class Dense::Path attr_reader :original def initialize(s) @original = s fail "Argument is a #{s.class}, not a String" ) unless s.is_a?(String) s = ".#{s}" unless s[0, 1] == '[' || s[0, 2] == '.[' #Raabro.pp(Parser.parse(s, debug: 3)) @path = Parser.parse(s) #Raabro.pp(Parser.parse(s, debug: 3), colors: true) unless @path fail "couldn't determine path from #{s.inspect}" ) unless @path end def self.make(path_array) return nil if path_array.nil? return path_array if path_array.is_a?(Dense::Path) path = Dense::Path.allocate path.instance_eval { @path = path_array } path.instance_eval { @original = path.to_s } path end module Parser include Raabro # piece parsers bottom to top def dqname(i) rex(:qname, i, %r{ "( \\["\\\/bfnrt] | \\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4} | [^"\\\b\f\n\r\t] )*" }x) end def sqname(i) rex(:qname, i, %r{ '( \\['\\\/bfnrt] | \\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4} | [^'\\\b\f\n\r\t] )*' }x) end def dot(i); str(nil, i, '.'); end def comma(i); rex(nil, i, / *, */); end def bend(i); str(nil, i, ']'); end def bstart(i); str(nil, i, '['); end def blank(i); str(:blank, i, ''); end def name(i); rex(:name, i, /[-+%^<>a-zA-Z0-9_\/\\=?]+/); end def off(i); rex(:off, i, /-?\d+/); end def star(i); str(:star, i, '*'); end def ses(i) # start:end:step rex( :ses, i, /( (-?\d+)?:(-?\d+)?:(-?\d+)? | (-?\d+)?:(-?\d+)? | -?\d+ )/x) end def escape(i); rex(:esc, i, /\\[.*]/); end def bindex(i); alt(:index, i, :dqname, :sqname, :star, :ses, :name, :blank); end def bindexes(i); jseq(:bindexes, i, :bindex, :comma); end def bracket_index(i); seq(nil, i, :bstart, :bindexes, :bend); end def simple_index(i); alt(:index, i, :off, :escape, :star, :name); end def dotdot(i); str(:dotdot, i, '.'); end def dot_then_index(i); seq(nil, i, :dot, :simple_index); end def index(i); alt(nil, i, :dot_then_index, :bracket_index, :dotdot); end def path(i); rep(:path, i, :index, 1); end # rewrite parsed tree def rewrite_ses(t) a = t.string.split(':').collect { |e| e.empty? ? nil : e.to_i } return a[0] if a[1] == nil && a[2] == nil { start: a[0], end: a[1], step: a[2] } end def rewrite_esc(t); t.string[1, 1]; end def rewrite_star(t); :star; end def rewrite_dotdot(t); :dot; end def rewrite_off(t); t.string.to_i; end def rewrite_index(t); rewrite(t.sublookup); end def rewrite_bindexes(t); indexes = t.subgather.collect { |tt| rewrite(tt) } indexes.length == 1 ? indexes[0] : indexes.compact end def rewrite_blank(t); nil; end def rewrite_qname(t); t.string[1..-2]; end def rewrite_name(t); t.string; end def rewrite_path(t) t.subgather.collect { |tt| rewrite(tt) } end end def to_a @path end def length; @path.length; end alias size length def to_s o = @path.each { |e| s = _to_s(e, false) o << '.' unless o.size == 0 || '[.'.index(s[0, 1]) o << s } s = o.string s[0, 2] == '..' ? s[1..-1] : s end def walk(data, default=nil, &block) _walk(data, @path) rescue IndexError => ie return yield(@original, self) if block return default if default != nil && default != IndexError fail ie.expand(self) if ie.respond_to?(:expand) raise end def [](offset, count=nil) if count == nil && offset.is_a?(Integer) @path[offset] elsif count self.class.make(@path[offset, count]) else self.class.make(@path[offset]) end end def ==(other) other.class == self.class && other.to_a == @path end def last @path.last end def pop @path.pop end def -(path) self.class.make(subtract(@path.dup, path.to_a.dup)) end protected class NotIndexableError < ::IndexError attr_reader :container_class, :root_path, :remaining_path def initialize(container, root_path, remaining_path, message=nil) @container_class = container.is_a?