# frozen_string_literal: true module Cocina module Models module Mapping module ToMods # Maps forms from cocina to MODS XML class Form # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # NOTE: H2 is the first case of structured form values we're implementing H2_SOURCE_LABEL = 'Stanford self-deposit resource types' PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG = { 'reformatting quality' => :reformattingQuality, 'form' => :form, 'media type' => :internetMediaType, 'extent' => :extent, 'digital origin' => :digitalOrigin, 'media' => :form, 'carrier' => :form, 'material' => :form, 'technique' => :form }.freeze # @params [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] xml # @params [Array] forms # @params [IdGenerator] id_generator def self.write(xml:, forms:, id_generator:) new(xml: xml, forms: forms, id_generator: id_generator).write end def initialize(xml:, forms:, id_generator:) @xml = xml @forms = forms @id_generator = id_generator end def write other_forms = Array(forms).reject do |form| physical_description?(form) || manuscript?(form) || collection?(form) end is_manuscript = Array(forms).any? { |form| manuscript?(form) } is_collection = Array(forms).any? { |form| collection?(form) } if other_forms.present? write_other_forms(other_forms, is_manuscript, is_collection) else write_attributes_only(is_manuscript, is_collection) end write_physical_descriptions end private attr_reader :xml, :forms, :id_generator def physical_description?(form, type: nil) (form.note.present? && form.type != 'genre') || PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG.key?(type) || PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG.key?(form.type) || PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG.key?(form.groupedValue&.first&.type) || (form.parallelValue.present? && physical_description?(form.parallelValue.first)) end def manuscript?(form) form.value == 'manuscript' && form.source&.value == 'MODS resource types' end def collection?(form) form.value == 'collection' && form.source&.value == 'MODS resource types' end def write_other_forms(forms, is_manuscript, is_collection) forms.each do |form| if form.parallelValue.present? write_parallel_forms(form, is_manuscript, is_collection) else write_form(form, is_manuscript, is_collection) end end end def write_parallel_forms(form, is_manuscript, is_collection) alt_rep_group = id_generator.next_altrepgroup form.parallelValue.each do |form_value| write_form(form_value, is_manuscript, is_collection, alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group) end end def write_form(form, is_manuscript, is_collection, alt_rep_group: nil) if form.structuredValue.present? write_structured(form) elsif form.value write_basic(form, is_manuscript: is_manuscript, is_collection: is_collection, alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group) end end def write_physical_descriptions parallel_physical_descr_forms, other_physical_descr_forms = Array(forms).select do |form| physical_description?(form) end.partition { |form| form.parallelValue.present? } write_physical_description(other_physical_descr_forms) parallel_physical_descr_forms.each do |parallel_physical_descr_form| alt_rep_group = id_generator.next_altrepgroup write_physical_description(parallel_physical_descr_form.parallelValue, alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group, display_label: parallel_physical_descr_form.displayLabel, form: parallel_physical_descr_form) end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def write_physical_description(physical_descr_forms, alt_rep_group: nil, display_label: nil, form: nil) grouped_forms = [] # Each of these are its own physicalDescription simple_forms = [] # These all get grouped together to form a single physicalDescription. other_forms = [] other_notes = [] Array(physical_descr_forms).select do |physical_descr_form| physical_description?(physical_descr_form, type: form&.type) end.each do |physical_descr_form| if physical_descr_form.groupedValue.present? grouped_forms << physical_descr_form elsif merge_form?