namespace :db do namespace :populate do desc "Create populate data with client sites" task create: 'create:site_clients' namespace :create do desc "Add client sites populate data" task site_clients: :read_environment do puts 'Site Client population (Dummy and 9 clients more)' start = # Create dummy site aid = Actor.find_by_slug('demo').id s = Site::Client.create! name: 'Dummy', description: "Social Stream's spec/dummy application", url: 'http://localhost:3000', callback_url: 'http://localhost:3000/users/auth/socialstream/callback', author_id: aid s.update_attributes! secret: "f9974ce87c455544f61cc960b58cf833eb039875ef27029449408857879a1e87283c86558e46fa431d37a3c5590ba92612c51dfd0872ccff35cbecf3910eaa02" 9.times do domain = Forgery::Internet.domain_name Site::Client.create! name: Forgery::Name.company_name, description: Forgery::LoremIpsum.sentence(random: true), url: "https://#{ domain }", callback_url: "https://#{ domain }/callback", author: User.all[rand(User.all.size)] end puts " -> #{ ( - start).round(4) }s" end end end end