"use strict"; const DOMException = require("domexception/webidl2js-wrapper"); const OrderedSet = require("../helpers/ordered-set.js"); const { asciiLowercase } = require("../helpers/strings.js"); const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils.js"); const { getAttributeValue, setAttributeValue, hasAttributeByName } = require("../attributes.js"); function validateTokens(globalObject, ...tokens) { for (const token of tokens) { if (token === "") { throw DOMException.create(globalObject, ["The token provided must not be empty.", "SyntaxError"]); } } for (const token of tokens) { if (/[\t\n\f\r ]/.test(token)) { throw DOMException.create(globalObject, [ "The token provided contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens.", "InvalidCharacterError" ]); } } } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#domtokenlist class DOMTokenListImpl { constructor(globalObject, args, privateData) { this._globalObject = globalObject; // _syncWithElement() must always be called before any _tokenSet access. this._tokenSet = new OrderedSet(); this._element = privateData.element; this._attributeLocalName = privateData.attributeLocalName; this._supportedTokens = privateData.supportedTokens; // Needs synchronization with element if token set is to be accessed. this._dirty = true; } attrModified() { this._dirty = true; } _syncWithElement() { if (!this._dirty) { return; } const val = getAttributeValue(this._element, this._attributeLocalName); if (val === null) { this._tokenSet.empty(); } else { this._tokenSet = OrderedSet.parse(val); } this._dirty = false; } _validationSteps(token) { if (!this._supportedTokens) { throw new TypeError(`${this._attributeLocalName} attribute has no supported tokens`); } const lowerToken = asciiLowercase(token); return this._supportedTokens.has(lowerToken); } _updateSteps() { if (!hasAttributeByName(this._element, this._attributeLocalName) && this._tokenSet.isEmpty()) { return; } setAttributeValue(this._element, this._attributeLocalName, this._tokenSet.serialize()); } _serializeSteps() { return getAttributeValue(this._element, this._attributeLocalName); } // Used by other parts of jsdom get tokenSet() { this._syncWithElement(); return this._tokenSet; } get length() { this._syncWithElement(); return this._tokenSet.size; } get [idlUtils.supportedPropertyIndices]() { this._syncWithElement(); return this._tokenSet.keys(); } item(index) { this._syncWithElement(); if (index >= this._tokenSet.size) { return null; } return this._tokenSet.get(index); } contains(token) { this._syncWithElement(); return this._tokenSet.contains(token); } add(...tokens) { for (const token of tokens) { validateTokens(this._globalObject, token); } this._syncWithElement(); for (const token of tokens) { this._tokenSet.append(token); } this._updateSteps(); } remove(...tokens) { for (const token of tokens) { validateTokens(this._globalObject, token); } this._syncWithElement(); this._tokenSet.remove(...tokens); this._updateSteps(); } toggle(token, force = undefined) { validateTokens(this._globalObject, token); this._syncWithElement(); if (this._tokenSet.contains(token)) { if (force === undefined || force === false) { this._tokenSet.remove(token); this._updateSteps(); return false; } return true; } if (force === undefined || force === true) { this._tokenSet.append(token); this._updateSteps(); return true; } return false; } replace(token, newToken) { validateTokens(this._globalObject, token, newToken); this._syncWithElement(); if (!this._tokenSet.contains(token)) { return false; } this._tokenSet.replace(token, newToken); this._updateSteps(); return true; } supports(token) { return this._validationSteps(token); } get value() { return this._serializeSteps(); } set value(V) { setAttributeValue(this._element, this._attributeLocalName, V); } } exports.implementation = DOMTokenListImpl;