# Stairs It's a pain to set up new developers on your codebase. Stairs makes it easy. ### The Problem Apps these days come with dependencies—S3, Facebook, Twitter, Zencoder, etc. We can stub certain things in development, but we also want to make sure we're developing in a realistic setting. Satisfying all of these requirements can really slow down onboarding time when adding new developers to your existing codebase. ### The Solution Every codebase should come with a script to set itself up. An interactive README, if you will. __Stairs__ aims to provide the tools to make writing these scripts fast and easy. Scripts try to automate as much as possible and provide interactive prompts for everything else. 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With groups you can target specific steps to run for different use cases (see `-g` option in the [command line utility](#advanced)). Anything outside of a group will always be executed. Anything within a group will only be executed when its group is run. By default, Stairs runs the `newb` group with `$ rake newb`. For example, you may want to run different steps on a brand new setup than you would when resetting an existing setup: ```ruby group :newb do setup :s3 end group :newb, :reset do setup :balanced rake "db:setup" end ``` And then run your reset like so: ```bash $ stairs -g reset ``` ## Plugins Many projects share dependencies. Plugins are predefined setup steps for common use cases. Some steps support options. Options are specified as a hash like so: ```ruby setup :step_name, option_1: "value", option_2: "value" ``` ### Built-in #### `:secret_key_base` Sets a secure random secret token. This will write the following ENV vars: `SECRET_KEY_BASE` #### `:postgresql` Quickly setup database.yml for use with PostgreSQL, including sensible defaults. #### `:facebook` Tnteractive prompt for setting Facebook app credentials. This will write the following ENV vars: `FACEBOOK_ID`, `FACEBOOK_SECRET` ##### Options * `app_id`: ENV var name for Facebook App ID * `app_secret`: ENV var name for Facebook App Secret ### Available as independent gems Any plugin that has specific dependencies on third party gems is shipped independently to avoid maintaining those dependencies within Stairs. * `:s3` interactive prompt for setting AWS + S3 bucket access credentials: [patbenatar/stairs-steps-s3][s3] * `:balanced` automatically creates a test Marketplace on Balanced: [patbenatar/stairs-steps-balanced][balanced] ### Defining custom plugins Steps inherit from `Stairs::Step` and live in `Stairs::Steps`, have a title, description, and implement the `run` method. See those included and in the various extension gems for examples. ## Example CLI Given the [example script above](#defining-scripts), the CLI would look like this: ``` $ rake newb Looks like you're using rbenv to manage environment variables. Is this correct? (Y/N): Y = Running script setup.rb == Running S3 AWS access key: 39u39d9u291 AWS secret: 19jd920i10is0i01i0s01ks0kfknkje Do you have an existing bucket? (Y/N): Y Bucket name (leave blank for app-dev): my-cool-bucket == Completed S3 == Starting Zencoder This step is optional, would you like to perform it? (Y/N): N == Completed Zencoder == Starting Misc Cool check it value: w00t == Completed Misc == Running db:setup ... == Completed db:setup == All done! Run rails s and sidekiq to get rolling! ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request [s3]: http://github.com/patbenatar/stairs-steps-s3 [balanced]: http://github.com/patbenatar/stairs-steps-balanced ## Credits ### Contributors * [Nick Giancola](https://github.com/patbenatar) * [Brendan Loudermilk](https://github.com/bloudermilk) ### Sponsor [![philosophie](http://patbenatar.github.io/showoff/images/philosophie.png)](http://gophilosophie.com) This gem is maintained partially during my open source time at [philosophie](http://gophilosophie.com).