import React from 'react'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import store from 'foremanReact/redux'; import { urlBuilder } from 'foremanReact/common/urlHelpers'; import { addToast } from 'foremanReact/components/ToastsList/slice.js'; import { getResponseErrorMsgs } from '../../utils/helpers'; export const bulkSearchKey = key => `${key}_TASK_SEARCH`; export const pollTaskKey = key => `${key}_POLL_TASK`; const link = ({ id, message, baseUrl }) => ({ children: message, href: urlBuilder(baseUrl, '', id), }); const getErrors = task => ( ); const foremanTasksLink = id => link({ id, message: __('Go to task page'), baseUrl: 'foreman_tasks/tasks', }); const rexJobLink = id => link({ id, message: __('Go to job details'), baseUrl: 'job_invocations', }); export const renderTaskStartedToast = (task) => { if (!task) return; const message = (__(`Task ${task.humanized.action} has started.`)); window.tfm.toastNotifications.notify({ message, type: 'info', link: foremanTasksLink(, }); }; export const renderRexJobStartedToast = ({ id, description, key }) => { if (!id) return; const message = (__(`Job '${description}' has started.`)); store.dispatch(addToast({ message, type: 'info', link: rexJobLink(id), sticky: true, key, })); }; export const renderRexJobFailedToast = ({ id, description }) => { if (!id) return; const message = (__(`Remote execution job '${description}' failed.`)); window.tfm.toastNotifications.notify({ message, type: 'danger', link: rexJobLink(id), }); }; export const renderRexJobSucceededToast = ({ id, description }) => { if (!id) return; const message = (__(`Job '${description}' completed`)); window.tfm.toastNotifications.notify({ message, type: 'success', link: rexJobLink(id), }); }; export const taskFinishedToast = (task) => { const message = __(`Task ${task.humanized.action} completed with a result of ${task.result}. ${task.errors ? getErrors(task) : ''}`); return { message, type: task.result, link: foremanTasksLink(, }; }; export const renderTaskFinishedToast = (task) => { if (!task) return; window.tfm.toastNotifications.notify(taskFinishedToast(task)); }; export const errorToast = error => getResponseErrorMsgs(error.response);