# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Mysql2::Client do context "using defaults file" do let(:cnf_file) { File.expand_path('../../my.cnf', __FILE__) } it "should not raise an exception for valid defaults group" do expect { new_client(:default_file => cnf_file, :default_group => "test") }.not_to raise_error end it "should not raise an exception without default group" do expect { new_client(:default_file => cnf_file) }.not_to raise_error end end it "should raise an exception upon connection failure" do expect { # The odd local host IP address forces the mysql client library to # use a TCP socket rather than a domain socket. new_client('host' => '', 'port' => 999999) }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should raise an exception on create for invalid encodings" do expect { new_client(:encoding => "fake") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should raise an exception on non-string encodings" do expect { new_client(:encoding => :fake) }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "should not raise an exception on create for a valid encoding" do expect { new_client(:encoding => "utf8") }.not_to raise_error expect { new_client(DatabaseCredentials['root'].merge(:encoding => "big5")) }.not_to raise_error end Klient = Class.new(Mysql2::Client) do attr_reader :connect_args def connect(*args) @connect_args ||= [] @connect_args << args end end it "should accept connect flags and pass them to #connect" do client = Klient.new :flags => Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS expect(client.connect_args.last[6] & Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS).to be > 0 end it "should parse flags array" do client = Klient.new :flags => %w( FOUND_ROWS -PROTOCOL_41 ) expect(client.connect_args.last[6] & Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS).to eql(Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS) expect(client.connect_args.last[6] & Mysql2::Client::PROTOCOL_41).to eql(0) end it "should parse flags string" do client = Klient.new :flags => "FOUND_ROWS -PROTOCOL_41" expect(client.connect_args.last[6] & Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS).to eql(Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS) expect(client.connect_args.last[6] & Mysql2::Client::PROTOCOL_41).to eql(0) end it "should default flags to (REMEMBER_OPTIONS, LONG_PASSWORD, LONG_FLAG, TRANSACTIONS, PROTOCOL_41, SECURE_CONNECTION)" do client = Klient.new client_flags = Mysql2::Client::REMEMBER_OPTIONS | Mysql2::Client::LONG_PASSWORD | Mysql2::Client::LONG_FLAG | Mysql2::Client::TRANSACTIONS | Mysql2::Client::PROTOCOL_41 | Mysql2::Client::SECURE_CONNECTION expect(client.connect_args.last[6]).to eql(client_flags) end it "should execute init command" do options = DatabaseCredentials['root'].dup options[:init_command] = "SET @something = 'setting_value';" client = new_client(options) result = client.query("SELECT @something;") expect(result.first['@something']).to eq('setting_value') end it "should send init_command after reconnect" do options = DatabaseCredentials['root'].dup options[:init_command] = "SET @something = 'setting_value';" options[:reconnect] = true client = new_client(options) result = client.query("SELECT @something;") expect(result.first['@something']).to eq('setting_value') # get the current connection id result = client.query("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()") first_conn_id = result.first['CONNECTION_ID()'] # break the current connection expect { client.query("KILL #{first_conn_id}") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) client.ping # reconnect now # get the new connection id result = client.query("SELECT CONNECTION_ID()") second_conn_id = result.first['CONNECTION_ID()'] # confirm reconnect by checking the new connection id expect(first_conn_id).not_to eq(second_conn_id) # At last, check that the init command executed result = client.query("SELECT @something;") expect(result.first['@something']).to eq('setting_value') end it "should have a global default_query_options hash" do expect(Mysql2::Client).to respond_to(:default_query_options) end it "should be able to connect via SSL options" do ssl = @client.query "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_ssl'" ssl_uncompiled = ssl.any? { |x| x['Value'] == 'OFF' } pending("DON'T WORRY, THIS TEST PASSES - but SSL is not compiled into your MySQL daemon.") if ssl_uncompiled ssl_disabled = ssl.any? { |x| x['Value'] == 'DISABLED' } pending("DON'T WORRY, THIS TEST PASSES - but SSL is not enabled in your MySQL daemon.") if ssl_disabled # You may need to adjust the lines below to match your SSL certificate paths ssl_client = nil expect { # rubocop:disable Style/TrailingComma