require "helpers/test_helper" require "rsync" test_name "dsl::helpers::host_helpers #rsync_to" do def rsync_to_with_backups hosts, local_filename, remote_dir result = nil repeat_fibonacci_style_for(10) do begin result = rsync_to( hosts, local_filename, remote_dir ) # return of block is whether or not we're done repeating return result.success? if result.is_a? Rsync::Result result.all? { |individual_result| individual_result.success? } rescue Beaker::Host::CommandFailure => e"create_remote_file threw command failure, details: ")" #{e}")"continuing back-off execution") false end end result end # NOTE: there does not seem to be a reliable way to confine to cygwin hosts. confine_block :to, :platform => /windows/ do # NOTE: rsync works fine on Windows as long as you use POSIX-style paths. # However, these tests use Host#tmpdir which outputs mixed-style paths # e.g. C:/cygwin64/tmp/beaker.Rp9G6L - Fix me with BKR-1503 step "#rsync_to CURRENTLY fails on windows systems" do Dir.mktmpdir do |local_dir| local_filename, _contents = create_local_file_from_fixture("simple_text_file", local_dir, "testfile.txt") remote_tmpdir = default.tmpdir assert_raises Beaker::Host::CommandFailure do rsync_to default, local_filename, remote_tmpdir end remote_filename = File.join(remote_tmpdir, "testfile.txt") assert_raises Beaker::Host::CommandFailure do on(default, "cat #{remote_filename}").stdout end end end end confine_block :except, :platform => /windows/ do # NOTE: rsync works fine on Windows as long as you use POSIX-style paths. # However, these tests use Host#tmpdir which outputs mixed-style paths # e.g. C:/cygwin64/tmp/beaker.Rp9G6L - Fix me with BKR-1503 # rsync is broken on beaker-docker confine :except, :hypervisor => 'docker' step "#rsync_to fails if the local file cannot be found" do remote_tmpdir = default.tmpdir assert_raises IOError do rsync_to default, "/non/existent/file.txt", remote_tmpdir end end confine_block :except, :platform => /osx/ do # packages are unsupported on OSX step "uninstalling rsync on hosts if needed" do hosts.each do |host| if host.check_for_package('rsync') host[:rsync_installed] = true rsync_package = "rsync" # solaris-10 uses OpenCSW pkgutil, which prepends "CSW" to its provided packages # TODO: fix this with BKR-1502 rsync_package = "CSWrsync" if host['platform'].include?('solaris-10') host.uninstall_package rsync_package else host[:rsync_installed] = false end end end # rsync is preinstalled on OSX step "#rsync_to fails if rsync is not installed on the remote host" do Dir.mktmpdir do |local_dir| local_filename, _contents = create_local_file_from_fixture("simple_text_file", local_dir, "testfile.txt") hosts.each do |host| remote_tmpdir = host.tmpdir("beaker") assert_raises Beaker::Host::CommandFailure do rsync_to default, local_filename, remote_tmpdir end end end end step "installing rsync on hosts" do hosts.each do |host| host.install_package "rsync" end end end step "#rsync_to fails if the remote path cannot be found" do Dir.mktmpdir do |local_dir| local_filename, _contents = create_local_file_from_fixture("simple_text_file", local_dir, "testfile.txt") assert_raises Beaker::Host::CommandFailure do rsync_to default, local_filename, "/non/existent/testfile.txt" end assert_raises Beaker::Host::CommandFailure do on(default, "cat /non/existent/testfile.txt").exit_code end end end step "#rsync_to creates the file on the remote system" do Dir.mktmpdir do |local_dir| local_filename, contents = create_local_file_from_fixture("simple_text_file", local_dir, "testfile.txt") remote_tmpdir = default.tmpdir remote_filename = File.join(remote_tmpdir, "testfile.txt") result = rsync_to_with_backups default, local_filename, remote_tmpdir fails_intermittently("", "default" => default, "contents" => contents, "local_filename" => local_filename, "local_dir" => local_dir, "remote_filename" => remote_filename, "remote_tmdir" => remote_tmpdir, "result" => result.inspect) do remote_contents = on(default, "cat #{remote_filename}").stdout assert_equal contents, remote_contents end end end step "#rsync_to creates the file on all remote systems when a host array is provided" do Dir.mktmpdir do |local_dir| local_filename, contents = create_local_file_from_fixture("simple_text_file", local_dir, "testfile.txt") remote_tmpdir = default.tmpdir on hosts, "mkdir -p #{remote_tmpdir}" remote_filename = File.join(remote_tmpdir, "testfile.txt") result = rsync_to_with_backups(hosts, local_filename, remote_tmpdir) hosts.each do |host| fails_intermittently("", "host" => host, "contents" => contents, "local_filename" => local_filename, "local_dir" => local_dir, "remote_filename" => remote_filename, "remote_tmdir" => remote_tmpdir, "result" => result.inspect) do remote_contents = on(host, "cat #{remote_filename}").stdout assert_equal contents, remote_contents end end end end confine_block :except, :platform => /osx/ do # packages are unsupported on OSX step "uninstalling rsync on hosts if needed" do hosts.each do |host| if !host[:rsync_installed] # rsync wasn't installed on #{host} when we started, so we should clean up after ourselves rsync_package = "rsync" # solaris-10 uses OpenCSW pkgutil, which prepends "CSW" to its provided packages # TODO: fix this with BKR-1502 rsync_package = "CSWrsync" if host['platform'].include?('solaris-10') host.uninstall_package rsync_package end host.delete(:rsync_installed) end end end end end