Feature: HTML output formatter Background: Given a file named "features/scenario_outline_with_undefined_steps.feature" with: """ Feature: Scenario Outline: Given an undefined step Examples: |foo| |bar| """ And a file named "features/scenario_outline_with_pending_step.feature" with: """ Feature: Outline Scenario Outline: Will it blend? Given this hasn't been implemented yet And other step When I do something with Then I should see something Examples: | example | | one | | two | | three | """ And a file named "features/failing_background_step.feature" with: """ Feature: Feature with failing background step Background: Given this fails Scenario: When I do something Then I should see something """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Given /^this fails$/ do fail 'This step should fail' end Given /^this hasn't been implemented yet$/ do pending end """ Scenario: an scenario outline, one undefined step, one random example, expand flag on When I run `cucumber features/scenario_outline_with_undefined_steps.feature --format html --expand ` Then it should pass Scenario Outline: an scenario outline, one pending step When I run `cucumber --format html ` Then it should pass And the output should contain: """ makeYellow('scenario_1') """ And the output should not contain: """ makeRed('scenario_1') """ Examples: | file | flag | | features/scenario_outline_with_pending_step.feature | --expand | | features/scenario_outline_with_pending_step.feature | | | features/scenario_outline_with_undefined_steps.feature | --expand | | features/scenario_outline_with_undefined_steps.feature | | Scenario: when using a profile the html shouldn't include 'Using the default profile...' And a file named "cucumber.yml" with: """ default: -r features """ When I run `cucumber features/scenario_outline_with_undefined_steps.feature --profile default --format html` Then it should pass And the output should not contain: """ Using the default profile... """ Scenario: a feature with a failing background step When I run `cucumber features/failing_background_step.feature --format html` Then the output should not contain: """ makeRed('scenario_0') """ And the output should contain: """ makeRed('background_0') """