ssl_client = new_client( 'host' => 'mysql2gem.example.com', # must match the certificates :sslkey => '/etc/mysql/client-key.pem', :sslcert => '/etc/mysql/client-cert.pem', :sslca => '/etc/mysql/ca-cert.pem', :sslcipher => 'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA', :sslverify => true ) # rubocop:enable Style/TrailingComma }.not_to raise_error results = Hash[ssl_client.query('SHOW STATUS WHERE Variable_name LIKE "Ssl_%"').map { |x| x.values_at('Variable_name', 'Value') }] expect(results['Ssl_cipher']).not_to be_empty expect(results['Ssl_version']).not_to be_empty expect(ssl_client.ssl_cipher).not_to be_empty expect(results['Ssl_cipher']).to eql(ssl_client.ssl_cipher) end def run_gc if defined?(Rubinius) GC.run(true) else GC.start end sleep(0.5) end it "should terminate connections when calling close" do expect { client = Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root']) connection_id = client.thread_id client.close # mysql_close sends a quit command without waiting for a response # so give the server some time to handle the detect the closed connection closed = false 10.times do closed = @client.query("SHOW PROCESSLIST").none? { |row| row['Id'] == connection_id } break if closed sleep(0.1) end expect(closed).to eq(true) }.to_not change { @client.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Aborted_%'").to_a } end it "should not leave dangling connections after garbage collection" do run_gc expect { expect { 10.times do Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root']).query('SELECT 1') end }.to change { @client.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'").first['Value'].to_i }.by(10) run_gc }.to_not change { @client.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Aborted_%'").to_a + @client.query("SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Threads_connected'").to_a } end context "#automatic_close" do it "is enabled by default" do expect(new_client.automatic_close?).to be(true) end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ it "cannot be disabled" do expect do client = new_client(:automatic_close => false) expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(true) end.to output(/always closed by garbage collector/).to_stderr expect do client = new_client(:automatic_close => true) expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(true) end.to_not output(/always closed by garbage collector/).to_stderr expect do client = new_client(:automatic_close => true) client.automatic_close = false expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(true) end.to output(/always closed by garbage collector/).to_stderr end else it "can be configured" do client = new_client(:automatic_close => false) expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(false) end it "can be assigned" do client = new_client client.automatic_close = false expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(false) client.automatic_close = true expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(true) client.automatic_close = nil expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(false) client.automatic_close = 9 expect(client.automatic_close?).to be(true) end it "should not close connections when running in a child process" do run_gc client = Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root']) client.automatic_close = false child = fork do client.query('SELECT 1') client = nil run_gc end Process.wait(child) # this will throw an error if the underlying socket was shutdown by the # child's GC expect { client.query('SELECT 1') }.to_not raise_exception client.close end end end it "should be able to connect to database with numeric-only name" do database = 1235 @client.query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `#{database}`" expect { new_client('database' => database) }.not_to raise_error @client.query "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `#{database}`" end it "should respond to #close" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:close) end it "should be able to close properly" do expect(@client.close).to be_nil expect { @client.query "SELECT 1" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end context "#closed?" do it "should return false when connected" do expect(@client.closed?).to eql(false) end it "should return true after close" do @client.close expect(@client.closed?).to eql(true) end end it "should not try to query closed mysql connection" do client = new_client(:reconnect => true) expect(client.close).to be_nil expect { client.query "SELECT 1" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should respond to #query" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:query) end it "should