "should copy and format the blueprints.rb file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/blueprints.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/DemoItem.blueprint do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/title \{ Faker::Lorem.sentence \}/, path) assert_match_in_file(/summary \{ Faker::Lorem.sentence \}/, path) assert_match_in_file(/available \{ \}/, path) assert_match_in_file(/instock \{ true \}/, path) assert_match_in_file(/number \{ 1 \+ rand\(100\) \}/, path) end it "should require the blueprints file in test_config.rb" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/test_config.rb" assert_match_in_file("require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + \"\/blueprints.rb\")", path) end it "should let you know everything is done" do assert_match "Scaffold generation for 'demo_items' in app '/app' completed", @out end end describe "and using the create_full flag" do before do @out, @err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items', "title:string", "summary:text", "available:datetime", "instock:boolean", "number:integer", "-r=#{@project_dir}", "-c=true") } end it "should create a full controller file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/app/controllers/demo_items.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/SampleProject.controllers :demo_items do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :index do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :show, :with => :id do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :new do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/post :create do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :edit, :with => :id do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/put :update, :with => :id do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/delete :destroy, :with => :id do/, path) end it "should create a full controller test file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/app/controllers/demo_items_controller_test.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/describe "DemoItemsController" do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET index/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET show/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET new/, path) assert_match_in_file(/POST create/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET edit/, path) assert_match_in_file(/PUT update/, path) assert_match_in_file(/DELETE destroy/, path) end end describe "and using the skip create migration flag" do before do @out, @err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items', "title:string", "summary:text", "available:datetime", "instock:boolean", "number:integer", "-r=#{@project_dir}", "-s=true") } end it "should not create a database migration" do path = "#{@project_dir}/db/migrate/001_create_demo_items.rb" assert_no_file_exists(path) end end describe "and using a different app path" do before do capture_io { generate(:app, @sub_app, "--root=#{@project_dir}") } @out, @err = capture_io { generate(:scaffold, 'demo_items', "title:string", "summary:text", "available:datetime", "instock:boolean", "-r=#{@project_dir}", "-a=#{@sub_app}") } end it "should create a controller file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/#{@sub_app}/controllers/demo_items.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/Sub.controllers :demo_items do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :index do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/get :show, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/get :new do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/post :create do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/get :edit, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/put :update, :with => :id do/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/delete :destroy, :with => :id do/, path) end it "should create a controller test file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/test/#{@sub_app}/controllers/demo_items_controller_test.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/describe "DemoItemsController" do/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET index/, path) assert_match_in_file(/GET show/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/GET new/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/POST create/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/GET edit/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/PUT update/, path) assert_no_match_in_file(/DELETE destroy/, path) end it "should create a helper file" do path = "#{@project_dir}/#{@sub_app}/helpers/demo_items_helper.rb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/Sub.helpers do/, path) end it "should create an index view" do path = "#{@project_dir}/#{@sub_app}/views/demo_items/index.erb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/This is the index page/, path) end it "should create a show view" do path = "#{@project_dir}/#{@sub_app}/views/demo_items/show.erb" assert_file_exists(path) assert_match_in_file(/This is the show page/, path) end end describe "and using a different model path" do # TODO: Finish these tests when model route isn't hardcoded to "." end end end end