require_relative 'calc_ast_nodes' # The purpose of a CalcASTBuilder is to build piece by piece an AST # (Abstract Syntax Tree) from a sequence of input tokens and # visit events produced by walking over a GFGParsing object. # Uses the Builder GoF pattern. # The Builder pattern creates a complex object # (say, a parse tree) from simpler objects (terminal and non-terminal # nodes) and using a step by step approach. class CalcASTBuilder < Rley::Parser::ParseTreeBuilder Terminal2NodeClass = { # Lexical ambiguity: minus sign represents two very concepts: # The unary negation operator on one hand, the binary substraction operator 'MINUS' => { 'add_operator_1' => Rley::PTree::TerminalNode, 'factor_2' => CalcNegateNode, 'sign_1' => CalcNegateNode }, 'NUMBER' => CalcNumberNode }.freeze protected def return_first_child(_range, _tokens, theChildren) return theChildren[0] end def return_second_child(_range, _tokens, theChildren) return theChildren[1] end def return_last_child(_range, _tokens, theChildren) return theChildren[-1] end def return_epsilon(_range, _tokens, _children) return nil end # Overriding method. # Create a parse tree object with given # node as root node. def create_tree(aRootNode) return end # Overriding method. # Factory method for creating a node object for the given # input token. # @param aTerminal [Terminal] Terminal symbol associated with the token # @param aTokenPosition [Integer] Position of token in the input stream # @param aToken [Token] The input token def new_leaf_node(aProduction, aTerminal, aTokenPosition, aToken) klass = Terminal2NodeClass.fetch(, CalcTerminalNode) node = if klass if klass.is_a?(Hash) # Lexical ambiguity... klass = klass.fetch( end, aTokenPosition) else, aTokenPosition) end return node end # Method to override. # Factory method for creating a parent node object. # @param aProduction [Production] Production rule # @param aRange [Range] Range of tokens matched by the rule # @param theTokens [Array] The input tokens # @param theChildren [Array] Children nodes (one per rhs symbol) def new_parent_node(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) node = case when 'expression_0' # rule 'expression' => %w[simple_expression] return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'simple_expression_0' # rule 'simple_expression' => 'term' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'simple_expression_1' # rule 'simple_expression' => %w[simple_expression add_operator term] reduce_simple_expression_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_0' # rule 'term' => 'factor' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'term_1' # rule 'term' => %w[term mul_operator factor] reduce_term_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'factor_0' # rule 'factor' => 'simple_factor' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'factor_1' # rule 'factor' => %w[simple_factor POWER simple_factor] reduce_factor_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'simple_factor_0' # rule 'simple_factor' => %[sign NUMBER] reduce_simple_factor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'simple_factor_1' # rule 'simple_factor' => %w[LPAREN expression RPAREN] return_second_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'simple_factor_2' # rule 'simple_factor' => %w[MINUS LPAREN expression RPAREN] reduce_simple_factor_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'sign_0' # rule 'sign' => 'PLUS' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'sign_1' # rule 'sign' => 'MINUS' return_first_child(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'sign_2' return_epsilon(aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'add_operator_0' # rule 'add_operator' => 'PLUS' reduce_add_operator_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'add_operator_1' # rule 'add_operator' => 'MINUS' reduce_add_operator_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'mul_operator_0' # rule 'mul_operator' => 'STAR' reduce_mul_operator_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) when 'mul_operator_1' # rule 'mul_operator' => 'DIVIDE' reduce_mul_operator_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) else raise StandardError, "Don't know production #{}" end return node end def reduce_binary_operator(theChildren) operator_node = theChildren[1] operator_node.children << theChildren[0] operator_node.children << theChildren[2] return operator_node end # rule 'simple_expression' => %w[simple_expression add_operator term] def reduce_simple_expression_1(_production, _range, _tokens, theChildren) reduce_binary_operator(theChildren) end # rule 'term' => %w[term mul_operator factor] def reduce_term_1(_production, _range, _tokens, theChildren) reduce_binary_operator(theChildren) end # rule 'factor' => %w[simple_factor POWER simple_factor]] def reduce_factor_1(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) result =[1].symbol, aRange) result.children << theChildren[0] result.children << theChildren[2] return result end # rule 'simple_factor' => %[sign NUMBER] def reduce_simple_factor_0(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) first_child = theChildren[0] result = if first_child.kind_of?(CalcNegateNode) -theChildren[1] else theChildren[1] end return result end # rule 'simple_factor' => %w[MINUS LPAREN expression RPAREN] def reduce_simple_factor_2(aProduction, aRange, theTokens, theChildren) negation =[0].symbol, aRange.low) negation.children << theChildren[2] return negation end # rule 'add_operator' => 'PLUS' def reduce_add_operator_0(_production, aRange, _tokens, theChildren) return[0].symbol, aRange) end # rule 'add_operator' => 'MINUS' def reduce_add_operator_1(_production, aRange, _tokens, theChildren) return[0].symbol, aRange) end # rule 'mul_operator' => 'STAR' def reduce_mul_operator_0(_production, aRange, _tokens, theChildren) return[0].symbol, aRange) end # rule 'mul_operator' => 'DIVIDE' def reduce_mul_operator_1(_production, aRange, _tokens, theChildren) return[0].symbol, aRange) end end # class # End of file