// To run with it without system install. // % ruby -I./lib bin/rabbit -f sample/rabbit-en.rd ! Rabbit(en) :subtitle:Presentation with Wiki notation :author:Kouhei Sutou :institution:COZMIXNG //:content_source:content source :theme:rabbit ! Rabbit A presentation tool * Impl.: Ruby/GTK+ 2/cairo * Env.: PC-UNIX/Win/Mac * Format: RD/Wiki/PDF * View: Ruby{{note('(separated with format)')}} ! Features: Display (1) * ''Emphasis''/==Deletion== * Sub{{sub('script')}}/Super{{sup('script')}} * Math characters: {{e('sum')}}{{sub('i=0')}}{{e('sum', sub('i=0'))}} * Colorized source ! Features: Display (2) * Tables * Interesting themes * Images ** Many supported formats ** PNG/JPEG/.../PDF/EPS/SVG ! Features: Display (3) * Folding long lines * Colorized source * Big text ! Features: UI (1) * Rich key bindings * Context menu * Mouse gestures * Spotlight * Magnifier ! Features: UI (2) * Index page * Graffiti * {{wait}}Pause * {{wait}}I18N * Search ! Features: UI (3) * Whiteout/Blackout * Rabbit hole ** Make a hole in a slide * Visualization of remaining time ** The Tortoise and the Hare ! Features: Input * File * Standard input * HTTP * Hiki * SlideShare ! Features: Format * RD * Wiki(Hiki) * PDF ** {{e('RightArrow')}}PDF viewer ! Features: Output * Images * Images + HTML * PS/PDF * PS/PDF for print ** slides/page ! Features: Ext. API * HTTP * dRuby * XML-RPC * SOAP ! Features: Creating * Auto source reload * Theme reload * Change theme ! Features: Tag {{tag('x-large', 'Large Text')}} {{tag('center')}}Centerized Text {{tag('right')}}Right-Justified Text ! ToDo * Inline images * Jump to a link * Sound * Video * 3D ! Image {{image("lavie.png", { :caption => "Lavie", :keep_ratio => true, :width => 100, :height => 100, # :normalized_width => 50, # :normalized_height => 50, # :relative_width => 100, # :relative_height => 50, })}} ! Image: Reflect {{image("shocker.jpg", { :relative_height => 80, :reflect_ratio => 0.5, })}} ! Image: Background (1) * Background image * Centering by default !! Properties :background-image:lavie.png :background-image-relative-width:50 //:background-image-align:right :background-image-relative-margin-right:3 ! Image: Background (2) {{image("lavie.png", { :relative_width => 30, :align => "right", # :vertical_align => "top", :relative_margin_right => -5, })}} * Right justified backgorund image * Specify in slide ** :align => "right" ! Image size Relative image sizes {{image("usagi.png", { :caption => "USAGI", :keep_ratio => true, # :normalized_width => 50, # :normalized_height => 50, # :relative_width => 100, :relative_height => 80, })}} ! External image Download an image from a URL {{image("http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/images/cozmixchu.png", :caption => "COZMIX Chu")}} // [[COZMIX Chu|http://www.cozmixng.org/repos/images/cozmixchu.png]] // This syntax isn't supported yet. ! Math. expressions * TeX {{note('(like)')}} format * Backends ** LaTeX ** mimeTeX ! LaTeX {{latex(<<-'EOL', :relative_width => 80) $f(x)=\displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^x~e^{-t^2}dt$ \LaTeX EOL }} ! mimeTeX {{mimetex('\Large f(x)=\Bigint_{-\infty}^x~e^{-t^2}dt', :relative_width => 80)}} ! EPS Create EPS ahead of time{{note('(needs gs)')}} {{image('equation.eps', :keep_ratio => true, :relative_width => 80)}} ! SVG {{image("spiral.svg", :keep_ratio => true, :relative_height => 100)}} ! Dia {{image("rabbit.dia", :relative_width => 90)}} ! GIMP {{image("rabbit.xcf", :relative_height => 100)}} = aafigure {{aafigure(" A B C D E F G H I J K L M AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH II JJ KK LL MM AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH II JJ KK LL MM aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NN OO PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW XX YY ZZ NN OO PP QQ RR SS TT UU VV WW XX YY ZZ nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz", { :relative_width => 90, # :foreground => "#ff3333", })}} ! Word Wrapping looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong ! Source The following is source code: <<< # comment def method_name body end
End of source code.
Source: colorized
The following is source code:
# comment def method_name body end
End of source code.
You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
- Level 1-1
- Level 2-1
- Level 3-1
- Level 3-2
- Level 2-2
- Level 2-1
- Level 1-2
Labeled list
- Rabbit
- Turtle
- Rabbit
Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
content 1 | content 2 |
very long content 3 | veeeery looooooooooooooooooooooong content 4 |
Op.: Move
- Next page
- Bindings for next page/Left click\nn, f, j, l, Spc, Ret, +, {{e('DownArrow')}}, {{e('RightArrow')}}, ...
- Previous page
- Bindings for prev. page/Center click\np, b, k, h, BS, Del, -, {{e('UpArrow')}}, {{e('LeftArrow')}}, ...
Op.: Advanced move
- Go to the title page
- a, 0, <, Home
- Go to page n
- 1-9. +Ctrl = +10, +Alt = +20
- Go to the last page
- e, $, >, End
Op.: On stage (1)
- Toggle full screen
- F5, F10, F11, Gesture{{e('DownArrow')}}{{e('UpArrow')}}
- Toggle index mode
- i
- Go to the page
- Double click on the desired page
Op.: On stage (2)
- Cache all slides
- c
- Toggle info window
- I
Op.: On stage (3)
- Magnifier
- Ctrl + right click\nChange scale by wheel
- Spotlight
- Double right clicks\nChange radius by wheel
Op.: On stage (4)
- Graffiti
- Popup menu (right click) {{e('rightarrow')}}\n"Graffiti mode"
- Mouse gesture
- Right button drag
Op.: On stage (5)
- Whiteout
- W
- Blackout
- B
Op.: Save
- Screenshot
- Save each page as an image\ns
- Print each page as PS/PDF\nCtrl+p
Op.: Display
- Redraw
- Ctrl+l
- Reload theme
- t, r
- Reset slide adjustment
- Alt+a
Op.: Hole
- Expand the hole
- E
- Narrow the hole
- N
Op.: Search
- Search forward
- C-s, /
- Search backward
- C-r, ?
- Quit search
- C-g
Op.: Quit
- Quit
- q, Esc
- Iconify
- z
- A presentation tool
- Multi platform
- Feat./UI: High & Unique
- Emphasize keybord shortcuts
- UI/text based source