require "hirber" require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe "Hirb::View" do it "page_output pages when view is enabled" do reset_config Hirb.enable allow(Hirb::View.pager).to receive_messages(activated_by?: true) expect(Hirb::View.pager).to receive(:page) expect(Hirb::View.page_output("blah")).to be(true) Hirb.disable end it "page_output doesn't page when view is disabled" do Hirb.enable Hirb.disable allow(Hirb::View.pager).to receive_messages(activated_by?: true) expect(Hirb::View.pager).not_to receive(:page) expect(Hirb::View.page_output("blah")).to be(false) end it "view_output catches unexpected errors and prints them" do reset_config Hirb.enable allow(::Hirb::View).to receive(:render_output).and_raise("error") expect(capture_stderr { Hirb::View.view_output([1,2,3]) }) .to match(/Hirb Error: error/) Hirb.disable end describe "enable" do before { reset_config } after { Hirb.disable } it "redefines irb output_value" do expect(Hirb::View).to receive(:render_output) Hirb.enable context_stub = double(last_value: "") end it "is enabled?" do reset_config Hirb.enable expect(Hirb::View).to be_enabled end def output_class_config(klass) { :output=>{klass=>{:class=>:auto_table}} } end it "sets formatter config" do class_hash = {"Something::Base"=>{:class=>"BlahBlah"}} Hirb.enable :output => class_hash expect(Hirb::View.formatter_config["Something::Base"]) .to eq class_hash["Something::Base"] end it "when called multiple times merges configs" do Hirb.config = nil # default config + config_file allow(Hirb) .to receive_messages( read_config_file: output_class_config("Regexp"), ) Hirb.enable output_class_config("String") # add config file and explicit config [{:config_file=>"ok"}, output_class_config("Struct")].each do |config| expect(Hirb) .to receive(:read_config_file) .and_return( output_class_config('ActiveRecord::Base'), output_class_config('Array'), ) Hirb.enable config end expect(Hirb.config_files.include?("ok")).to eq(true) output_keys = %w{ActiveRecord::Base Array Regexp String Struct} expect(Hirb::View.config[:output].keys.sort).to eq output_keys end xit "when called multiple times without config doesn't affect config" do # FIXME: 2021-02-14 - This flapping, spec is order dependant Hirb.enable old_config = Hirb::View.config expect(Hirb).not_to receive(:read_config_file) expect(Hirb::View).not_to receive(:load_config) # Hirb.expects(:read_config_file).never # Hirb::View.expects(:load_config).never Hirb.enable expect(Hirb::View.config).to eq old_config end xit "works without irb" do # FIXME: 2021-02-14 - This flapping, spec is order dependant allow(Object) .to receive(:const_defined?) .with(:IRB) .and_return(false) Hirb.enable expect(Hirb::View.formatter.config.size).to be > 1 end it "sets up configuration for IRB and Pry if they're both defined" do Hirb.disable expect(Pry.config).to receive(:print=) expect { Hirb.enable }.to change { ::IRB::Irb.instance_method(:output_value) == ::IRB::Irb.instance_method(:non_hirb_view_output) }.from(true).to(false) end it "with config_file option adds to config_file" do Hirb.enable :config_file => "test_file" expect(Hirb.config_files.include?("test_file")).to be(true) end it "with ignore_errors enable option" do Hirb.enable :ignore_errors => true expect(Hirb::View) .to receive(:render_output) .and_raise(Exception, "Ex mesg") .twice capture_stderr do expect(Hirb::View.view_output("")).to eq(false) end expect(capture_stderr { Hirb::View.view_output("") }) .to match(/Error: Ex mesg/) end end describe "resize" do def pager; Hirb::View.pager; end before do Hirb::View.pager = nil reset_config Hirb.enable end after { Hirb.disable } it "changes width and height with stty" do if RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/] allow(Hirb::Util) .to receive(:command_exists?) .with("tput") .and_returns(false) end allow(STDIN) .to receive(:tty?) .and_return(true) allow(Hirb::Util) .to receive(:command_exists?) .with("stty") .and_return(true) ENV["COLUMNS"] = ENV["LINES"] = nil # bypasses env usage capture_stderr { Hirb::View.resize } expect(pager.width).not_to eq 10 expect(pager.height).not_to eq 10 reset_terminal_size end it "changes width and height with ENV" do ENV["COLUMNS"] = ENV["LINES"] = "10" # simulates resizing Hirb::View.resize expect(pager.width).to eq 10 expect(pager.height).to eq 10 end it "with no environment or stty still has valid width and height" do Hirb::View.config[:width] = Hirb::View.config[:height] = nil unless RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/] allow(Hirb::Util) .to receive(:command_exists?) .with("stty") .and_return(false) end ENV["COLUMNS"] = ENV["LINES"] = nil Hirb::View.resize expect(pager.width.is_a?(Integer)).to eq(true) expect(pager.height.is_a?(Integer)).to eq(true) reset_terminal_size end end it "disable points output_value back to original output_value" do expect(Hirb::View).not_to receive(:render_output) Hirb.enable Hirb.disable context_stub = double(:last_value=>"") end it "disable works without irb defined" do # Object.stubs(:const_defined?).with(:IRB).returns(false) allow(Object).to receive(:const_defined?).with(:IRB).and_return(false) Hirb.enable Hirb.disable expect(Hirb::View.enabled?).to eq(false) end it "capture_and_render" do string = "no waaaay" # Hirb::View.render_method.expects(:call).with(string) allow(Hirb::View.render_method).to receive(:call).with(string) Hirb::View.capture_and_render { print string } end xit "state is toggled by toggle_pager" do # FIXME: 2021-02-14 - This causes other specs to fail previous_state = Hirb::View.config[:pager] Hirb::View.toggle_pager expect(Hirb::View.config[:pager]).not_to eq(previous_state) end xit "state is toggled by toggle_formatter" do # FIXME: 2021-02-14 - This causes other specs to fail Hirb.enable previous_state = Hirb::View.config[:formatter] Hirb::View.toggle_formatter expect(Hirb::View.config[:formatter]).not_to eq(previous_state) end end