unit uBookStoreTests; interface uses DUnitX.TestFramework; type [TestFixture] hpTests = class(TObject) public [Test] procedure A_basket_containing_only_a_single_book; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_only_two_of_the_same_book; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure No_charge_to_carry_around_an_empty_basket; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_only_two_different_books; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_with_three_different_books; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_with_four_different_books; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_with_five_different_books; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_eight_books_consisting_of_a_pair_each_of_the_first_three_books_plus_one_copy_each_of_the_last_two_books; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_nine_books_consisting_of_a_pair_each_of_the_first_four_books_plus_one_of_the_last_book; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_ten_books_consisting_of_two_copies_of_each_book_in_the_series; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_eleven_books_consisting_of_three_copies_of_the_first_book_plus_two_each_of_the_remaing_four_bookes_in_the_series; [Test] [Ignore('Comment this line to run this test')] procedure A_basket_containing_twelve_books_consisting_of_three_copies_of_the_first_two_books_plus_two_each_of_the_remaining_three_books_in_the_series; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, uBookStore; const MinDelta = 0.005; //cents procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_only_a_single_book; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 1); Basket[0] := 1; Expected := 8.0; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_only_two_of_the_same_book; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 2); Basket[0] := 2; Basket[1] := 2; Expected := 16.0; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.No_charge_to_carry_around_an_empty_basket; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 0); Expected := 0.0; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_only_two_different_books; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 2); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 2; Expected := 15.2; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_with_three_different_books; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 3); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 2; Basket[2] := 3; Expected := 21.6; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_with_four_different_books; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 4); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 2; Basket[2] := 3; Basket[3] := 4; Expected := 25.6; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_with_five_different_books; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 5); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 2; Basket[2] := 3; Basket[3] := 4; Basket[4] := 5; Expected := 30.0; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_eight_books_consisting_of_a_pair_each_of_the_first_three_books_plus_one_copy_each_of_the_last_two_books; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 8); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 1; Basket[2] := 2; Basket[3] := 2; Basket[4] := 3; Basket[5] := 3; Basket[6] := 4; Basket[7] := 5; Expected := 51.20; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_nine_books_consisting_of_a_pair_each_of_the_first_four_books_plus_one_of_the_last_book; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 9); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 1; Basket[2] := 2; Basket[3] := 2; Basket[4] := 3; Basket[5] := 3; Basket[6] := 4; Basket[7] := 4; Basket[8] := 5; Expected := 55.60; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_ten_books_consisting_of_two_copies_of_each_book_in_the_series; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 10); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 1; Basket[2] := 2; Basket[3] := 2; Basket[4] := 3; Basket[5] := 3; Basket[6] := 4; Basket[7] := 4; Basket[8] := 5; Basket[9] := 5; Expected := 60.00; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_eleven_books_consisting_of_three_copies_of_the_first_book_plus_two_each_of_the_remaing_four_bookes_in_the_series; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 11); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 1; Basket[2] := 2; Basket[3] := 2; Basket[4] := 3; Basket[5] := 3; Basket[6] := 4; Basket[7] := 4; Basket[8] := 5; Basket[9] := 5; Basket[10] := 1; Expected := 68.00; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; procedure hpTests.A_basket_containing_twelve_books_consisting_of_three_copies_of_the_first_two_books_plus_two_each_of_the_remaining_three_books_in_the_series; var Basket: TArray; fBasket: IBasket; Expected: double; begin SetLength(Basket, 12); Basket[0] := 1; Basket[1] := 1; Basket[2] := 2; Basket[3] := 2; Basket[4] := 3; Basket[5] := 3; Basket[6] := 4; Basket[7] := 4; Basket[8] := 5; Basket[9] := 5; Basket[10] := 1; Basket[11] := 2; Expected := 75.20; fBasket := NewBasket(Basket); assert.AreEqual(Expected, fBasket.Total, MinDelta, format('Total should be %0.2f',[Expected])); end; initialization TDUnitX.RegisterTestFixture(hpTests); end.