require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Forum do dataset :forums let(:forum) {forums(:public)} let(:group_forum) {forums(:grouped)} let(:reader) {readers(:normal)} let(:unrestricted) {[forums(:public), forums(:other), forums(:misc)]} it "should require a name" do = nil forum.should_not be_valid forum.errors.on(:name).should_not be_empty end describe "topics.bydate" do it "should list its topics in descending date order" do forum.topics.bydate.first.should == topics(:newer) end end describe "topics.stickyfirst" do it "should list its topics with the sticky first" do forum.topics.stickyfirst.first.should == topics(:sticky) end end describe "when the forum is public" do before do Radiant::Config['forum.public?'] = true end it "should be visible to a reader" do forum.visible_to?(reader).should be_true end it "should be visible when there is no reader" do forum.visible_to?(nil).should be_true end end describe "when the whole forum is private" do before do Radiant::Config['forum.public?'] = false end it "should be visible to a reader" do forum.visible_to?(reader).should be_true end it "should not be visible when there is no reader" do forum.visible_to?(nil).should be_false end end it "should have a groups association" do Forum.reflect_on_association(:groups).should_not be_nil end describe "when a reader is not grouped" do it "should list only the ungrouped forums" do Forum.visible.should =~ unrestricted Forum.visible_to(readers(:ungrouped)).should =~ unrestricted end end describe "to a grouped reader" do it "should list also the forums of that group" do Forum.visible_to(readers(:another)).should =~ unrestricted + [group_forum] end end describe "with a group" do it "should report itself visible to a reader who is a group member" do group_forum.visible_to?(readers(:another)).should be_true end it "should report itself invisible to a reader who is not a group member" do group_forum.visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_false end end describe "without a group" do it "should report itself visible to everyone" do forum.visible_to?(readers(:normal)).should be_true forum.visible_to?(readers(:another)).should be_true end end end