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      <td><strong>Last Update:</strong></td>
      <td>Mon Apr 11 12:12:50 EDT 2005</td>
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      <h1><a href="../../../classes/NotCopyable.html">NotCopyable</a></h1>
Disable copying via dup and clone (and copy).
  require 'carat/notcopyable.rb'

  Class FixedString &lt; String
    include NotCopyable

  s = FixedString.new(&quot;Don't tred on me!&quot;)
  puts s
  s2 = s.dup
  Don't tred on me!
  TypeError, &quot;Object not copyable&quot;
<li>If one is reopening a class and including this, it will not work if the
class defined dub, clone or copy (and deep_copy) itself. It only work if
it&#8217;s ancestors are responsible for those methods. How to fix?

<li>I don&#8217;t think this will prove very useful, but just in case here it

<li>Paul Brannan &lt;paul at atdesk.com&gt;

<li>Thomas Sawyer

Adapted from Ruby Treasures 0.4 Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Brannan
You may distribute this software under the same terms as Ruby (see the file
COPYING that was distributed with this library).
<li>2005.04.11 Passed basic test.





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