respond to #warning_count" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:warning_count) end context "#warning_count" do context "when no warnings" do it "should 0" do @client.query('select 1') expect(@client.warning_count).to eq(0) end end context "when has a warnings" do it "should > 0" do # "the statement produces extra information that can be viewed by issuing a SHOW WARNINGS" # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/explain-extended.html @client.query("explain extended select 1") expect(@client.warning_count).to be > 0 end end end it "should respond to #query_info" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:query_info) end context "#query_info" do context "when no info present" do it "should 0" do @client.query('select 1') expect(@client.query_info).to be_empty expect(@client.query_info_string).to be_nil end end context "when has some info" do it "should retrieve it" do @client.query "USE test" @client.query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS infoTest (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, blah INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`))" # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-info.html says # # Note that mysql_info() returns a non-NULL value for INSERT ... VALUES only for the multiple-row form of the statement (that is, only if multiple value lists are specified). @client.query("INSERT INTO infoTest (blah) VALUES (1234),(4535)") expect(@client.query_info).to eql(:records => 2, :duplicates => 0, :warnings => 0) expect(@client.query_info_string).to eq('Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0') @client.query "DROP TABLE infoTest" end end end context ":local_infile" do before(:all) do new_client(:local_infile => true) do |client| local = client.query "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'local_infile'" local_enabled = local.any? { |x| x['Value'] == 'ON' } pending("DON'T WORRY, THIS TEST PASSES - but LOCAL INFILE is not enabled in your MySQL daemon.") unless local_enabled client.query %[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS infileTest ( id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, foo VARCHAR(10), bar MEDIUMTEXT ) ] end end after(:all) do new_client do |client| client.query "DROP TABLE infileTest" end end it "should raise an error when local_infile is disabled" do client = new_client(:local_infile => false) expect { client.query "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'spec/test_data' INTO TABLE infileTest" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, /command is not allowed/) end it "should raise an error when a non-existent file is loaded" do client = new_client(:local_infile => true) expect { client.query "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'this/file/is/not/here' INTO TABLE infileTest" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, 'No such file or directory: this/file/is/not/here') end it "should LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" do client = new_client(:local_infile => true) client.query "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'spec/test_data' INTO TABLE infileTest" info = client.query_info expect(info).to eql(:records => 1, :deleted => 0, :skipped => 0, :warnings => 0) result = client.query "SELECT * FROM infileTest" expect(result.first).to eql('id' => 1, 'foo' => 'Hello', 'bar' => 'World') end end it "should expect connect_timeout to be a positive integer" do expect { new_client(:connect_timeout => -1) }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should expect read_timeout to be a positive integer" do expect { new_client(:read_timeout => -1) }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should expect write_timeout to be a positive integer" do expect { new_client(:write_timeout => -1) }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should allow nil read_timeout" do client = new_client(:read_timeout => nil) expect(client.read_timeout).to be_nil end context "#query" do it "should let you query again if iterating is finished when streaming" do @client.query("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false).each.to_a expect { @client.query("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) }.to_not raise_error end it "should not let you query again if iterating is not finished when streaming" do @client.query("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false).first expect { @client.query("SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2", :stream => true, :cache_rows => false) }.to raise_exception(Mysql2::Error) end it "should only accept strings as the query parameter" do expect { @client.query ["SELECT 'not