# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'part' require_relative 'proc' require_relative 'path_hash' # This classes parses dot delimited hash path strings and wraps the corresponding parts. Then hashes or arrays can be # passed to the find method to find all matching elements for the path. class HashPath include BBLib::Effortless attr_ary_of Part, :parts, default: [] def append(path) insert(path, parts.size) end def prepend(path) insert(path, 0) end def insert(path, index) parse_path(path).each do |part| parts[index] = part index += 1 end end def find(hash) hash = TreeHash.new unless hash.is_a?(TreeHash) hash.find(self) end protected def simple_init(*args) args.find_all { |arg| arg.is_a?(String) || arg.is_a?(Symbol) }.each do |path| append(path.to_s) end end def parse_path(path) path.to_s.gsub('..', '.[[:recursive:]]').scan(/(?:[\(|\[|\/].*?[\)|\]|\/]|\\\.|[^\.])+/).map do |part| Part.new(part) end end end module BBLib def self.hash_path(hash, *paths, multi_path: false, multi_join: false, multi_join_hash: false) tree = TreeHash.new(hash) if multi_path tree.find_multi(*paths).map { |r| r.map { |sr| sr&.value } } elsif multi_join tree.find_join(*paths).map { |r| r.map { |sr| sr&.value } } elsif multi_join_hash tree.find_join(*paths).map { |r| r.map { |sr| sr&.value } }.to_h else tree.find(paths).map(&:value) end end def self.hash_path_keys(hash) hash.to_tree_hash.absolute_paths end def self.hash_path_key_for(hash, value) hash.squish.find_all { |_k, v| value.is_a?(Regexp) ? v =~ value : v == value }.to_h.keys end def self.hash_path_set(hash, *paths) tree = hash.is_a?(TreeHash) ? hash : TreeHash.new(hash) tree.bridge(*paths) hash.replace(tree.value) end def self.hash_path_copy(hash, *paths) tree = hash.is_a?(TreeHash) ? hash : TreeHash.new(hash) tree.copy(*paths) hash.replace(tree.value) end def self.hash_path_copy_to(from, to, *paths) tree = from.is_a?(TreeHash) ? from : TreeHash.new(from) tree.hash_path_copy_to(to, *paths) end def self.hash_path_delete(hash, *paths) tree = hash.is_a?(TreeHash) ? hash : TreeHash.new(hash) tree.delete(*paths) hash.replace(tree.value) end def self.hash_path_move(hash, *paths) tree = hash.is_a?(TreeHash) ? hash : TreeHash.new(hash) tree.move(*paths) hash.replace(tree.value) end def self.hash_path_move_to(from, to, *paths) tree = hash.is_a?(TreeHash) ? hash : TreeHash.new(hash) tree.hash_path_copy_to(to, *paths).tap do |res| from.replace(tree.value) to.replace(res.value) end to end end # Monkey patches class Hash def hash_path(*path) BBLib.hash_path self, *path end def hash_path_set(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_set self, *paths end def hash_path_copy(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_copy self, *paths end def hash_path_copy_to(to, *paths) BBLib.hash_path_copy_to self, to, *paths end def hash_path_delete(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_delete self, *paths end def hash_path_move(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_move self, *paths end def hash_path_move_to(to, *paths) BBLib.hash_path_move_to self, to, *paths end def hash_paths BBLib.hash_path_keys self end def hash_path_for(value) BBLib.hash_path_key_for self, value end alias hpath hash_path alias hpath_set hash_path_set alias hpath_move hash_path_move alias hpath_move_to hash_path_move_to alias hpath_delete hash_path_delete alias hpath_copy hash_path_copy alias hpath_copy_to hash_path_copy_to alias hpaths hash_paths alias hpath_for hash_path_for end # Monkey Patches class Array def hash_path(*path) BBLib.hash_path(self, *path) end def hash_path_set(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_set(self, *paths) end def hash_path_copy(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_copy(self, *paths) end def hash_path_copy_to(to, *paths) BBLib.hash_path_copy_to(self, to, *paths) end def hash_path_delete(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_delete(self, *paths) end def hash_path_move(*paths) BBLib.hash_path_move(self, *paths) end def hash_path_move_to(to, *paths) BBLib.hash_path_move_to(self, to, *paths) end def hash_paths BBLib.hash_path_keys(self) end def hash_path_for(value) BBLib.hash_path_key_for(self, value) end alias hpath hash_path alias hpath_set hash_path_set alias hpath_move hash_path_move alias hpath_move_to hash_path_move_to alias hpath_delete hash_path_delete alias hpath_copy hash_path_copy alias hpath_copy_to hash_path_copy_to alias hpaths hash_paths alias hpath_for hash_path_for # Add a hash path to a hash def bridge(*paths) replace(to_tree_hash.bridge(*paths)) end end