# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com # Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details. module AMEE module Admin class ItemValueDefinitionList < AMEE::Collection # TODO this class does not yet page through multiple pages def initialize(connection,uid,options={}) @uid=uid super(connection,options) end def klass ItemValueDefinition end def collectionpath "/definitions/itemDefinitions/#{@uid}/itemValueDefinitions" end def jsoncollector @doc['itemValueDefinitions'] end def xmlcollectorpath '/Resources/ItemValueDefinitionsResource/ItemValueDefinitions/ItemValueDefinition' end def parse_json(p) data = {} data[:itemdefuid] = @uid data[:uid] = p['uid'] data[:name] = p['name'] data[:path] = p['path'] data[:unit] = p['unit'] data[:perunit] = p['perunit'] data[:valuetype] = p['valueDefinition']['valueType'] data[:drill]=p['drillDown'] data[:from_profile]=p['fromProfile'] data[:from_data]=p['fromData'] data end def parse_xml(p) data = {} data[:itemdefuid] = @uid data[:uid] = x '@uid',:doc => p data[:name] = x 'Name',:doc => p || data[:uid] data[:path] = x 'Path',:doc => p data[:unit] = x 'Unit',:doc => p data[:perunit] = x 'PerUnit',:doc => p data[:valuetype] =x 'ValueDefinition/ValueType',:doc => p data[:drill]=(x('DrillDown',:doc => p)=='true') data[:from_profile]=(x('FromProfile',:doc => p)=='true') data[:from_data]=(x('FromData',:doc => p)=='true') data end end class ItemValueDefinition < AMEE::Object def initialize(data = {}) @itemdefuid=data[:itemdefuid] @name = data[:name] @uid = data[:uid] @path = data[:path] @unit = data[:unit] @perunit = data[:perunit] @valuetype = data[:valuetype] @default = data[:default] == "" ? nil : data[:default] @choices = data[:choices] || [] @versions = data[:versions] || [] @drill = data[:drill] @from_data = @drill ? false : data[:from_data] # Drills are also data, but we don't want them to show as such for clarity @from_profile = data[:from_profile] super end attr_reader :name,:uid,:path,:itemdefuid, :type, :valuetype, :unit, :perunit, :default, :choices, :versions # This function has bee deprecated in favour of the separate profile? data? and drill? functions def type raise AMEE::Deprecated end def profile? @from_profile end def data? @from_data end def drill? @drill end def self.list(connection) ItemValueDefinitionList.new(connection) end def self.parse(connection, response, is_list = true) # Parse data from response if response.is_json? item_definition = ItemValueDefinition.from_json(response) else item_definition = ItemValueDefinition.from_xml(response, is_list) end # Store connection in object for future use item_definition.connection = connection # Done return item_definition end def self.from_json(json) # Read JSON doc = JSON.parse(json) data = {} p=doc['itemValueDefinition'] data[:uid] = p['uid'] data[:itemdefuid] = p['itemDefinition']['uid'] data[:created] = DateTime.parse(p['created']) data[:modified] = DateTime.parse(p['modified']) data[:name] = p['name'] data[:path] = p['path'] data[:unit] = p['unit'] data[:perunit] = p['perUnit'] data[:valuetype] = p['valueDefinition']['valueType'] data[:default] = p['value'] data[:choices] = p['choices'].split(',') data[:versions] = p['apiVersions'].map{|v| v['apiVersion']} data[:drill]=p['drillDown'] data[:from_profile]=p['fromProfile'] data[:from_data]=p['fromData'] # Create object ItemValueDefinition.new(data) rescue raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't load ItemValueDefinition from JSON. Check that your URL is correct.\n#{json}") end def self.xmlpathpreamble "/Resources//ItemValueDefinition/" end def self.from_xml(xml, is_list = true) prefix = is_list ? "/Resources/ItemValueDefinitionsResource/" : "/Resources/ItemValueDefinitionResource/" # Parse data from response into hash doc = REXML::Document.new(xml) data = {} data[:uid] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/@uid").to_s data[:itemdefuid] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/ItemDefinition/@uid").to_s data[:created] = DateTime.parse(REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/@created").to_s) data[:modified] = DateTime.parse(REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/@modified").to_s) data[:name] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/Name").text data[:path] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/Path").text uxml=REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/Unit") data[:unit] = uxml ? uxml.text : nil puxml=data[:perunit] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/PerUnit") data[:perunit] = puxml ? puxml.text : nil data[:valuetype] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/ValueDefinition/ValueType").text data[:default] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/Value").text data[:choices] = REXML::XPath.first(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/Choices").text.split(',') rescue nil data[:versions] = REXML::XPath.each(doc, prefix + "ItemValueDefinition/APIVersions/APIVersion").map{|v| v.text} data[:drill]=(x('DrillDown',:doc => doc)=='true') data[:from_profile]=(x('FromProfile',:doc => doc)=='true') data[:from_data]=(x('FromData',:doc => doc)=='true') # Create object ItemValueDefinition.new(data) rescue raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't load ItemValueDefinition from XML. Check that your URL is correct.\n#{xml}") end def self.get(connection, path, options = {}) # Load data from path response = connection.get(path, options).body # Parse response item_definition = ItemValueDefinition.parse(connection, response, false) # Done return item_definition rescue raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't load ItemValueDefinition. Check that your URL is correct.\n#{response}") end def self.load(connection,itemdefuid,ivduid,options={}) ItemValueDefinition.get(connection,"/definitions/itemDefinitions/#{itemdefuid}/itemValueDefinitions/#{ivduid}",options) end def reload(connection) ItemValueDefinition.load(connection,itemdefuid,uid) end def self.update(connection, path, options = {}) raise AMEE::NotSupported # # Do we want to automatically fetch the item afterwards? # get_item = options.delete(:get_item) # get_item = true if get_item.nil? # # Go # response = connection.put(path, options) # if get_item # if response.body.empty? # return ItemValueDefinition.get(connection, path) # else # return ItemValueDefinition.parse(connection, response.body) # end # end # rescue # raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't update ItemValueDefinition. Check that your information is correct.\n#{response}") end def self.create(connection,itemdefuid, options = {}) raise AMEE::NotSupported # unless options.is_a?(Hash) # raise AMEE::ArgumentError.new("Second argument must be a hash of options!") # end # # Send data # response = connection.post("/definitions/itemDefinitions/#{itemdefuid}/itemValueDefintions", options).body # # Parse response # item_value_definition = ItemValueDefinition.parse(connection, response) # # Get the ItemValueDefinition again # return ItemValueDefinition.load(connection,itemdefuid , item_value_definition.uid) # rescue # raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't create ItemValueDefinition. Check that your information is correct.\n#{response}") end def self.delete(connection, itemdefuid,item_value_definition) raise AMEE::NotSupported # # Deleting takes a while... up the timeout to 120 seconds temporarily # t = connection.timeout # connection.timeout = 120 # connection.delete("/definitions/itemDefinitions/#{itemdefuid}/itemValueDefinitions/" + item_value_definition.uid) # connection.timeout = t # rescue # raise AMEE::BadData.new("Couldn't delete ItemValueDefinition. Check that your information is correct.") end def full_path "/definitions/itemDefinitions/#{itemdefuid}/itemValueDefinitions/#{uid}" end end end end