module ESHelper def self.get_host_port if ENV["INTEGRATION"] == "true" || ENV["SECURE_INTEGRATION"] == "true" "elasticsearch:9200" else "localhost:9200" # for local running integration specs outside docker end end def self.curl_and_get_json_response(url, method: :get, args: nil); require 'open3' cmd = "curl -s -v --show-error #{args} -X #{method.to_s.upcase} -k #{url}" begin out, err, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) rescue Errno::ENOENT fail "curl not available, make sure curl binary is installed and available on $PATH" end if status.success? http_status = err.match(/< HTTP\/1.1 (.*?)/)[1] || '0' # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n if http_status.strip[0].to_i > 2 warn out fail "#{cmd.inspect} unexpected response: #{http_status}\n\n#{err}" end LogStash::Json.load(out) else warn out fail "#{cmd.inspect} process failed: #{status}\n\n#{err}" end end def self.doc_type if ESHelper.es_version_satisfies?(">=8") nil elsif ESHelper.es_version_satisfies?(">=7") "_doc" else "doc" end end def self.index_doc(es, params) type = doc_type params[:type] = doc_type unless type.nil? es.index(params) end def self.es_version ENV['ES_VERSION'] || ENV['ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION'] end def self.es_version_satisfies?(*requirement) es_version = RSpec.configuration.filter[:es_version] || ENV['ES_VERSION'] || ENV['ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION'] if es_version.nil? puts "Info: ES_VERSION, ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION or 'es_version' tag wasn't set. Returning false to all `es_version_satisfies?` call." return false end es_release_version = end end