# knife-windows 0.8.2 doc changes ### Negotiate / NTLM authentication support If you are running `knife-windows` subcommands from a Windows workstation, you should not specify a username argument that includes a domain name (i.e. a name formatted like `domain\user`) unless the remote host has WinRM's `AllowUnencrypted` setting set to `$false` (the default setting on Windows if the `winrm quickconfig` command was used to enable WinRM). If you've modified the host to set this to `$true` instead of its default value and you run subcommands from a Windows workstation where the username specified to `knife-windows` contains a domain, the command will fail with an authentication error. To avoid this, omit the domain name (this will only work if the system is not joined to a domain, i.e. you were specifying the local workstation as the domain), or set `AllowUnencrypted` to `$false` which is a more secure setting.