right'"] }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "should not retain query options set on a query for subsequent queries, but should retain it in the result" do result = @client.query "SELECT 1", :something => :else expect(@client.query_options[:something]).to be_nil expect(result.instance_variable_get('@query_options')).to eql(@client.query_options.merge(:something => :else)) expect(@client.instance_variable_get('@current_query_options')).to eql(@client.query_options.merge(:something => :else)) result = @client.query "SELECT 1" expect(result.instance_variable_get('@query_options')).to eql(@client.query_options) expect(@client.instance_variable_get('@current_query_options')).to eql(@client.query_options) end it "should allow changing query options for subsequent queries" do @client.query_options.merge!(:something => :else) result = @client.query "SELECT 1" expect(@client.query_options[:something]).to eql(:else) expect(result.instance_variable_get('@query_options')[:something]).to eql(:else) # Clean up after this test @client.query_options.delete(:something) expect(@client.query_options[:something]).to be_nil end it "should return results as a hash by default" do expect(@client.query("SELECT 1").first).to be_an_instance_of(Hash) end it "should be able to return results as an array" do expect(@client.query("SELECT 1", :as => :array).first).to be_an_instance_of(Array) @client.query("SELECT 1").each(:as => :array) end it "should be able to return results with symbolized keys" do expect(@client.query("SELECT 1", :symbolize_keys => true).first.keys[0]).to be_an_instance_of(Symbol) end it "should require an open connection" do @client.close expect { @client.query "SELECT 1" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should detect closed connection on query read error" do connection_id = @client.thread_id Thread.new do sleep(0.1) Mysql2::Client.new(DatabaseCredentials['root']).tap do |supervisor| supervisor.query("KILL #{connection_id}") end.close end expect { @client.query("SELECT SLEEP(1)") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, /Lost connection to MySQL server/) if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mingw|mswin/ expect { @client.socket }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, 'MySQL client is not connected') end end if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mingw|mswin/ it "should not allow another query to be sent without fetching a result first" do @client.query("SELECT 1", :async => true) expect { @client.query("SELECT 1") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should describe the thread holding the active query" do thr = Thread.new { @client.query("SELECT 1", :async => true) } thr.join expect { @client.query('SELECT 1') }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(thr.inspect))) end it "should timeout if we wait longer than :read_timeout" do client = new_client(:read_timeout => 0) expect { client.query('SELECT SLEEP(0.1)') }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end # XXX this test is not deterministic (because Unix signal handling is not) # and may fail on a loaded system it "should run signal handlers while waiting for a response" do kill_time = 0.1 query_time = 2 * kill_time mark = {} begin trap(:USR1) { mark.store(:USR1, Time.now) } pid = fork do sleep kill_time # wait for client query to start Process.kill(:USR1, Process.ppid) sleep # wait for explicit kill to prevent GC disconnect end mark.store(:QUERY_START, Time.now) @client.query("SELECT SLEEP(#{query_time})") mark.store(:QUERY_END, Time.now) ensure Process.kill(:TERM, pid) Process.waitpid2(pid) trap(:USR1, 'DEFAULT') end # the query ran uninterrupted expect(mark.fetch(:QUERY_END) - mark.fetch(:QUERY_START)).to be_within(0.02).of(query_time) # signals fired while the query was running expect(mark.fetch(:USR1)).to be_between(mark.fetch(:QUERY_START), mark.fetch(:QUERY_END)) end it "#socket should return a Fixnum (file descriptor from C)" do expect(@client.socket).to be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) expect(@client.socket).not_to eql(0) end it "#socket should require an open connection" do @client.close expect { @client.socket }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it 'should be impervious to connection-corrupting timeouts in #execute' do # the statement handle gets corrupted and will segfault the tests if interrupted, # so we can't even use pending on this test, really have to skip it on older Rubies. skip('`Thread.handle_interrupt` is not defined') unless Thread.respond_to?