powder manages [pow](http://pow.cx/) # Install # gem install powder # Usage # ### Linking apps in Pow ### powder will attempt to read .powder, which names a default symlink for the current project $ powder [-h|help] => Display usage information # Lists name and brief descriptions of the tasks available $ powder link => Link the current dir to ~/.pow/ $ powder link [bacon] => Link the current dir to ~/.pow/bacon => Create .powder, contents bacon $ powder link [bacon] --no-create => Link the current dir to ~/.pow/bacon $ powder link [bacon] --force => Remove the current pow symlink, and .powder => Link the current dir to ~/.pow/bacon => Create .powder, contents bacon # For both forms of link, if the current directory doesn't # look like an app that can be powed it will offer to download # a basic config.ru for Rails 2 $ powder default => Link the current dir to ~/.pow/default # Serve this directory for all unhandled domains $ powder unlink => Unlink current_dir or the symlink defined in .powder $ powder unlink bacon => Unlink bacon $ powder cleanup => remove all invalid symbolic links ### Working with Pow ### $ powder applog => tail the log of the current app $ powder config => Get Pow's current configuration information $ powder list => List all the current apps linked in ~/.pow # aliased as powder -l $ powder log => Tails the pow log. # Not the application log, but the pow log, available at # ~/Library/Logs/Pow/apps/#{app-directory}.log $ powder debug => Opens a debug shell with your application environment $ powder open => Opens the pow link in a browser # aliased as powder -o $ powder open --xip => Opens the xip.io link in a browser # aliased as powder -o -x $ powder open [bacon] => Opens http://bacon.dev in a browser # if you have set up alternative top level domains in .powconfig, # then the first listed domain will be opened. $ powder open --browser Safari => Opens the pow link in a specific browser (in this case, Safari) # Also aliased as -b $ powder open -b 'Google Chrome' => Opens the pow link with browsers with more than one word # Should also works with all the other 'open' options: $ powder open bacon -b Safari $ powder open --xip -b Firefox $ powder -o -x -b 'Google Chrome' $ powder open [--path|-p] home => Opens the pow link with a path appended, e.g. http://bacon.dev/home $ powder restart => Restart the current app # aliased as powder -r $ powder always_restart => Always restart the current app # aliased as powder -a $ powder no_restarts => don't do any automatic restarting of the current app $ powder status => Get Pow's current status information $ powder version => Returns the current powder version # aliased as powder -v $ powder env => Displays your current custom pow environment variables # Pow reads environment varialbles from .powenv $ powder env_reset => Deletes your .powenv, removing all custom environment variables. $ powder env BACON chunky => Pass an arbitrary environment variable to pow, eg, ENV["BACON"] = "chunky" # Remove an ENV by passing in no value, eg: powder env BACON # If you already have a .gitignore, the newly created .powenv will also be ignored automatically. $ powder [production|development|test] => Run your Rails app as Production # aliased as powder [prod|dev] # This is a wrapper for powder env RAILS_ENV ... ### Install and uninstall Pow ### $ powder install => Installs pow server # (I know, "curl get.pow.cx | sh" isn't hard, but this is _even_ easier) $ powder uninstall => Uninstalls pow server $ powder update => Updates pow server # Really this is just an alias to powder install, but it feels more natural # this way. ### Enable and Disable Pow ### $ powder up => Enable Pow # aliased as powder start $ powder down => Disable Pow # aliased as powder stop # Contributors # Built by [rodreegez](https://github.com/Rodreegez) and [philnash](https://github.com/philnash). Massive thanks to all our great [contributors](https://github.com/Rodreegez/powder/contributors) # Related tools # * [Powser](https://github.com/phil-monroe/powser) - Powder for your browser! ## Copyright ## Copyright (c) 2011 Adam Rogers and Phil Nash. See LICENSE for details. Lovingly supported by [Mint Digital](http://mintdigital.com)