(physical_descr_form, display_label) || alt_rep_group simple_forms << physical_descr_form else other_notes << physical_descr_form if physical_descr_form.note.present? other_forms << physical_descr_form if physical_descr_form.value end end if other_forms.present? write_basic_physical_description(other_forms, other_notes, alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group, form: form) else other_notes.each do |other_note| write_basic_physical_description([], [other_note], alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group, form: form) end end simple_forms.each do |simple_form| write_basic_physical_description([simple_form], [simple_form], alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group, form: form) end grouped_forms.each do |grouped_form| write_grouped_physical_description(grouped_form, alt_rep_group: alt_rep_group, form: form) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def merge_form?(form, display_label) form.value && (Array(form.note).any? do |note| note.type != 'unit' end || form.displayLabel || display_label) end def write_basic_physical_description(forms, note_forms, alt_rep_group: nil, form: nil) physical_description_attrs = { displayLabel: forms.first&.displayLabel || form&.displayLabel, altRepGroup: alt_rep_group }.compact xml.physicalDescription physical_description_attrs do write_physical_description_form_values(forms, form: form) note_forms.each { |note_form| write_notes(note_form) if note_form.present? } end end def write_grouped_physical_description(grouped_form, alt_rep_group: nil, form: nil) physical_description_attrs = { displayLabel: grouped_form.displayLabel || form&.displayLabel, altRepGroup: alt_rep_group }.compact xml.physicalDescription physical_description_attrs do write_physical_description_form_values(grouped_form.groupedValue, form: form) write_notes(grouped_form) end end def write_physical_description_form_values(form_values, form: nil) form_values.each do |form_value| form_type = form_value.type || form&.type attributes = { unit: unit_for(form_value) }.tap do |attrs| if PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG.fetch(form_type) == :form && form_type != 'form' attrs[:type] = form_type end end.compact xml.public_send PHYSICAL_DESCRIPTION_TAG.fetch(form_type), form_value.value, attributes.merge(uri_attrs(form_value)).merge(uri_attrs(form)) end end def write_notes(form) Array(form.note).reject { |note| note.type == 'unit' }.each do |note| attributes = { displayLabel: note.displayLabel, type: note.type }.compact xml.note note.value, attributes end end def write_basic(form, is_manuscript: false, is_collection: false, alt_rep_group: nil) return write_datacite(form) if form.source&.value == 'DataCite resource types' attributes = form_attributes(form, alt_rep_group) case form.type when 'resource type' attributes[:manuscript] = 'yes' if is_manuscript attributes[:collection] = 'yes' if is_collection xml.typeOfResource form.value, attributes when 'map scale', 'map projection' # do nothing, these end up in subject/cartographics else # genre xml.genre form.value, attributes.merge({ type: genre_type_for(form) }.compact) end end def write_datacite(form) xml.extension displayLabel: 'datacite' do xml.resourceType(datacite_resource_type, resourceTypeGeneral: form.value) end end def datacite_resource_type self_deposit_types = forms.find do |candidate| candidate.source.value == 'Stanford self-deposit resource types' end return unless self_deposit_types parts = self_deposit_types.structuredValue.select do |val| val.type == 'subtype' end.presence || self_deposit_types.structuredValue parts.map(&:value).join('; ') end def unit_for(form) Array(form.note).find { |note| note.type == 'unit' }&.value end def genre_type_for(form) Array(form.note).find { |note| note.type == 'genre type' }&.value end def form_attributes(form, alt_rep_group) { altRepGroup: alt_rep_group, displayLabel: form.displayLabel, usage: form.status, lang: form.valueLanguage&.code, script: form.valueLanguage&.valueScript&.code }.merge(uri_attrs(form)).compact end def write_attributes_only(is_manuscript, is_collection) return unless is_manuscript || is_collection attributes = {} attributes[:manuscript] = 'yes' if is_manuscript attributes[:collection] = 'yes' if is_collection xml.typeOfResource(nil, attributes) end def write_structured(form) # The only use case we're supporting for structured forms at the # moment is for H2. Short-circuit if that's not what we get. return if form.source.value != H2_SOURCE_LABEL form.structuredValue.each do |genre| xml.genre genre.value, type: "H2 #{genre.type}" end end def uri_attrs(form) return {} if form.nil? { valueURI: form.uri, authorityURI: form.source&.uri, authority: form.source&.code }.compact end end end end end end