require 'ftools' require 'digest/md5' require 'tempfile' require 'zip/zip' require 'clamsy/tenjin' require 'rghost' module Clamsy class MissingFileError < Exception ; end class << self def process(contexts, template_odt, final_pdf) begin @template_odt = odts = [contexts] {|ctx| @template_odt.render(ctx) } Shell.print_odts_to_pdf(odts, final_pdf) ensure @template_odt.trash_tmp_files end end end private module HasTrashableTempFiles def trash_tmp_files (@trashable_tmp_files || []).select {|f| f.path }.map(&:unlink) end def tmp_file(file_name) ((@trashable_tmp_files ||= []) <<[-1] end end class TemplateOdt include HasTrashableTempFiles def initialize(template_odt) @template_odt = template_odt end def render(context) @context_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(context.to_s) do |zip| {|entry| entry.file? && entry.to_s =~ /\.xml$/ }.each do |entry| zip.get_output_stream(entry.to_s) {|io| io.write(workers[entry].render(context)) } end end working_odt end private def working_odt (@working_odts ||= {})[@context_id] ||= begin dest_odt = tmp_file(@context_id) File.copy(@template_odt, dest_odt.path) ; dest_odt end end def workers lambda do |entry| (@workers ||= {})[entry.to_s] ||= begin tmp_file = tmp_file("#{@context_id}.#{File.basename(entry.to_s)}") tmp_file.write( tmp_file.close end end end end class Shell # The folder where cups-pdf generated pdfs are stored: # * in archlinux, this is specified in /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf PDF_OUTPUT_DIR = "/tmp/cups-pdf/#{`whoami`.strip}" # The openoffice command to print odt to pdf, requires package cups-pdf & 'Cups-PDF' printer # to be set up in cups. ODT_TO_PDF_CMD = "ooffice -norestore -nofirststartwizard -nologo -headless -pt Cups-PDF" class << self include HasTrashableTempFiles def print_odts_to_pdf(from_odts, to_pdf) begin tmp_ps = tmp_file(File.basename(to_pdf, '.pdf')) {|odt| tmp_ps << odt_to_ps_stream(odt) } tmp_ps.close gs_convert(:pdf, tmp_ps.path, to_pdf) ensure trash_tmp_files end end private def odt_to_ps_stream(odt) ensure_file_exists!(odt_path = odt.path) pdf_path = File.join(PDF_OUTPUT_DIR, File.basename(odt_path, '.odt')) + '.pdf' system("#{ODT_TO_PDF_CMD} #{odt_path}") gs_convert(:ps, pdf_path) end def gs_convert(format, src_path, dest_path=nil) ensure_file_exists!(src_path) method, opts = dest_path ? [:path, {:filename => dest_path}] : [:read, {}], opts).send(method) end def ensure_file_exists!(file_path) exist_flg = false 0.upto(10) {|i| File.exists?(file_path) ? (exist_flg = true; break) : sleep(1) } exist_flg or raise end end end end