(ns wisp.wisp "Wisp program that reads wisp code from stdin and prints compiled javascript code into stdout" (:require [fs :as fs] [path :as path] [module :refer [Module]] [wisp.repl :refer [start]] [wisp.runtime :refer [str]] [wisp.compiler :refer [compile*]] [wisp.reader :refer [read*]])) (defn- exit "Takes care of exiting node and printing erros if encounted" [error] (if error (do (.error console error) (.exit process 1)) (.exit process 0))) (defn- compile "Compiles lispy from input and writes it to output" [input output uri] (def source "") (.on input :data (fn on-chunck "Accumulate text form input until it ends." [chunck] (set! source (str source chunck)))) (.on input :end (fn on-read "Once input ends try to compile & write to output." [] (try (.write output (compile* (read* source))) (catch error (exit error))))) (.on input :error exit) (.on output :error exit)) (defn main [] (if (< process.argv.length 3) (do (.resume process.stdin) (.set-encoding process.stdin :utf8) ;; Compile stdin and write it to stdout. (compile process.stdin process.stdout (.cwd process)) ;; If there is nothing is written to stdin within 20ms ;; start repl. (set-timeout (fn [] (if (identical? process.stdin.bytes-read 0) (do (.remove-all-listeners process.stdin :data) (start)))) 20)) ;; Loading module as main one, same way as nodejs does it: ;; https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/module.js#L489-493 (Module._load (.resolve path (get process.argv 2)) null true)))