class NestedElementsPage include PageObject div(:outer_div, :id => 'div_id') link(:nested_link) { |page| page.outer_div_element.link_element } button(:nested_button) { |page| page.outer_div_element.button_element } text_field(:nested_text_field) { |page| page.outer_div_element.text_field_element } hidden_field(:nested_hidden_field) { |page| page.outer_div_element.hidden_field_element } text_area(:nested_text_area) { |page| page.outer_div_element.text_area_element } select_list(:nested_select_list) { |page| page.outer_div_element.select_list_element } checkbox(:nested_checkbox) { |page| page.outer_div_element.checkbox_element } radio_button(:nested_radio_button) { |page| page.outer_div_element.radio_button_element } div(:nested_div) { |page| page.outer_div_element.div_element } span(:nested_span) { |page| page.outer_div_element.span_element } table(:nested_table) { |page| page.outer_div_element.table_element } cell(:nested_cell) { |page| page.nested_table_element.cell_element(:index => 1) } image(:nested_image) { |page| page.outer_div_element.image_element } form(:nested_form) { |page| page.outer_div_element.form_element } ordered_list(:nested_ordered_list) { |page| page.outer_div_element.ordered_list_element } unordered_list(:nested_unordered_list) { |page| page.outer_div_element.unordered_list_element } list_item(:nested_list_item) { |page| page.nested_ordered_list_element.list_item_element } h1(:nested_h1) { |page| page.outer_div_element.h1_element} h2(:nested_h2) { |page| page.outer_div_element.h2_element } h3(:nested_h3) { |page| page.outer_div_element.h3_element } end Given /^I am on the nested elements page$/ do @page = @page.navigate_to(UrlHelper.nested_elements) end When /^I search for a link located in a div$/ do @link = @page.nested_link_element end Then /^I should be able to click the nested link$/ do end When /^I search for a button located in a div$/ do @button = @page.nested_button_element end Then /^I should be able to click the nested button$/ do end When /^I search for a text field located in a div$/ do @text_field = @page.nested_text_field_element end Then /^I should be able to type "([^\"]*)" in the nested text field$/ do |value| @text_field.value = value end When /^I search for a hidden field located in a div$/ do @hidden_field = @page.nested_hidden_field_element end Then /^I should be able to see that the nested hidden field contains "([^\"]*)"$/ do |value| @hidden_field.value.should == value end When /^I search for a text area located in a div$/ do @text_area = @page.nested_text_area_element end Then /^I should be able to type "([^\"]*)" in the nested text area$/ do |value| @text_area.value = value end When /^I search for a select list located in a div$/ do @select_list = @page.nested_select_list_element end Then /^I should be able to select "([^\"]*)" in the nested select list$/ do |value| value end When /^I search for a checkbox located in a div$/ do @checkbox = @page.nested_checkbox_element end Then /^I should be able to check the nested checkbox$/ do @checkbox.check end When /^I search for a radio button located in a div$/ do @radio = @page.nested_radio_button_element end Then /^I should be able to select the nested radio button$/ do end When /^I search for a div located in a div$/ do @div = @page.nested_div_element end Then /^I should see the text "([^\"]*)" in the nested div$/ do |value| @div.text.should == value end When /^I search for a span located in a div$/ do @span = @page.nested_span_element end Then /^I should see the text "([^\"]*)" in the nested span$/ do |value| @span.text.should == value end When /^I search for a table located in a div$/ do @table = @page.nested_table_element end Then /^the data for row "([^\"]*)" of the nested table should be "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |row, col1, col2| table_row = @table[row.to_i - 1] table_row[0].text.should == col1 table_row[1].text.should == col2 end When /^I search the second table cell located in a table in a div$/ do @cell = @page.nested_cell_element end Then /^the nested table cell should contain "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @cell.text.should == value end When /^I search for an image located in a div$/ do @image = @page.nested_image_element end Then /^the nested image should be "([^"]*)" pixels wide$/ do |width| @image.width.should == width.to_i end Then /^the nested image should be "([^"]*)" pixels tall$/ do |height| @image.height.should == height.to_i end When /^I search for a form located in a div$/ do @form = @page.nested_form_element end Then /^I should be able to submit the nested form$/ do @form.submit end When /^I search for an ordered list located in a div$/ do @list = @page.nested_ordered_list_element end Then /^the first nested list items text should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @list[0].text.should == value end When /^I search for an unordered list located in a div$/ do @list = @page.nested_unordered_list_element end When /^I search for a list item nested in an ordered list in a div$/ do @li = @page.nested_list_item_element end Then /^I should see the nested list items text should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @li.text.should == value end When /^I search for a h1 located list in a div$/ do @h1 = @page.nested_h1_element end Then /^I should see the nested h1s text should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @h1.text.should == value end When /^I search for a h2 located list in a div$/ do @h2 = @page.nested_h2_element end Then /^I should see the nested h2s text should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @h2.text.should == value end When /^I search for a h3 located list in a div$/ do @h3 = @page.nested_h3_element end Then /^I should see the nested h3s text should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |value| @h3.text.should == value end