module Macroape class PWMCompareAligned # unoptimized version of this and related methods def counts_for_two_matrices(threshold_first, threshold_second) # just not to call method each time first_background = first.background second_background = second.background unless first_background == second_background first_result = get_counts(threshold_first, threshold_second) {|score,letter| first_background[letter] * score } second_result = get_counts(threshold_first, threshold_second) {|score,letter| second_background[letter] * score } return [first_result, second_result] end if first.background == [1,1,1,1] result = get_counts(threshold_first, threshold_second) {|score,letter| score} [result, result] else result = get_counts(threshold_first, threshold_second) {|score,letter| first_background[letter] * score } [result, result] end end # block has form: {|score,letter| contribution to count by `letter` with `score` } def get_counts(threshold_first, threshold_second, &count_contribution_block) # scores_on_first_pwm, scores_on_second_pwm --> count scores = { 0 => {0 => 1} } length.times do |column| new_scores = recalc_score_hash(scores, @first.matrix[column], @second.matrix[column], threshold_first - first.best_suffix(column + 1), threshold_second - second.best_suffix(column + 1), &count_contribution_block) scores.replace(new_scores) if defined?(MaxHashSizeDouble) && scores.inject(0){|sum,hsh|sum + hsh.size} > MaxHashSizeDouble raise 'Hash overflow in Macroape::AlignedPairIntersection#counts_for_two_matrices_with_different_probabilities' end end scores.inject(0.0){|sum,(score_first, hsh)| sum + hsh.inject(0.0){|sum,(score_second, count)| sum + count }} end # wouldn't work without count_contribution_block def recalc_score_hash(scores, first_column, second_column, least_sufficient_first, least_sufficient_second) new_scores ={|h,k| h[k] =} scores.each do |score_first, second_scores| second_scores.each do |score_second, count| 4.times do |letter| new_score_first = score_first + first_column[letter] if new_score_first >= least_sufficient_first new_score_second = score_second + second_column[letter] if new_score_second >= least_sufficient_second new_scores[new_score_first][new_score_second] += yield(count, letter) end end end end end new_scores end end end