defmodule Markdown do @doc """ Parses a given string with Markdown syntax and returns the associated HTML for that string. ## Examples iex> Markdown.parse("This is a paragraph") "
This is a paragraph
" iex> Markdown.parse("#Header!\n* __Bold Item__\n* _Italic Item_") "#{join_words_with_tags(t)}
" end defp join_words_with_tags(t) do Enum.join(, fn w -> replace_md_with_tag(w) end), " ") end defp replace_md_with_tag(w) do replace_suffix_md(replace_prefix_md(w)) end defp replace_prefix_md(w) do cond do w =~ ~r/^#{"__"}{1}/ -> String.replace(w, ~r/^#{"__"}{1}/, "", global: false) w =~ ~r/^[#{"_"}{1}][^#{"_"}+]/ -> String.replace(w, ~r/_/, "", global: false) true -> w end end defp replace_suffix_md(w) do cond do w =~ ~r/#{"__"}{1}$/ -> String.replace(w, ~r/#{"__"}{1}$/, "") w =~ ~r/[^#{"_"}{1}]/ -> String.replace(w, ~r/_/, "") true -> w end end defp patch(l) do String.replace_suffix( String.replace(l, "