(:handle_interrupt) # attempt to break the connection stmt = @client.prepare('SELECT SLEEP(?)') expect { Timeout.timeout(0.1) { stmt.execute(0.2) } }.to raise_error(Timeout::Error) stmt.close # expect the connection to not be broken expect { @client.query('SELECT 1') }.to_not raise_error end context 'when a non-standard exception class is raised' do it "should close the connection when an exception is raised" do expect { Timeout.timeout(0.1, ArgumentError) { @client.query('SELECT SLEEP(1)') } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @client.query('SELECT 1') }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, 'MySQL client is not connected') end it "should handle Timeouts without leaving the connection hanging if reconnect is true" do if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin') && Mysql2::Client.info.fetch(:version).start_with?('5.5') pending('libmysqlclient 5.5 on OSX is afflicted by an unknown bug that breaks this test. See #633 and #634.') end client = new_client(:reconnect => true) expect { Timeout.timeout(0.1, ArgumentError) { client.query('SELECT SLEEP(1)') } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { client.query('SELECT 1') }.to_not raise_error end it "should handle Timeouts without leaving the connection hanging if reconnect is set to true after construction" do if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin') && Mysql2::Client.info.fetch(:version).start_with?('5.5') pending('libmysqlclient 5.5 on OSX is afflicted by an unknown bug that breaks this test. See #633 and #634.') end client = new_client expect { Timeout.timeout(0.1, ArgumentError) { client.query('SELECT SLEEP(1)') } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { client.query('SELECT 1') }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) client.reconnect = true expect { Timeout.timeout(0.1, ArgumentError) { client.query('SELECT SLEEP(1)') } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { client.query('SELECT 1') }.to_not raise_error end end it "threaded queries should be supported" do sleep_time = 0.5 # Note that each thread opens its own database connection threads = 5.times.map do Thread.new do new_client do |client| client.query("SELECT SLEEP(#{sleep_time})") end Thread.current.object_id end end # This timeout demonstrates that the threads are sleeping concurrently: # In the serial case, the timeout would fire and the test would fail values = Timeout.timeout(sleep_time * 1.1) { threads.map(&:value) } expect(values).to match_array(threads.map(&:object_id)) end it "evented async queries should be supported" do skip("ruby 1.8 doesn't support IO.for_fd options") if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?("1.8.") # should immediately return nil expect(@client.query("SELECT sleep(0.1)", :async => true)).to eql(nil) io_wrapper = IO.for_fd(@client.socket, :autoclose => false) loops = 0 loop do if IO.select([io_wrapper], nil, nil, 0.05) break else loops += 1 end end # make sure we waited some period of time expect(loops >= 1).to be true result = @client.async_result expect(result).to be_an_instance_of(Mysql2::Result) end end context "Multiple results sets" do before(:each) do @multi_client = new_client(:flags => Mysql2::Client::MULTI_STATEMENTS) end it "should raise an exception when one of multiple statements fails" do result = @multi_client.query("SELECT 1 AS 'set_1'; SELECT * FROM invalid_table_name; SELECT 2 AS 'set_2';") expect(result.first['set_1']).to be(1) expect { @multi_client.next_result }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) expect(@multi_client.next_result).to be false end it "returns multiple result sets" do expect(@multi_client.query("SELECT 1 AS 'set_1'; SELECT 2 AS 'set_2'").first).to eql('set_1' => 1) expect(@multi_client.next_result).to be true expect(@multi_client.store_result.first).to eql('set_2' => 2) expect(@multi_client.next_result).to be false end it "does not interfere with other statements" do @multi_client.query("SELECT 1 AS 'set_1'; SELECT 2 AS 'set_2'") @multi_client.store_result while @multi_client.next_result expect(@multi_client.query("SELECT 3 AS 'next'").first).to eq('next' => 3) end it "will raise on query if there are outstanding results to read" do @multi_client.query("SELECT 1; SELECT 2; SELECT 3") expect { @multi_client.query("SELECT 4") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "#abandon_results! should work" do @multi_client.query("SELECT 1; SELECT 2; SELECT 3") @multi_client.abandon_results! expect { @multi_client.query("SELECT 4") }.not_to raise_error end it "#more_results? should work" do @multi_client.query("SELECT 1 AS 'set_1'; SELECT 2 AS 'set_2'") expect(@multi_client.more_results?).to be true @multi_client.next_result @multi_client.store_result expect(@multi_client.more_results?).to be false end it "#more_results? should work with stored procedures" do @multi_client.query("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test_proc") @multi_client.query("CREATE PROCEDURE test_proc() BEGIN SELECT 1 AS 'set_1'; SELECT 2 AS 'set_2'; END") expect(@multi_client.query("CALL test_proc()").first).to eql('set_1' => 1) expect(@multi_client.more_results?).to be true @multi_client.next_result expect(@multi_client.store_result.first).to eql('set_2' => 2) @multi_client.next_result expect(@multi_client.store_result).to be_nil # this is the result from CALL itself expect(@multi_client.more_results?).to be false end end end it "should respond to #socket" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:socket) end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ it "#socket should raise as it's not supported" do expect { @client.socket }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error, /Raw access to the mysql file descriptor isn't supported on Windows/) end end it "should respond to escape" do expect(Mysql2::Client).to respond_to(:escape) end context "escape" do it "should return a new SQL-escape version of the passed string" do expect(Mysql2::Client.escape("abc'def\"ghi\0jkl%mno")).to eql("abc\\'def\\\"ghi\\0jkl%mno") end it "should return the passed string if nothing was escaped" do str = "plain" expect(Mysql2::Client.escape(str).object_id).to eql(str.object_id) end it "should not overflow the thread stack" do expect { Thread.new { Mysql2::Client.escape("'" * 256 * 1024) }.join }.not_to raise_error end it "should not overflow the process stack" do expect { Thread.new { Mysql2::Client.escape("'" * 1024 * 1024 * 4) }.join }.not_to raise_error end unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8/ it "should carry over the original string's encoding" do str = "abc'def\"ghi\0jkl%mno" escaped = Mysql2::Client.escape(str) expect(escaped.encoding).to eql(str.encoding) str.encode!('us-ascii') escaped = Mysql2::Client.escape(str) expect(escaped.encoding).to eql(str.encoding) end end end it "should respond to #escape" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:escape) end context "#escape" do it "should return a new SQL-escape version of the passed string" do expect(@client.escape("abc'def\"ghi\0jkl%mno")).to eql("abc\\'def\\\"ghi\\0jkl%mno") end it "should return the passed string if nothing was escaped" do str = "plain" expect(@client.escape(str).object_id).to eql(str.object_id) end it "should not overflow the thread stack" do expect { Thread.new { @client.escape("'" * 256 * 1024) }.join }.not_to raise_error end it "should not overflow the process stack" do expect { Thread.new { @client.escape("'" * 1024 * 1024 * 4) }.join }.not_to raise_error end it "should require an open connection" do @client.close expect { @client.escape "" }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end context 'when mysql encoding is not utf8' do before { pending('Encoding is undefined') unless defined?(Encoding) } let(:client) { new_client(:encoding => "ujis") } it 'should return a internal encoding string if Encoding.default_internal is set' do with_internal_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 do expect(client.escape("\u{30C6}\u{30B9}\u{30C8}")).to eq "\u{30C6}\u{30B9}\u{30C8}" expect(client.escape("\u{30C6}'\u{30B9}\"\u{30C8}")).to eq "\u{30C6}\\'\u{30B9}\\\"\u{30C8}" end end end end it "should respond to #info" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:info) end it "#info should return a hash containing the client version ID and String" do info = @client.info expect(info).to be_an_instance_of(Hash) expect(info).to have_key(:id) expect(info[:id]).to be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) expect(info).to have_key(:version) expect(info[:version]).to be_an_instance_of(String) end context "strings returned by #info" do before { pending('Encoding is undefined') unless defined?(Encoding) } it "should be tagged as ascii" do expect(@client.info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::US_ASCII) expect(@client.info[:header_version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::US_ASCII) end end context "strings returned by .info" do before { pending('Encoding is undefined') unless defined?(Encoding) } it "should be tagged as ascii" do expect(Mysql2::Client.info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::US_ASCII) expect(Mysql2::Client.info[:header_version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::US_ASCII) end end it "should respond to #server_info" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:server_info) end it "#server_info should return a hash containing the client version ID and String" do server_info = @client.server_info expect(server_info).to be_an_instance_of(Hash) expect(server_info).to have_key(:id) expect(server_info[:id]).to be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) expect(server_info).to have_key(:version) expect(server_info[:version]).to be_an_instance_of(String) end it "#server_info should require an open connection" do @client.close expect { @client.server_info }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end context "strings returned by #server_info" do before { pending('Encoding is undefined') unless defined?