(Class) ? container : container.class @root_path = Dense::Path.make(root_path) @remaining_path = Dense::Path.make(remaining_path) if message super( message) elsif @root_path super( "Found nothing at #{fail_path.to_s.inspect} " + "(#{@remaining_path.original.inspect} remains)") else super( "Cannot index instance of #{container_class} " + "with #{@remaining_path.original.inspect}") end end def expand(root_path) err =, root_path, remaining_path, nil) err.set_backtrace(self.backtrace) err end def relabel(message) err =, root_path, remaining_path, message) err.set_backtrace(self.backtrace) err end def fail_path @fail_path ||= (@root_path ? @root_path - @remaining_path : nil) end end def subtract(apath0, apath1) while apath0.any? && apath1.any? && apath0.last == apath1.last apath0.pop apath1.pop end apath0 end def _to_s(elt, in_array) case elt when Hash s = [ "#{elt[:start]}:#{elt[:end]}", elt[:step] ].compact.join(':') in_array ? s : "[#{s}]" when Array "[#{ { |e| _to_s(e, true) }.join(',')}#{elt.size < 2 ? ',' : ''}]" when String #in_array ? elt.inspect : elt.to_s #in_array ? _quote_s(elt) : _maybe_quote_s(elt) _str_to_s(elt, in_array) when :star '*' when :dot '.' else elt.to_s end end def _str_to_s(elt, in_array) return elt.inspect if in_array s = elt.to_s return "\\#{s}" if s == '.' || s == '*' return "[#{elt.inspect}]" if s =~ /["']/ s end def _walk(data, path) return data if path.empty? case pa = path.first when :dot then _walk_dot(data, pa, path) when :star then _walk_star(data, pa, path) when Hash then _walk_start_end_step(data, pa, path) when Integer then _walk_int(data, pa, path) when String then _walk(_sindex(data, pa), path[1..-1]) else fail"Unwalkable index in path: #{pa.inspect}") end end def _walk_star(data, pa, path) case data when Array then data.collect { |d| _walk(d, path[1..-1]) } when Hash then data.values.collect { |d| _walk(d, path[1..-1]) } else data end end def _walk_dot(data, pa, path) _run(data, path[1]) .inject([]) { |a, d| a.concat( begin [ _walk(d, path[2..-1]) ] rescue NotIndexableError [] end) } end def _walk_start_end_step(data, pa, path) be = pa[:start] || 0 en = pa[:end] || data.length - 1 st = pa[:step] || 1, en).step(st).collect { |i| _walk(data[i], path[1..-1]) } end def _walk_int(data, pa, path) if data.is_a?(Array) return _walk(data[pa], path[1..-1]) end if data.is_a?(Hash) return _walk(data[pa], path[1..-1]) if data.has_key?(pa) pa = pa.to_s return _walk(data[pa], path[1..-1]) if data.has_key?(pa) end fail, nil, path) end def _sindex(data, key) case data when Hash data[key] when Array case key when /\Afirst\z/i then data[0] when /\Alast\z/i then data[-1] else fail"Cannot index array with #{key.inspect}") end else fail"Cannot index #{data.class} with #{key.inspect}") end end def _run(d, key) case d when Hash then _run_hash(d, key) when Array then _run_array(d, key) else key == :star ? [ d ] : [] end end def _run_hash(d, key) if key == :star [ d ] + d.values.inject([]) { |a, v| a.concat(_run(v, key)) } else d.inject([]) { |a, (k, v)| a.concat(k == key ? [ v ] : _run(v, key)) } end end def _run_array(d, key) (key == :star ? [ d ] : []) + d.inject([]) { |r, e| r.concat(_run(e, key)) } end end