## # To run the test suite against all 3 rubies: 1.9.2, 1.8.7 and REE, simply run the following command: # $ guard start # # Be use you are using RVM and have Ruby 1.9.2, 1.8.7 and REE installed as well as all # Backup's gem dependencies for each of these Ruby intepreters. guard 'rspec', :version => 2, :rvm => ['1.9.2', '1.8.7', 'ree'], :bundler => true, :cli => '--color --format Fuubar --fail-fast' do watch(%r{^spec/.+_spec\.rb}) watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb}) { 'spec' } watch('spec/spec_helper.rb') { 'spec' } end