(Encoding) } it "should default to the connection's encoding if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do with_internal_encoding nil do expect(@client.server_info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::UTF_8) client2 = new_client(:encoding => 'ascii') expect(client2.server_info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding::ASCII) end end it "should use Encoding.default_internal" do with_internal_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 do expect(@client.server_info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) end with_internal_encoding Encoding::ASCII do expect(@client.server_info[:version].encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) end end end it "should raise a Mysql2::Error exception upon connection failure" do expect { new_client(:host => "localhost", :username => 'asdfasdf8d2h', :password => 'asdfasdfw42') }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) expect { new_client(DatabaseCredentials['root']) }.not_to raise_error end context 'write operations api' do before(:each) do @client.query "USE test" @client.query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lastIdTest (`id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, blah INT(11), PRIMARY KEY (`id`))" end after(:each) do @client.query "DROP TABLE lastIdTest" end it "should respond to #last_id" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:last_id) end it "#last_id should return a Fixnum, the from the last INSERT/UPDATE" do expect(@client.last_id).to eql(0) @client.query "INSERT INTO lastIdTest (blah) VALUES (1234)" expect(@client.last_id).to eql(1) end it "should respond to #last_id" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:last_id) end it "#last_id should return a Fixnum, the from the last INSERT/UPDATE" do @client.query "INSERT INTO lastIdTest (blah) VALUES (1234)" expect(@client.affected_rows).to eql(1) @client.query "UPDATE lastIdTest SET blah=4321 WHERE id=1" expect(@client.affected_rows).to eql(1) end it "#last_id should handle BIGINT auto-increment ids above 32 bits" do # The id column type must be BIGINT. Surprise: INT(x) is limited to 32-bits for all values of x. # Insert a row with a given ID, this should raise the auto-increment state @client.query "INSERT INTO lastIdTest (id, blah) VALUES (5000000000, 5000)" expect(@client.last_id).to eql(5000000000) @client.query "INSERT INTO lastIdTest (blah) VALUES (5001)" expect(@client.last_id).to eql(5000000001) end end it "should respond to #thread_id" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:thread_id) end it "#thread_id should be a Fixnum" do expect(@client.thread_id).to be_an_instance_of(Fixnum) end it "should respond to #ping" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:ping) end context "select_db" do before(:each) do 2.times do |i| @client.query("CREATE DATABASE test_selectdb_#{i}") @client.query("USE test_selectdb_#{i}") @client.query("CREATE TABLE test#{i} (`id` int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)") end end after(:each) do 2.times do |i| @client.query("DROP DATABASE test_selectdb_#{i}") end end it "should respond to #select_db" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:select_db) end it "should switch databases" do @client.select_db("test_selectdb_0") expect(@client.query("SHOW TABLES").first.values.first).to eql("test0") @client.select_db("test_selectdb_1") expect(@client.query("SHOW TABLES").first.values.first).to eql("test1") @client.select_db("test_selectdb_0") expect(@client.query("SHOW TABLES").first.values.first).to eql("test0") end it "should raise a Mysql2::Error when the database doesn't exist" do expect { @client.select_db("nopenothere") }.to raise_error(Mysql2::Error) end it "should return the database switched to" do expect(@client.select_db("test_selectdb_1")).to eq("test_selectdb_1") end end it "#thread_id should return a boolean" do expect(@client.ping).to eql(true) @client.close expect(@client.ping).to eql(false) end it "should be able to connect using plaintext password" do client = new_client(:enable_cleartext_plugin => true) client.query('SELECT 1') end unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8/ it "should respond to #encoding" do expect(@client).to respond_to(:encoding) end end end