# solidus_starter_frontend `solidus_starter_frontend` is a new starter store for [Solidus][solidus]. This extension aims to deliver a modern, minimal, semantic and easy to extend frontend codebase for a more efficient bootstrapping experience. **WARNING: this is an experimental extension and still in a very early stage of development.** ## Objectives We aim to deliver: - a minimal, semantic and accessible HTML skeleton - a reusable component based architecture - simple SASS styling strictly based on BEM - the elimination of jQuery as a dependency by rewriting frontend functionality in vanilla JavaScript All of this while keeping and improving on the functionality of the current [Solidus][solidus] starter store. ## Installation By default, the `solidus` gem also includes the standard frontend via the `solidus_frontend` gem. To make this extension work, you need to exclude it and manually include all the other Solidus componenents. You need to replace: ```ruby gem 'solidus' ``` with: ```ruby gem 'solidus_core' gem 'solidus_api' gem 'solidus_backend' gem 'solidus_sample' ``` Install our binary in the system: `gem install solidus_starter_frontend` Execute our generator that will copy our component files in your project: `solidus_starter_frontend`. Now you can start to customize your local views. If Solidus was already installed with solidus_frontend you will have to change all `Spree::Frontend::Config` in `SolidusStarterFrontend::Config`. ## Development For information about contributing to this project please refer to this [document](docs/development.md). ## About [![Nebulab][nebulab-logo]][nebulab] `solidus_starter_frontend` is funded and maintained by the [Nebulab][nebulab] team. We firmly believe in the power of open-source. [Contact us][contact-us] if you like our work and you need help with your project design or development. [solidus]: http://solidus.io/ [nebulab]: http://nebulab.it/ [nebulab-logo]: http://nebulab.it/assets/images/public/logo.svg [contact-us]: http://nebulab.it/contact-us/