<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Dynamically created job to generate apt and yum repos from packages built by jenkins. It uses the git archive from the package:tar cell in the upstream package matrix to determine which repos to create.&#xd;
This job will trigger the downstream job supplied with DOWNSTREAM_JOB if passed to rake in the upstream invocation.&#xd;
  <logRotator class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
    <jenkins.plugins.hipchat.HipChatNotifier_-HipChatJobProperty plugin="hipchat-plugin@0.1.0">
  <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
  <triggers class="vector"/>
    <hudson.plugins.copyartifact.CopyArtifact plugin="copyartifact@1.25">
      <projectName><%= "#{Pkg::Config.project}-packaging-#{Pkg::Config.build_date}-#{Pkg::Config.ref}" %>/command=package_tar</projectName>
      <filter>**/PROJECT_BUNDLE, **/BUILD_PROPERTIES</filter>
      <selector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.TriggeredBuildSelector">
## We have to check if this has been triggered by a successful package build
curl -s &quot;http://<%= "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_build_host}" %>/job/<%= "#{Pkg::Config.project}-packaging-#{Pkg::Config.build_date}-#{Pkg::Config.ref}" %>/lastBuild/api/json&quot; | grep result\&quot;:\&quot;SUCCESS\&quot; > /dev/null


set -e

if [ $PACKAGE_BUILD_RESULT -eq 0 ] ; then
  echo &quot;Detected upstream package build success. Building repos.&quot;
  ### We&apos;ve retrieved the git bundle from the tarball build, so now we clone it
  ### and use it to trigger our repo creation
  # PROJECT_BUNDLE is a tarball containing a bundle file and git_repo is the
  # directory that will contain the git repository. First we untar the tarball
  # and then clone the git bundle

  [ -f &quot;PROJECT_BUNDLE&quot; ] || exit 1

  [ -f &quot;BUILD_PROPERTIES&quot; ] || exit 1

  [ -d project ] &amp;&amp; rm -rf project

  mkdir project &amp;&amp; tar -xzf PROJECT_BUNDLE -C project/

  pushd project
    git clone --recursive $(ls) git_repo

    pushd git_repo

      ### Clone the packaging repo
      bundle install --path .bundle/gems --binstubs .bundle/bin --retry 3

      ### Run repo creation
<% if Pkg::Config.final_mocks and not Pkg::Config.final_mocks.empty? %>
      bundle exec rake PARAMS_FILE=../../BUILD_PROPERTIES pl:jenkins:rpm_repos --trace
<% else %>
      echo "No mock/rpm targets found, skipping rpm repo creation"
<% end %>
<% if Pkg::Config.cows and not Pkg::Config.cows.empty? %>
      bundle exec rake PARAMS_FILE=../../BUILD_PROPERTIES pl:jenkins:deb_repos --trace
<% else %>
      echo "No cow/deb targets found, skipping deb repo creation"
<% end %>
  echo &quot;Detected upstream package build failure. Failing repo creation.&quot;
  exit 1

  </builders><% if ENV['DOWNSTREAM_JOB'] %>
      <childProjects><%= "#{Pkg::Config.project}-downstream-#{Pkg::Config.build_date}-#{Pkg::Config.ref}" %></childProjects>
  </publishers><% else %>
  <publishers/><% end %>
    <hudson.plugins.ansicolor.AnsiColorBuildWrapper plugin="ansicolor@0.3.1">
    <hudson.plugins.timestamper.TimestamperBuildWrapper plugin="timestamper@1.8.4"/>