require 'spec/spec_helper' describe Scrooge::Tracker::Resource do before(:each) do @resource = do |resource| resource.controller = 'products' resource.action = 'show' resource.method = :get resource.format = :html end @model = 'Class' ) @model.stub!(:name).and_return( 'Product' ) @model.stub!(:table_name).and_return( 'products' ) @model.stub!(:primary_key).and_return( 'id' ) @other_resource = do |resource| resource.controller = 'categories' resource.action = 'show' resource.method = :get resource.format = :html end end it "should be able to determine if any models has been tracked" do @resource.any?().should equal( false ) end it "should initialize with an empty set of models" do @resource.models.should eql( ) end it "should be able to accept models" do lambda { @resource << @model }.should change( @resource.models, :size ).from(0).to(1) end it "should be able to wrap model objects" do @resource << 'Model' @resource.models.all?{|m| m.is_a?( Scrooge::Tracker::Model ) }.should equal( true ) end it "should be able to log an attribute access for a given model" do @resource << ['Post', :title] @resource.models.first.attributes.should eql( Set[:title] ) end it "should be able to determine if it's trackable" do @resource.trackable?().should equal( true ) @resource.stub!(:method).and_return( :put ) @resource.trackable?().should equal( false ) end it "should be able to generate a lookup signature" do @resource.signature().should eql( "products_show_get" ) end it "should be able to dump itself to a serializeable representation" do @resource.marshal_dump().should eql( { "products_show_get" => { :models => [], :method => :get, :format => :html, :action => "show", :controller => "products"} } ) end it "should be able to restore itself from a serialized representation" do Marshal.load( Marshal.dump( @resource ) ).should eql( @resource ) end it "should be able to compare itself to other resource trackers" do @resource.should eql( @resource ) end it "should be able to setup Rack middleware" do @resource.profile.orm.stub!(:resource_scope_method).and_return(:scoped_to_resource_method) @resource << @model @resource.middleware().class.should equal( Array ) @resource.middleware().first.class.should equal( Class ) @resource.middleware().first.inspect.should match( /Middleware/ ) @resource.middleware().first.inspect.should match( /Product/ ) @resource.middleware() @model ).should respond_to( :call ) end it "should implemented a custom Object#inspect" do @resource << @model @resource.inspect().should match( /GET/ ) @resource.inspect().should match( /products/ ) @resource.inspect().should match( /Product/ ) end it "should be able to find a given model" do @resource << @model other_model = mock('model') other_model.stub!(:name).and_return('Product') @resource.model( other_model ).should == @model end it "should be able to merge itself with another resource" do @other_resource << @model @resource.merge( @other_resource ) @resource.models.to_a.should eql( [@model] ) @resource.models.should_not_receive(:merge) @resource.merge( nil ) end end